I would like to change my .Rprofile file, but I cannot find it. I use
a Mac Pro and RStudio. I believe the file is a hidden file and I have
checked for it accordingly. I can not find it with a Spotlight search.
It is not in my "default working directory". Is that the same thing as
my "home
Quoting Marc Schwartz :
On Aug 17, 2018, at 4:06 PM, phili...@cpanel1.stormweb.net wrote:
I would like to change my .Rprofile file, but I cannot find it. I
use a Mac Pro and RStudio. I believe the file is a hidden file and
I have checked for it accordingly. I can not find it with
I am having trouble with what must be a very simple problem. Here is a
reproducible example:
st <- c("1961-01","1961-04","1983-02")
#[1] "1961-01" "1961-04" "1983-02"
st1 <- as.Date(st, format=("%Y-%m"))
#[1] NA NA NA
Why the heck am I getting three NAs
Thanks Erin and Jim. You have indeed solved my problem.
Quoting Erin Hodgess :
Hi Philip:
Here is something to consider:
#potential solution:
sta <- paste(st,"-01",sep="")
st1 <- as.Date(sta, format=("%Y-%m-%d"))
[1] "1961-01-01" "1961-04-01" "1983-02-01"
Hope this hel
I am having trouble working with column names in a data frame. My
column names are multi-word text strings and I like it that way. I
want to loop through the columns, plotting graphs for each one, and I
want to use the column names in the chart labels and in the file names
when I save the c
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