[R] for loop

2016-01-12 Thread maryam firoozi via R-help
Dear mr/madam I want to mak a matrix with 10 row and 3 column . this matrix is pedigree. my input sire<- c(1,2,3,4,5) count<- 0 sire<- cbind(sire,count) dam<- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) ped<-mstrix(NA,nrow=10,ncol=3) for(i in 1:10){ Sire<- sample(sire[,1],1) a<- which(sire[,1]==Sire) if(a){sire[a,2]

[R] (no subject)

2016-01-17 Thread maryam firoozi via R-help
hello, we want to do genomic blup in r.i know that use pedigree package. the formule is gblup( P~1,data=ped[,c('ID','P')],M=M,lambda=1/h2-1) P:phenotype variance ped:pedigree M: matrix marker or genotype my ped has 4500 ID.but my M has 9000 individual.becasue i have two row for each ID in M matrix

[R] Fwd:

2016-01-20 Thread maryam firoozi via R-help
Hello, i made a population about 4500 individual.this has two sex(female and male).they had pedigree. i wanted to enter new indiviual but their ID of indiviual mustnot be same perivous and their ID number mustnot be bigger than 4500. first population's ID number is 1:4500. how can i handel it? S