Re: (RADIATOR) AuthBy LDAP bind

2003-03-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Steve - Yes. You can use the ServerChecksPassword parameter in the AuthBy LDAP2 clause. See section 6.35.17 in the Radiator 3.5 reference manual ("doc/ref.html"). regards Hugh On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 10:36 Australia/Melbourne, Steve Rogers wrote: Hi,   Is it possible to get Rad

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator Issues

2003-03-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Bret - Thanks for your mail. This problem was fixed recently, so please install the latest patches from the web site. If you still have a problem, please let me know. regards Hugh On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 08:35 Australia/Melbourne, Bret Jordan wrote: I have noticed the creation

(RADIATOR) Re: multiple copies of radiator running?

2003-03-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Tunde - Yes this is correct. The first line is just showing you what command RestartWrapper is running. If you need to restart Radiator, just use kill. kill 3422 RestartWrapper will then restart Radiator automatically. regards Hugh On Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003, at 22:29 Australia/Melbour

Re: (RADIATOR) PEAP & Aironet 1200

2003-03-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jack - There is an example PEAP configuration file in the Radiator 3.5 distribution in the file "goodies/eap_peap.cfg". I've included a copy in this mail. regards Hugh eap_peap.cfg Description: application/applefile eap_peap.cfg Description: Binary data On Thursday, Mar 27, 2003,

Re: (RADIATOR) NASIDENTIFIER in RADONLINE and Accounting Detail File

2003-03-27 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello William - This sounds like a NAS configuration issue, as the Radiator Client clauses are based on the source IP address for a request. It seems strange that an access request would use a different source IP address compared to an accounting request from the same device. regards Hugh On

Re: (RADIATOR) AuthBy External cascading accounting requests

2003-03-27 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Joshua - I will need to see a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing what is happening. And it would also be useful to see any debug messages from your external programs showing what the exit status is. BTW - it is often easier to use Handlers and/or hooks for this sort of thing. # define Ha

Re: (RADIATOR) Using the Ascend-data-filter

2003-03-27 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello John - This depends somewhat on what else you are doing in your configuration file, but if you want to add this to every session, you can do something like this: # define Realms or Handlers . AddToReply Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip i

(RADIATOR) Re: Unknown-vendor 762, size 6="

2003-03-27 Thread Hugh Irvine
it immediately. This email may contain Information which is confidential or which is subject to legal professional privilege. You must not use this email or the Information in it. Any confidentiality or privilege is not waived or lost because this email has been sent to you by mistake. ? ? - O

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator as a Windows Service

2003-03-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Brian - You might try installing "cygwin" ( to see whether "tail -f" works. You might also consider using an AuthLog clause (section 6.50 in the manual). regards Hugh On Sunday, Mar 30, 2003, at 11:17 Australia/Melbourne, Brian Morris wrote: Hi Mike, The ability to ru

Re: (RADIATOR) Handler for capturing 151 at the end of the Called-Station-Id

2003-03-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Martin - Yes this is correct - although you should always do some testing to verify correct operation. Also note that Handlers are evaluated in the order they appear in the configuration file, so the more specific must appear before the more general. regards Hugh On Monday, Mar 31, 200

Re: (RADIATOR) MySQL accounting massively slows responses

2003-03-31 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Matthew - It sounds like your accounting table is much too large, causing SQL inserts to take a very long time. In general you should keep the accounting table as small as possible by archiving the older data. You should be able to see what is happening by looking at the database logs. As

Re: (RADIATOR) tigris and Accounting-Request

2003-03-31 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Adam - This looks very much to me like a NAS bug. If you are not using a session database at all, you can set up the following: # define NULL session database Identifier NULLSDB And you could also set up a special Handler to catch these requests: # define Handler for Accountin


2003-03-31 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Sergey - I would suggest you do this: The clause will catch everything not processed by the previous Handlers and it will be much faster. regards Hugh On Monday, Mar 31, 2003, at 20:15 Australia/Melbourne, Sergey Y. Afonin wrote: Hello. I attempt to upd

(RADIATOR) Re: Values Disappearing

2003-04-01 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Nathan - I am surprised that you are having a problem with the AddQuery, as it is only used when an accounting start is received, and the counters should be zero. Could you please send me a complete copy of the configuration file (no secrets) together with a trace 4 debug showing what

Re: (RADIATOR) Realms and domain

2003-04-02 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jack - You can either do this with Handlers or with cascaded AuthBy clauses. If you are already using Handlers, you can do this: If you are using Realms, you would do this: # define AuthBy clauses Identifier . Identifier . ...

Re: (RADIATOR) Can't unzip patches on Linux or Windows?

2003-04-03 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello John - There was a problem that is now fixed (I have just tested this). Please download the patches again. Our apologies for the inconvenience. regards Hugh On Friday, Apr 4, 2003, at 06:03 Australia/Melbourne, John McFadden wrote: Downloaded the 3.5 patches but can't use them. Tri

Re: (RADIATOR) Anonymous rejected with PEAP and LDAP authentication

2003-04-03 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello John - I will need to see a copy of your configuration file (no secrets) together with a complete trace 4 debug showing the entire sequence of processing including all the packet dumps. regards Hugh On Friday, Apr 4, 2003, at 02:02 Australia/Melbourne, John McFadden wrote: I'm havin

(RADIATOR) Re: time-based access and radiator

2003-04-03 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Tunde - The following lines need to be in the AuthBy SQL clause, not the Hanlder: # Adjust the time left when they log out  AccountingStopsOnly  AcctSQLStatement update SUBSCRIBERS set TIMELEFT=TIMELEFT-0%{Acct-Session-Time} \   where USERNAME='%n' and ISPREPAID = 1 regards Hugh On Thu

Re: (RADIATOR) send accounting from radius server to a backup server

2003-04-03 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jaws - In what circumstances do you want this to occur? regards Hugh On Friday, Apr 4, 2003, at 13:36 Australia/Melbourne, jaws wrote: Hi, How do i configure my radiator server and my backup rad server so that the radiator server will send accounting record to my backup rad server? T

Re: (RADIATOR) send accounting from radius server to a backup server

2003-04-03 Thread Hugh Irvine
/4/2003 +1000, Hugh Irvine wrote: Hello Jaws - In what circumstances do you want this to occur? regards Hugh On Friday, Apr 4, 2003, at 13:36 Australia/Melbourne, jaws wrote: Hi, How do i configure my radiator server and my backup rad server so that the radiator server will send accounting

Re: (RADIATOR) ISDN fails but Analog fine

2003-04-04 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Greg - I will need to see a hex packet dump from TCPdump together with a trace 5 debug from Radiator. regards Hugh On Friday, Apr 4, 2003, at 17:46 Australia/Melbourne, Greg 'Rafiq' Clarkson wrote: Hi all, An 'upstream' radius server is our dialup proxy and sends us access requests.

Re: (RADIATOR) Log accounting to a detail file

2003-04-04 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Freerk - It sounds like you are not receiving any accounting requests. Could you send me a copy of the trace 5 logfile? regards Hugh On Saturday, Apr 5, 2003, at 01:12 Australia/Melbourne, Freerk Bosscha wrote: I have the following radius.conf file running on RedHat Linux 8.0 icw open

Re: (RADIATOR) Support of accountingmodus only + modification

2003-04-04 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Karel - Here are the relevant definitions from the Radiator 3.5 dictionary: VALUE Acct-Status-TypeCancel 6 VALUE NAS-Port-Type ADSL-DMT13 You can add these to any Radiator dictionary if they are not already there. re

Re: (RADIATOR) AddToReply and Hosts

2003-04-04 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Miko - No this won't work. As you have discovered, AddToReply and StripFromReply will not work in a clause. I think you will need to use a ReplyHook to manipulate the proxy reply. You will find some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt". regards Hugh On Saturday, Apr 5, 2003,

Re: (RADIATOR) AddToReply and Hosts

2003-04-04 Thread Hugh Irvine
- From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 5:13 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) AddToReply and Hosts Hello Miko - No this won't work. As you have discovered, AddToReply and StripFromReply will not work in a clause. I thi

Re: (RADIATOR) Another feature suggestion: profiles via dynamic username lookup for AuthFILE

2003-04-04 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Valentin - We have recently added an "AuthenticateAttribute" parameter which allows you to specify a different attribute to use other than "User-Name", and we have also added generic caching of user database lookups. Perhaps you could check the latest Radiator 3.5 patches and let us know

(RADIATOR) Fwd: Feature Suggestion: optional disabling of Tunnel-Password encryption in AuthRADIUS

2003-04-02 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Valentin - Many thanks for the contribution. The patch is now available on the web site. regards Hugh Begin forwarded message: From: Mike McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu Apr 3, 2003 10:12:52 Australia/Melbourne To: Hugh Irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re:

Re: (RADIATOR) Acct-Session-Time

2003-06-09 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jack - This is a NAS configuration issue - you should check with your vendor to ascertain how to configure it. regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003, at 05:58 Australia/Melbourne, jsingh wrote: Hey Guys  I am not receiving the Acct-Session-Time from the NAS when the user disconnects,

Re: (RADIATOR) modifying accounting SQL statements

2003-06-09 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Tunde - You should use the following syntax: 0%{Ascend-Xmit-Rate} which will insert 0 if the attribute is not present. regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003, at 03:07 Australia/Melbourne, Ayotunde Itayemi wrote: Hi Hugh, Hi All,   I have some SQL accouting statement that inserts the

Re: (RADIATOR) Dictionary problem with mysql

2003-06-09 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Chris - How have you installed Radiator? And can you send me a copy of your configuration file and the trace 4 debug showing what is happening? You can also check the FAQ and the mailing list archive: regards Hugh

Re: (RADIATOR) Framed-Ip-Address in Accounting record

2003-06-09 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jaws - This topic has been discussed on the mailing list previously, and I have suggested using the Class attribute to keep a second copy of the Framed-IP-Address in the accounting records. regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003, at 12:41 Australia/Mel

Re: (RADIATOR) Radonline question

2003-06-09 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Lin - You can use different Session Databases for the different Handlers: Identifier NULLSDB Identifier SQLSDB SessionDatabase NULLSDB SessionDatabase SQLSDB . regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003, at 12:

Re: (RADIATOR) install from 2.19 to 3.6?

2003-06-10 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Craig - There should be no problems upgrading. However I suggest you set up a test configuration first to check correct operation. And of course we are always happy to do on-site contracting. :-) regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jun 11, 2003, at 08:04 Australia/Melbourne, Craig Gittens wro


2003-06-11 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello - I have not been able to find your records in our database. Could you please tell me the name of the registered company that has purchased this copy of Radiator and the username and password you use to access the download site? Please respond to me directly. regards Hugh On Thursday,

Re: (RADIATOR) query during insert data

2003-06-11 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Boed - You should have a look at the AuthBy SQL clause in section 6.28 in the Radiator 3.6 reference manual. "doc/ref.html" You can use the AuthSQLStatement to insert during authentication and you can use the AcctSQLStatement to insert during accounting (you can also have multiple inst

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator and MySQL 4

2003-06-11 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Bennie - As far as I know there are no incompatibilties, but you should set up a test configuration to verify correct operation with the DBI/DBD modules used by Radiator. regards Hugh On Thursday, Jun 12, 2003, at 14:21 Australia/Melbourne, Bennie Warren wrote: Is Radiator compatible

Re: (RADIATOR) query during insert data

2003-06-12 Thread Hugh Irvine
AcctSQLStatement update set time_bill=ceiling('%{Acct-Session-Time}'/30) after that i make call for 5 seconds then check at mysql and got 0 it should be 1 any idea? rgds budi --- Hugh Irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello Boed - You should have a look at the AuthBy SQL clause in sec

Re: (RADIATOR) query during insert data

2003-06-12 Thread Hugh Irvine
;=',-1),'37373762771315886','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',substring_index('h323-gw- id=ipipgw.', '=',-1),'',substring_index('h323-remote- address=', '=',-1),substring_index('h323-setup-time=.08:15:43.

Re: (RADIATOR) How to debug ignored Access Request??

2003-06-12 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Erik - How nice to hear from you - I hope everything is going well. A trace 4 debug will show you every packet received on both the authentication and the accounting ports within Radiator, whether they are ultimately processed or not. If you are not seeing anything in the Radiator debug,

Re: (RADIATOR) Ascend-Disconnect-Cause now logged as integer?

2003-06-12 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Karel - This is odd. Can you please send me a trace 5 debug from Radiator showing what is happening, together with the configuration file (no secrets). And can you also tell me what dictionary you are now using? regards Hugh On Friday, Jun 13, 2003, at 05:14 Australia/Melbourne, Karel

Re: (RADIATOR) query during insert data

2003-06-13 Thread Hugh Irvine
from mysql table rgds budi --- Hugh Irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello Budi - You should use two AuthBy SQL clauses with the AcctSQLStatement(s) in the second one. Alternatively you could possibly use a hook (there are some examples in "goodies/hooks.txt"). regards Hugh On T

Re: (RADIATOR) Invalid object name 'inerted'

2003-06-13 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Michel - I don't know where the object called 'inerted' is coming from. A more complete trace 4 debug would be very useful. regards Hugh On Saturday, Jun 14, 2003, at 00:21 Australia/Melbourne, Michel Bant wrote: Hello all,   We try to write back some accounting to our SQL database.

Re: (RADIATOR) how to setup disconnection cause attribute

2003-06-15 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Talha - The disconnect cause is sent by the NAS, so you should check with your NAS vendor to ascertain to how to configure it. You can look at a trace 4 debug from Radiator to see what attributes are actually sent by the NAS. regards Hugh On Sunday, Jun 15, 2003, at 22:13 Australia/Mel

Re: (RADIATOR) two accounting start two accounting stop

2003-06-16 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Donald - Thanks for sending the debug. It is not clear to me exactly what is happening, but it looks like the GGSN is configured to retry radius requests after a 2 second timeout delay? If this is indeed the case, the target radius proxy is not replying before the GGSN times out and s

Re: (RADIATOR) two accounting start two accounting stop

2003-06-17 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Bon - Answers to your questions below. On Tuesday, Jun 17, 2003, at 20:12 Australia/Melbourne, Bon sy wrote: Hi Hugh, Mike, and Donald, I have a similar experience in the wireless case. Specifically, when I switched between two different authentication modes (e.g., EAP-TLS to PEAP) whil

Re: (RADIATOR) Problem with DateTime in Calls-table

2003-06-17 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Herman - Could you please send me a trace 4 debug showing what is happening? And how have you defined the column in the database? regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jun 17, 2003, at 18:31 Australia/Melbourne, Herman verschooten wrote: Hi,   I seem to have a little problem.  I notice in my Calls

Re: (RADIATOR) How to setup muliple login tries for authentication.

2003-06-17 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello - This is a Client and/or NAS issue, not really a radius (or Radiator) issue. In general if a NAS gets a reject it will hang up the call. regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jun 18, 2003, at 01:57 Australia/Melbourne, "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear all Basically i want to setup so that if

Re: (RADIATOR) rewrite NAS-Port-type?

2003-06-17 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Craig - You can probably use a PreClientHook to do this, but you could also set up Handlers to do it as well. There are some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt". regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jun 18, 2003, at 02:29 Australia/Melbourne, Craig Gittens wrote: I am trying to implem

(RADIATOR) Re: Double start, no stop etc

2003-06-18 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello - The sorts of problems you describe are unfortunately quite common when using the radius protocol. In general, missing and/or duplicate accounting records are due to transmission problems or saturated links resulting in dropped packets and retransmissions. Less frequently the problems

Re: (RADIATOR) rewrite NAS-Port-type?

2003-06-18 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hi Robert - Thanks for the excellent example. Just for completeness (and the Perl way) you could also do this: sub { ${$_[0]}->change_attr('NAS-Port-Type', 'VPN'); } regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jun 18, 2003, at 22:55 Australia/Melbourne, Robert Blayzor wrote: On 6/17/03 12:29 PM,

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator Error Logging

2003-06-18 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Harrison - The only way I can think of to do this is to write a NoReplyHook and have it log whatever message you require. There are some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt". regards Hugh On Thursday, Jun 19, 2003, at 13:04 Australia/Melbourne, Harrison Ng wrote: Dear Sir,

Re: (RADIATOR) Using UseExtendedId

2003-06-18 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Martin - I am curious to know what the problem is with these customers? What exactly do they not support? I have copied Mike on this mail so he can answer the per-host use of UseExtendedId. regards Hugh On Thursday, Jun 19, 2003, at 16:23 Australia/Melbourne, Martin Edge wrote: Hey Gu

Re: (RADIATOR) Using UseExtendedId

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
ntains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. It may also be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received

Re: (RADIATOR) Wireless Access Points that can do Radius Authentication

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Brian - This is a quickly moving target, so it is probably best to ask your favourite vendors and/or do a Google search. Any published list is going to be out of date within days. You should also be a bit careful with vendor spec sheets, as they often don't reflect reality particularily

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator Error Logging

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
option to copy the caller ID to the user ID. Assuming that no other part of your system gets confused, of course. /Ingvar -Original Message- From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: den 19 juni 2003 07:47 To: Harrison Ng Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject:

Re: (RADIATOR) Using UseExtendedId

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin Edge Sent: Thursday, 19 June 2003 5:31 PM To: 'Hugh Irvine' Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: (RADIATOR) Using UseExtendedId I'll see I can find out which products these customers are using.. (pretty su

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator & Radar conflict

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Dave, Hello Herman - Could you both please send us more details including Radiator version hardware/software platform, Perl version and any other debugging information that you have available. The output from Perl when the crash occurs would also be very helpful. I have copied Mike on this

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing intermitantly

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Brian - I will need to see a copy of the configuration file (no secrets) together with a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing what is happening. There is also a FAQ item regarding Redhat 8 here: regards Hugh On Friday, Jun 20, 2003, at 02:20

Re: (RADIATOR) Can't get PEAP to work, need help.

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
Salut Jerome - It looks like Radiator is crashing if the log stops as shown. You will need to look at the Perl output to see what the error is, but it is usually a missing module that has not been loaded. The easiest way to see what is happening is to run radiusd from the command line like this

Re: (RADIATOR) What does this mean?

2003-06-19 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Craig - I suspect what you show below is in a file called "vpr"? If so, the correct configuration file syntax is this: PreHandlerHook file:"%D/vpr" assuming that you have copied the "vpr" file to your DbDir directory (%D). This instructs Radiator to load the hook code from the file "vp

Re: (RADIATOR) Foundry Devices

2003-06-20 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Bret - Yes you can put these in the user records like this: someuser Password = x foundry-priviledge-level = Superuser, foundry-command-string = 'some command string .' User entries start in column 1 with the username and the check items on the first line, with the

Re: (RADIATOR) What does this mean?

2003-06-20 Thread Hugh Irvine
uld it be because it's not the latest version of perl? Thanks, Craig. -Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Hugh Irvine Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 1:08 AM To: Craig Gittens Cc: Radiator Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) What does this mean? Hello Craig - I

Re: (RADIATOR) Usering the %u in PreAuth/PostAuth Hook

2003-06-20 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Ken - Yes you can use any of the special characters by calling format_special in your hook code: my $username = Radius::Util::format_special('%u', $p); There are examples of using this in the file "goodies/hooks.txt". regards Hugh On Saturday, Jun 21, 2003, at 02:20 Australia/Melbourn

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing intermitantly

2003-06-20 Thread Hugh Irvine
ne but we will find out more from testing on monday. Brian Fisk - Original Message ----- From: "Hugh Irvine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Brian Fisk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:03 PM Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) R

Re: (RADIATOR) How to restrict the Dial Up on Bandwith.

2003-06-21 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Mick - This is usually done with IP filters and traffic shaping on the router. The accounting is done with periodic radius "Alive" requests. I don't know of any off-the-shelf product that does this. regards Hugh On Sunday, Jun 22, 2003, at 08:58 Australia/Melbourne, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: (RADIATOR) How to restrict the Dial Up on Bandwith.

2003-06-21 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Nayeem - This is really a question for your NAS supplier. If your supplier can tell you what radius attributes to use for this purpose, Radiator can be configured to send those radius attributes. regards Hugh On Saturday, Jun 21, 2003, at 23:49 Australia/Melbourne, Nayeem wrote: Hi to

Re: (RADIATOR) How to restrict the Dial Up on Bandwith.

2003-06-21 Thread Hugh Irvine
ontent that doesn't count to your download total because radius alive counts everything. Michael saunders - Original Message ----- From: "Hugh Irvine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:37 AM Subj

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator & Radar conflict

2003-06-24 Thread Hugh Irvine
trict their use of radar, until further notice ? Cheers Chris. -Original Message- From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 20 June 2003 9:57 AM To: Dave Birkbeck; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: 'Herman verschooten'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator &

Re: (RADIATOR) How to restrict the Dial Up on Bandwith.

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Toomas - Not really a Radiator issue, but very interesting none the less. And I am sure that there are many subscribers to the list who enjoy this level of discussion as much as I do. Please feel free to continue posting such interesting material. regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jun 25, 200

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator 3.5 & Rodopi 5.2sp3

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Tim - The message appears to be complaining about a data conversion from a string to a numeric. It is not obvious to me from the log which field is causing the problem, so you should check your database log to see exactly what is happening. You may need to adjust the column definition in

Re: (RADIATOR) RadOnLine

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Herman - Yes you can have different SessionDatabase's on a per-Handler or per-Realm basis. # define SessionDatabase Identifier SDB1 . Identifier SDB2 . . SessionDatabase SDB1 . SessionDatabase SDB2 ...

Re: (RADIATOR) multiple accounting server

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Donald - You should add "IgnoreAccountingResponse" to those AuthBy RADIUS clauses from which you don't need the responses. See section 6.29.25 in the Radiator 3.6 reference manual ("doc/ref.html"). regards Hugh On Thursday, Jun 26, 2003, at 02:45 Australia/Melbourne, Foo Donald (Pro

Re: (RADIATOR) PEAP request being ignored

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Francisco - You will need a default Handler at the end of the list to deal with the initial request: ## AuthPort1812 AcctPort1813 LogDir /var/log/radius DbDir /etc/radius DictionaryFile %D/dictionar

Re: (RADIATOR) Radmin and DSL.

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Michael - If your DSL users are going to be authenticated from a different realm, then what you describe will work fine. Otherwise you could use Handlers, or you could use Identifiers in your Client clauses and use the Client-Identifier as the PoolHint for the AuthBy DYNADDRESS. This to

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator Start

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jaskaran - I suspect your Radiator configuration is listening on different ports to where you are sending the requests from radpwtst (which defaults to 1645/1646). To specify different ports, use the following parameters: perl radpwtst -auth_port -acct_port -trace -user ...

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator and L2TP

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jim - We have many customers doing L2TP to a Cisco LNS. I will need to see your Radiator configuration file (no secrets) together with a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing what is happening. regards Hugh On Friday, Jun 27, 2003, at 02:37 Australia/Melbourne, Jim Brown wrote: We are ev

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing intermitantly

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
ng AuthLog myauthlogger #StatsLog mystatslogger - Original Message ----- From: "Hugh Irvine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Brian Fisk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 7:41 PM Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing in

Re: (RADIATOR) Simultaneous-Use issue - Emerald/Platypus with session database

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Matt - As always I will need to see a copy of the configuration file together with a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing what is happening. regards Hugh On Thursday, Jun 26, 2003, at 20:36 Australia/Melbourne, Matt Taylor wrote: Hi, We seem to have developed an issue along the way som

Re: (RADIATOR) some question about the radiator

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Donald - It is difficult to say what is happening without a complete configuration file and an accompanying trace 4 debug. I suspect what is happening here is you have not correctly configured an AuthByPolicy to control the execution of the AuthBy clauses. In the case you show below y

Re: (RADIATOR) some question about the radiator

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Irvine
rver, only first one) Previous AuthByPolicyContinueWhileAccept AuthBy CheckSQLBlacklist AuthBy CheckSQLNormal follow with 4 auth radius. Regards, Donald p.s. the detail configuration should be at last of the email. -Original Message-----

Re: (RADIATOR) How do filter accounting-stop packets

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Kaiser - This is Perl code that is included in a hook. You will find some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt". regards Hugh On Saturday, Jun 28, 2003, at 17:15 Australia/Melbourne, nps12a wrote: Hi, When I use AS5300 for VoIP, I always get 2 stop-acoounting packet. Only one ge

Re: (RADIATOR) some question about the radiator

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
28 06:58:11 2003: DEBUG: Handling with AuthINTERNAL: !!!hang here!!! Sat Jun 28 06:58:13 2003: DEBUG: Packet dump: *** Received from xx.xx.xx.xx port 4359 Code: Accounting-Request Identifier: 139 Authentic: <145><129>)<154><156>q<10><212><21><

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing intermitantly

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
holding steady. Brian - Original Message - From: "Hugh Irvine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Brian Fisk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:07 PM Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing intermitantly Hello Br

Re: (RADIATOR) Cisco H.323 Voip

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Kaiser - I think you will need to check the Cisco web site and do some experiments. We have not used Cisco VOIP here at all. regards Hugh On Friday, Jun 27, 2003, at 23:09 Australia/Melbourne, nps12a wrote: Hi, After I reply h323-credit-time, the cisco don't cut the call when time ru

Re: (RADIATOR) AS5300 gets request-accept from rad

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Kaiser - This usually means that there is no Service-Type returned in the access accept. Cisco's require the same Service-Type attribute in the reply as there was in the original request. regards Hugh On Friday, Jun 27, 2003, at 23:04 Australia/Melbourne, nps12a wrote: Hi, I use As530

Re: re[2]: (RADIATOR) Radiator freezing intermitantly

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Matt, Hello Brian - It is usually very easy to see this in a trace 4 debug, as you will have the timestamps on all the DEBUG messages. regards Hugh On Friday, Jun 27, 2003, at 20:10 Australia/Melbourne, Matt Taylor wrote: We are running into the same problem on a machine where we are

Re: (RADIATOR) some question about the radiator

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Irvine
-Original Message- From: Hugh Irvine To: Foo Donald (Products O2) Cc: ''[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ' Sent: 2003/6/28 ?U?E 04:01 Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) some question about the radiator Hello Donald - This is very strange, but you can alter your AuthBy

Re: (RADIATOR) Database support fault tolerance

2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Dan - It would be fairly simple to have Radiator write to a flat file for accounting, and then have a cron job or similar load the data into the database periodically. You will find a simple utility to do this in the file "goodies/radimportacct". regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jul 1, 2003, a

Re: (RADIATOR) Handler or Realm

2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Bret, Hello Herman - As Bret says, Realms are a subset of Handlers, but they are also much more efficient. A Realm is selected by doing a table lookup on the specified string, whereas the list of Handlers is evaluated in the order that they appear in the configuration file. In both cases


2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Morph - I have not been able to find your records in our database, so could you please send me the name of the registered company that has purchased this copy of Radiator together with the username and password that you use to access the web site. Please reply to me directly. Many thank


2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Iin - You will find an example SQL configuration file in "goodies/sql.cfg", and you will also find a number of SQL table creation scripts in "goodies/***Create.sql". And have a look at section 6.28 in the Radiator 3.6 reference manual ("doc/ref.html"). regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jul 1,

Re: (RADIATOR) Database support fault tolerance

2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hugh On Tuesday, Jul 1, 2003, at 11:43 Australia/Melbourne, Dan Melomedman wrote: Hugh Irvine wrote: Hello Dan - It would be fairly simple to have Radiator write to a flat file for accounting, and then have a cron job or similar load the data into the database periodically. You will find a

Re: (RADIATOR) Database support fault tolerance

2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
machines designed for this purpose and they make sure the database is always available through replication or clustering of some form. regards Hugh On Tuesday, Jul 1, 2003, at 15:09 Australia/Melbourne, Dan Melomedman wrote: Hugh Irvine wrote: Hello Dan - It would be fairly simple to have

Re: (RADIATOR) Database support fault tolerance

2003-06-30 Thread Hugh Irvine
.934.2800 1.888.ON.GO.YET -Original Message- From: Dan Melomedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 9:44 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: Re: (RADIATOR) Database support fault tolerance Hugh Irvine wrote: Hello Dan - It would be fairly simple to have Radiator write

Re: (RADIATOR) FW: RejectHasReason

2003-07-01 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Craig - If the trace 4 debug from Radiator shows the correct message being sent back in the reject, then it must be either the NAS or the Windows client. In our experience it is the dialers that don't do anything useful. regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jul 2, 2003, at 05:10 Australia/Melbou

Re: (RADIATOR) Bad attribute=value pair

2003-07-01 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Francisco - Could you send me a copy of the user record? I suspect a problem therein. regards Hugh On Wednesday, Jul 2, 2003, at 04:03 Australia/Melbourne, Francisco Contreiras wrote: I have Radiator configured and working for PEAP-MSCHAP e EAP-TTLS. I can establish the connection for

Re: (RADIATOR) Bad attribute=value pair

2003-07-02 Thread Hugh Irvine
very simple one: IW /etc/radius/users [EMAIL PROTECTED] UserPassword = 1234567890 ### Francisco -Original Message----- From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: quarta-feira, 2 de Julho de 2003 0:48 To: Francisc


2003-07-02 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Jon - I suggest you put a packet sniffer on the wire to see what goes on with the NT radius server. Once you know what radius attributes are going back and forth, you can easily configure Radiator to do the same thing. regards Hugh On Thursday, Jul 3, 2003, at 00:47 Australia/Melbourne

Re: (RADIATOR) radiator 3.6 - patch for "Group" configuration parameter

2003-07-02 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Randy - Many thanks for sending us the patch. Mike is away for a week or so, but he will look at it when he returns. regards Hugh On Thursday, Jul 3, 2003, at 11:19 Australia/Melbourne, Brown, Randy wrote: As received, Radiator 3.6 does not allow the effective gid of the radiusd proce

Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator on Win2k Service

2003-07-03 Thread Hugh Irvine
Hello Iin - As mentioned in my previous mail, please check the manual. See section 16.4 ("doc/ref.html"). This topic has also been discussed on the mailing list: regards Hugh On Friday, Jul 4, 2003, at 12:37 Australia/Melbourne, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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