It's the Ur-Edelux on a B&M wire mount, purchased on clearance from Compass
Cycles, Ltd.
Loving the Albastaches so far.
Brencho, I found myself hanging out at the curves at the front of the
albatross bars often enough to notice now the curve in doesn't feel too
good after a few miles. The albasta
Your set up looks really nice. I have a similar set up on my new Sam Hillborne
but a medium basket. I currently have noodles (I'm liking them the more I ride
on them) but just purchased Albastache to try them out. I was curious if that
light is a Supernova and if so how you like it? Im debating
I switched from Noodles to Albatrosses a few months ago, but I never really
got used to how upright the bars were; I moved the stem as low as it would
go and it got better but I wondered if there was a better, "middle" way.
So here's the third iteration of the Hilsen cockpit, etc: