Is there a fuction like open("path/to/file"), readfile or sth like that that
would run code from R file just like I was it typing myself into R Console
window ?
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By default scatter-plot presents data by using circles, is there a way to
make it 1px dots ?
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I know that by setting alpha to for example col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1) it is
possible to see how many overlapping is in the plot. But disadvantage of it
is that single points are barely visible on the background. So I wonder if
there is possible to make setting that single points would be almost blac
I have tried quit(), and return() but first exits from whole graphical
interface and second is only for functions. What I need only to exit from
current script and return to the console.
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I try to use stop(), but i get:
Error in eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) :
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Labels are still present on graph render, their names are x and y that is the
same as I used on the variables to supply data for chart. How to get rid of
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here's the code
x= c(1,5,7,3,4)
y= c(2,4,5,2,5)
plot(x,y,ylim=c(-20,20),xlim=c(min(x),max(x)),pch='X',col = rgb(0, 0, 0,
0.5), xaxt=NULL,yaxt=NULL, xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL)
and x and y are still visible
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x= c(1,5,7,-3,4)
y= c(2,4,-5,2,5)
plot(x,y,ylim=c(-20,20),xlim=c(min(x),max(x)),pch='X',col = rgb(0, 0, 0,
0.5),yaxt="n", ann=FALSE)
and this code produces:
Where I marked in red areas that I want to get rid of and use as much real
screen estate as I can.
Is there any way of suppressing that error, like in other programming
languages you can specifically invoke an error or simply exit, like after
user input, exiting then is not always identical with error , there are
cases when it is intended behavior. I thought R makes that distinction.
View t
I have looked into par documentation, and only setting for size of the plot
area was pin. But this setting sets the area as inflexible, that is no
matter how I make the window small or big it stays the same. Default value
has advantage that however it uses plot area that is always smaller than
# 89 px / 105 px - wasted space
plot(x,y,ylim=c(-20,20),xlim=c(min(x),max(x)),pch='.',col = rgb(1,1,1,
0.5),yaxt="n", ann=FALSE)
so onl
here is what i mean:
after :
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabb
I found it. It was hard to find because no one asked about it , the proper
question was about distance from the axis which can be negative. So the
proper answer is :
par( mgp = c(0, -1.4, 0) ) - only the center value is controlling feature
in question.
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finally I found what I wanted, John Kane send it, and I don't know why it
hasn't been posted automatically to the list so I post it by myself:
solution is this: par(mai=c(.5,.5,.5,.5))
These four numbers are the margins, so setting it to 0,0,0,0 will render
only plot area with 1px for box on eve
my csv file is very simple - just one line for purpose of this test:
and read function is this:
csvdata = read.csv(file="d:/s/test.csv",head=FALSE,sep="\t")
then error comes:
Error in source("d:/test.csv") :
d:/test.csv:1:9: unexpected numeric constant
1: 0 0
but when I chang
the problem shows up only in console when script is loaded thru source() and
separator character is eighter tab or space, strangely, when I'm running
script directly form file in text environment everything is ok.
[I'm reposing this because my previous post didn't get on the list because
op <-
tck = 0.01, mgp = c(0, -1.4, 0), mar=c(0,0,0,0))
plot(x,y,ylim=c(-20,20),xlim=c(min(x),max(x)),pch='X',col = rgb(1,1,1,
0.5),yaxt="n", ann=FALSE)
i found solution myself:
par(xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i") - it sets axis ranges to actual data ranges
sorry for question but maybe this will be easier to find if someone would be
searching for this
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The folder are the same, I just deleted the long path because it is
irrelevant and by mistake left /s i one of the paths, they should be
I'm running this package: on win xp 32 bit
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x <- rnorm(32)
y <- rnorm(32)
Now I need to sample the lowess function into matrix where one series will
be X and other will be values of lowess at particular X.
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I found it, it was SO simple:
lowessline <- lowess(x,y)
write.csv(lowessline, "loess.csv")
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
round() function affects all values of a matrix, I want only to round column
that is called 'y'.
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consider this matrix:
[,1] [,2]
[1,]3 7
[2,]6 5
[3,]7 5
[4,]3 5
[5,]7 5
[6,]5 5
[7,]8 4
[8,]2 4
[9,]7 4
[10,]0 6
I need to delete all rows where column 2 above and below has the same value,
so the effect would be:
Well I "hacked" it i maybe not so elegant way:
x <- rnorm(10)
y <- rnorm(10)
op <-
tck = 0.01, mgp = c(0, -1.4, 0), xaxs = "i",
I know little of statistics and have created this function out of intuition.
But since this algorithm is so basic I wonder what is the proper name of
this function and is it build in R.
here is some code in PHP to illustrate what the function is doing, it uses
some function I created but the mean
my input is from csv file:
fname= 'test'
csvdata = read.table(file=paste(fname,'.csv',sep=''),head=FALSE)
x = csvdata$V1
y = csvdata$V2
I know that this group is not about php , but I managed to make function
from above a lot faster, and I'm still cannot operate R at a sufficient
level to recrea
many languages have shorthands for that operation like:
variable += 1
is there something like that in R ?
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.c
Well, maybe I didn't write it clear.
I know how to create scatterplot, and how to import data from csv file.
But I do not know how to add this fitting that mentioned in sumbject to a
I do not know for what function name to look for in R. I played some time
with ls, and it didn't create a lin
I got simple x,y pairs of data and simple scatterplot and just cannot figure
how to do it , there are many examples but always there is error popping out
please show me an example stripped with additional data just core of what I
need to do to get this damn line
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I have created a density line
d<- density(X)
now I need to read values from that line
for example what is the value of this line at x = 1, 2, 3 etc...
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Sent from the R help m
well, I found id the simplest answer is:
d<- approx(density(x),xout=...)
where xout is a vector of the points where the data should be sampled
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Sent from the R help mailing l
In datamatrix[, "y"] == datamatrix[, "y"][-1] :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
out = c(FALSE,datamatrix[,'y'] == datamatrix[,'y'][-1])
and I do not know why I get that error, the resulting out matrix is somehow
one row larger than datamatrix...
all I try to do
so it could be zero in both cases when given column has 0 set in it
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I have got a list with 3 colums x,y,z, now I want do delete whole rows where
column z has NA values
I am not intereted in x and y columns if there are also NA values or not,
moreover I do not want to touch them because if there would be NA that would
mean a more serious error for me, and I have c
for example I have matrix with two columns
so I need to take average from y values placed where x==2
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I have simple scatterplot of temperature data taken daily from many years so
at particular date there are usually more than one measurement, but not all
data is complete.
Now I want to draw line that will show me probability of finding data
between defined bands of temperatures, for example +5 de
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