Your fender will eventually rub off the paint on the inside of both
chainstays. Rust will likely develop afterward.
On Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 11:10:57 AM UTC-4 Sam Perez wrote:
> This is the chain stay. Any thoughts on the rolled edges on the near
> sidewalls.
> On Thu, Oct
It would be better to have a bit more clearance at the side, even for a
rear tire, but the critical gap is at the top of the tire, and as long as
this is close to 5 mm and as long as the tire has no knobs, I think it will
be fine. I have slightly less than 5 mm clearance under the top of my rear
I put Paul's Racer brakes on my Hilsen for that exact reason. I have no
issues with the fender clearance on that bike, although mine is 700c.
On my 650b Betty, I'm struggling with that same issue, and will be testing
leaving the Silver brakes and going with 38mm Lierres vs the 42mm Hetres
where th
Hi y'all
With the tektro brakes you need to leave a bit of space between the fender
and the caliper arm for when the quick release is opened and the arm swings
down. I was curious if this is similar on the paul racer centerpull or can
you get the fender up a little higher? Even a few mil