UPDATE: New Goal.
I like having goals to work forward to and now I have...nothing.
I ran some calculations yesterday and I realized I have about 950 miles to make
3k for the year. Admittedly, 3k is a LOT, and further complicating matters, I
will have to accomplish this by Dec 17, because we’re
Adding my condolences on your father's passing.
Also, congratulations on meeting and exceeding your 2020 mileage goal!
Thats super!
I'm right around that same mileage for the year.
I try for 200 miles each month, sometimes exceeding and sometimes doing more. I
think I have 3 months this year I
This has got to be in the top three of best posts here in this forum.
Keep growing and keep pedaling!
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020, 1:01 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
jonasandle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At the beginning of 2020 (back when we were so naive and hopeful) I set an
At the beginning of 2020 (back when we were so naive and hopeful) I set an
ambitious goal for myself: 2,020 miles in 2020. This may seem small to some
of you, but I live out in suburbia, surrounded by punishing
hills/mountains, and there are few places to go out here. Most trips
require a car.