I tried registering this script as a `josm:` protocol handler on a desktop with
JOSM remote control running, seems to work:
use LWP::Simple;
my $url = $ARGV[0];
$url =~ s{^josm:}{};
get $url;
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OK, here is another attempt. I made the above corrections and updated it to
pass tag definitions as a nested object serialized into JSON, supporting
various characters in keys and values.
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@nenad-vujicic pushed 8 commits.
09bda4e6e9cdeb46f890807b48f69c9181bff5b4 Added NoteTag model and note_tags
e15dfc4a06f2ad8109a5f35e4895ff1c9263b5d5 Added displaying tags on Notes sidebar
a98e64ee5694d84c3d16608b3d076a2161ff388c Updated (j)builder files with note
> it requires detecting the OS, something we'd rather not do
is it problematic for some reason? (is there really no reliable way to do it?)
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You are recei
@Collaborators, can you move specific comments to a new issue about improving
communication or would we have to start that from scratch again there? Does
github have a feature like Discourse or just mark as off-topic?
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