I'm SYSLOGing @ Trace Level 2 and SYSLOGing Authentication Failues.
Doing some testing:
Using an unknown user name I get one log message from the :
Dec 9 10:21:35 itsnt808.iowa.uiowa.edu c: \Perl64\bin\radiusd[1832]:
10:21:35 | 02-00-00-00-00-01 | wlantes...@uiowa.edu | FAIL: EAP MSCHAP V2
Hi Heikki,
I'll give this a shot.
-Original Message-
From: Heikki Vatiainen [mailto:h...@open.com.au]
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2013 7:23 AM
To: Garry Shtern; radiator@open.com.au
Subject: Re: [RADIATOR] per-clause vs global Logs
On 12/05/2013 07:23 PM, Garry Shtern wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions; the key hint you and Hugh gave me is that
both DUO and RADIUS always return IGNORE (or REJECT in certain failure
modes), never ACCEPT. What I came up with looks like a combination of
your suggestions:
AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept