[RBW] ISO/WTB: SILVER Soma High Rider XL Quill Stem Riser 28.6/22.2 x 290mm

2023-12-02 Thread Kim H.
I have scoured the internet to find a silver Soma High Rider XL Quill Stem Adapter 28.6/22.2 (290mm) to no avail here in the states. They are all black in color. However, I did find one in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at Ubane Cyclist. They will not ship into the United States as their policy .

[RBW] ISO/WTB: SILVER Soma High Rider XL Quill Stem Riser 28.6/22.2 x 290mm

2023-12-02 Thread Kim H.
I have scoured the internet to find a silver Soma High Rider XL Quill Stem Adapter 28.6/22.2 (290mm) to no avail here in the states. They are all black in color. However, I did find one in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at Ubane Cyclist. They will not ship into the United States as their policy .