Re: [R] Divide the data into sub data on a particular condition

2013-08-25 Thread raishilpa
thank you so much :) On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 7:48 AM, arun kirshna [via R] <> wrote: > > > Hi, > Try this: > > sapply(lst1,function(x) with(x,cor(CF,OSA))) > # 2231 2232 2233 > #-0.9607689 -1.000 0.9973233 > #or > library(plyr) > dd

Re: [R] Capturing the whole output using R

2013-08-25 Thread raishilpa
Thank yos so muchIt helped a lot :) On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 8:18 AM, arun kirshna [via R] <> wrote: > Hi, > > May be this helps: > #Creating some dummy data. > > set.seed(24) > lst1<-lapply(1:8,function(x) ts(sample(1:25,20,replace=TRUE))) > set.seed(

Re: [R] help with rle function on paired data

2012-06-08 Thread raishilpa
hello, I have a question regarding the function WebCorpus..When I am using this function its showing error: couldnt find the function...I have downloaded the tm package...Can you help me in this regard? Also I want to know how we can data/information about a product or topic from google,facebook e

[R] regarding the function WebCorpus

2012-06-13 Thread raishilpa
hello, I have a question regarding the function WebCorpus..When I am using this function its showing error: couldnt find the function...I have downloaded the tm package...Can you help me in this regard? Also I want to know how we can data/information about a product or topic from google,facebook et

[R] separate the sentence after finding a particular word

2012-06-13 Thread raishilpa
hello, I want to know we can separate the sentence after finding a particular word... for example I love to watch movies of Hollywood but should not be romantic...I want to join you school but due to bad financial condition I cant.. I want output in following format I love to watch movies

Re: [R] separate the sentence after finding a particular word

2012-06-13 Thread raishilpa
thank you so much for reply and this code is working... Can you tell me whether both this code will work for text file or not ..I mean if I am uploading a text file and then using the given code ,will this give output or there is need to do something else...Can you help me? thanking you in anti

Re: [R] separate the sentence after finding a particular word

2012-06-13 Thread raishilpa
thanks a lot !!! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

[R] how to export output

2012-06-14 Thread raishilpa
hello, I am using following command classify_polarity(documents,algorithm="bayes",verbose=TRUE) output is: [1] "DOCUMENT 1" [1] "WORD: excited CAT: positive POL: strongsubj SCORE: 8.44419229853175" [1] "WORD: happy CAT: positive POL: strongsubj SCORE: 8.44419229853175" [1] "WORD: optimistic CAT:

Re: [R] separate the sentence after finding a particular word

2012-06-14 Thread raishilpa
hello Can you help me further Is this possible to get output in the following way- [1 " ]I love to watch movies of Hollywood but should not be romantic...I want to join you school but due to bad financial condition I cant.. " [2] " I want output in following format " [3] " I love to watch

Re: [R] separate the sentence after finding a particular word

2012-06-14 Thread raishilpa
...I > want to > join you school but due to bad financial condition I cant.. " > > x <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", x) > pat <- c("but", "\\.\\.+") > > out <- Reduce(f, c(x, pat)) > out <- c("1st line", "

Re: [R] how to export output

2012-06-14 Thread raishilpa
t do it see > > ?capture.output > > Hope this helps, > > Rui Barradas > > Em 14-06-2012 09:13, raishilpa escreveu: > > > hello, > > I am using following command > > > > classify_polarity(documents,algorithm="bayes",verbose=TRUE) > >

[R] spelling correction using R

2012-06-14 Thread raishilpa
hello I want a code which can correct the spelling mistakes as well as grammatical mistakes in the sentences...that is if I am writing following sentence: I want too meet my frnd bt due to hectic shcedule I cant I want output in following way: I want to met my friend but due to hectic schedule

[R] help in sentDetect() fuction

2012-06-15 Thread raishilpa
hello, I am using the following code >s<-"I am very happy, excited, and optimistic.I am very scared, annoyed, and irritated.Iraq’s political crisis entered its second week one step closer to the potential.dissolution of the government, with a call for elections by a vital coalition partner and a s

Re: [R] help in sentDetect() fuction

2012-06-19 Thread raishilpa
I am running the code , getting following error-- Error in x[i, ] : incorrect number of dimensions On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Michael Weylandt [via R] <> wrote: > On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 1:48 AM, raishilpa <[hidden > ema

[R] comparing word with dictionary words

2012-06-22 Thread raishilpa
Hello, I am comparing each words of a paragraph with the dictionary words (I have a text file/csv file of dictionary words -dictionary.csv/dictionary.txt) and if a word is not present in the dictionary, I want to store that word in another variable . and want output showing the list of these w