Have you tried a different mirror? If they all fail, also check your internet
> On 25 Nov 2015, at 09:01, Kristi Glover wrote:
> Hi R user,
> I was wondering why I could not load R packages such as reshape2 in mac. I
> tried different ways but could not success.
fields <- c("2154333b-3208-4519-8b76-acaef5b5a479",
sub("^([0-9]*).*$", "\\1", fields)
Philippe Grosjean
> On 30 Nov 2015, at 11:39, Abhinaba Roy wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a field with alpha num
> On 30 Nov 2015, at 13:09, Abhinaba Roy wrote:
> Hey,
> worked like a charm! :)
> Could you please explain about
> sub("^([0-9]*).*$", "\\1", fields)
sub() replaces substrings. The first argument captures the interesting part of
the string:
^ = start of the string,
Your example and explanation are not complete, but I have the gut feeling that
you could do all this both more efficiently *and* more R-ish.
First of all, why would you pass Y and X separately, to ultimately build the Y
~ X formula within the body of your function?
Secondly, it seems to me that
> On 02 Dec 2015, at 16:09, Brant Inman wrote:
> Thank you for your response. Here is the problem that I find with your code
> (which I had tried). When you pass a value to the subset argument of the
> function, it will not hold the quotes on the subsetting variable’s value.
> For examp
Instead of using tkgrid(), you can do this with tkpack().
> tkgrid( tableData, scrY )
> tkgrid.configure( scrY, sticky="nsw")
> tkgrid( scrX, sticky="new" )
scrYwidth <- as.integer(tkcget(scrY, width = NULL))
tkpack(scrY, side = "right", fill = "y", expand = FALSE,
pady = c(0, s
It depends what property you are looking for… Have you tried tkcget(table, …)?
Philippe Grosjean
> On 05 Dec 2015, at 12:41, Cleber N.Borges wrote:
> Hello
> I would like to know the correct way of getting information about the values
> of the parameters of a Tktable.
> some details I even m
There is a bug in your code: it is not
> for (i in 1:ncol(test)) { test2[which.min(test[,i]),i]==NA}
for (i in 1:ncos(test)) {
test2[which.min(test[, i]), i] <- NA
Otherwise, a solution would be to create your own function to compute the mean
of a vector without the smallest value:
Are you sure this is the right way to go for your use case? Even if you got a
quick solution to display an 1e4 x 100 table in TkTable, what is the purpose of
it? Will the user browse the whole dataset that way? Even if the answer is yes,
you would probably need to implement sorting and filtering
methods(class = "tclArray")
## [1] [[ [[<- $$<- length length<- namesnames<-
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
It should be something like `[<-`. But this one is not defined. Perhaps can you
contribute one here?
Philippe Gros
It depends the complexity of your expression. If you are sure you don’t have
nested brackets, and pairs of brackets always match, this will take everything
outside the brackets:
str <- "A1{0}~B0{1} CO{a2}NN{12}”
gsub("\\{[^}]*\\}", " ", str)
Philippe Grosjean
> On 11 Dec 2015, at 14:50, Adria
tk2notebook() is a ttk/tile styled widget. Its appearance is governed by
styles. Before you change style, you should first look if there is one
predefined theme that better suits you:
> tk2theme.list() # List all available themes
[1] "clam""alt" "default" "classic"
> tk2theme("clam
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