[R] DeSolver giving "NA" as output, but running fully.

2015-04-27 Thread walke554
Hello All, I am currently looking on a transmission model for STD transmission within a population. I am able to run my full code and the ODE function, but when I look at my output, all I get is "NA" for each time step beyond the first. There doesn't seem to be any syntax error, and I do get my

Re: [R] DeSolver giving "NA" as output, but running fully.

2015-04-29 Thread walke554
All of the data you need to run the ODE integrator is there. all the parameters and starting populations and values are given under the: "#giving the parameters" section of the code. -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/DeSolver-giving-NA-as-output-but-running-fully

[R] deSolve ODE Output Question

2015-05-20 Thread walke554
Hello, I am working on a simple ODE problem with the deSolve package, and I was hoping that someone could answer a question about how the deSolve package does integration. Here is my program: #The function STDMod<-function(t,y,p){ IH = y[1]; IL = y[2]; with(as.list(p),