I have two models, controlled by dummy variables to see if the models can be
combined into one model with similar intercepts and slopes. Has anyone tried
to conduct this type of test in R. I am utilizing the econometric idea of
hypothesis testing through the hypothesis of coincidence. I have tried
the slope).
Does this explain my problem better?
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hanks for the help
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Thanks for the help
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
, and the critical value is accepted, I want to print an accept or reject
and move on to months 2 and 3, until finally comparing months 12-1 at the
Is there a way to loop or automate this in R?
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and 2
> if test statistic less than critical value{
> test second model for months 1 and 2
> print results of the first and second tests? just one of them?
> }
> move on to months 2 and 3
> etc, until months 12 and 1
> Please post example data using dput(da
Thanks this definitely helps, just one quick question. How would you code
the values of chi-fm and chi-fms to change based on the degrees of freedom
of each model H(i)?
Rui Barradas wrote
> Hello,
> Yes, it does help. Now we can see your data and what you'
this correct, with
the F-Test?
Rui Barradas wrote
> Hello,
> I'm glad it helped.
> As for your second question, I don't know, but I'm not very comfortable
> with the way you're doing things.
> Why subtract the coefficients of model 1
I am solving a set of ODEs using deSolve and have run into a problem I
would appreciate some advice on. One of the parameters (m) in the ODEs
changes between two states when one of the variables (D) crosses a
threshold (D_T) for the first time in either direction. Additionally, when
the var
Hi David,
Thank you for your suggestion- I will look into it some more.
Thanks again,
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 5:09 PM, David Winsemius
> > On Apr 18, 2018, at 1:04 AM, Hannah Meredith
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am solving a set of OD
tion, which is
causing me to get tripped up.
Am I defining my negative binomial family correctly for the situation? Do I
need to somehow define the variance term before I apply it?
Thank you very much. I appreciate your time and patience.
ive of any help I can get on this matter.
Meredith Jantzen
M.Sc. Candidate
Department of Biology
University of Western Ontario
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I used glsm.mcmc and likfit.glsm to create model. Now I want to predict at
different locations, but I can't get glsm.krige to work. I keep getting the
error that trend.d and trend.l must have similar specifications. I have tried
numerous ways to include the covariates in the glsm.krige
Problem with the change is that none of our old scripts work! If the
model.file is in R's current working directory we either have to use
working.directory=getwd() or specify a full path with
model.file=file.path(getwd(), "mymodel.bug").
It would be really nice if 'bugs' looked in R's c.w.d. for
I think the function you need is 'help.search'; try:
and look for something obvious in the 'stats' package. A good deal quicker
and easier than posting to an internet forum!
Cheers, Mike.
cathelf wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying a find the value "p" in binomial.
ype="n", main=colnames[i])
where sag is a 7305x9 double matrix and 9 different scenarios. I want to be
able to compare the distribution using the same axes scale.
Can anyone help?
Meredith LaBeau
Doctoral Candidate
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michigan Technological University
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River Near Future Climate Scenarios", ylab="Log
Load",xlab="Climate Scenarios")
I just want to better see the medians and high end tail.
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michigan Technological University
no precip interaction
I get the error message "non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Thanks for any help.
Christy Meredith
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for
the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or th
oads$HUC == "huc1"& roads$REACH_Yr =="yr" , ], 1)
output=cbind (initRchid,selected$RchID,selected$Sitetype,selected$REACH_Yr)
Christy Meredith
USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Research Station
PIBO Monitoring
Data Analyst
Voice: 435-755-3573
Fax: 435-755-3563
for(i in 1:length(indexi$SiteID)){
Thanks for any help you can give.
Christy Meredith
USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Research Station
PIBO Monitoring
Data Analyst
Voice: 435-755-3573
Fax: 435
5 B 20062
6 B 20083
7 C 20021
8 C 20032
9 C 20043
Thanks so much for you help!
-Original Message-
From: William Dunlap [mailto:wdun...@tibco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:07 PM
To: Meredith
34 2946 2010 2.251
-Original Message-
From: arun [mailto:smartpink...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:57 PM
To: Meredith, Christy S -FS
Cc: R help; William Dunlap
Subject: Re: [R] help with for loop: new column giving count of observation for
You c
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