Happen to have a copy, although it was also before my Riv awareness. Found
it on eBay. Along with a copy of the one from 2003 (Hiawathan Holiday II
written in Kalevata).
A good way to wind up Thanksgiving. Especially as it is sleeting/snowing
outside right now. No more bike rides today.
This must have been published right before I stumbled upon Riv when I was
getting into bike commuting and scouring the inter webs for bike info. I
remember reading everything on the site (is it archived somewhere? I
forget what it used to look like) and feeling it was exactly what I wanted
from r
Here's a PDF of the Holiday Flyer from *eight years ago.* It's located in
the latest pre-Thanksgiving Blug, and...*eight years ago.* I have one of
these lying around somewhere, and I'm just a bit stunned that that much
time has passed. There's some neat things in it, including a hatchet, and
That is so cool.
On Nov 25, 11:46 am, "Gino Zahnd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks -
> I just noticed that holiday flyer is available online here
> (PDF):http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/86
> Cheers,
> Gino
You received this m
Hi Folks -
I just noticed that holiday flyer is available online here (PDF):
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