[R] Convert poly line to polygon in R

2017-11-12 Thread Javad Bayat via R-help
I have a shape file as poly line and I want to convert it to polygon.Is it possible to do that in R?lake <-readShapeLines("./lake_main_utm.shp")proj4string(lake) <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=39 +datum=WGS84") Sincerely. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _

[R] how to label station names on point

2017-11-12 Thread Javad Bayat via R-help
I have a shapefile point and I plot it over my polygon. Is it possible to label station names over points?Sincerely. S_Point = readOGR(".","point")plot(S_Point,add=TRUE,col="black",pch=20,cex=2) [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help

[R] Neural Network

2015-01-20 Thread javad bayat via R-help
Dear all; I am the new user of R. I want to simulation or prediction the Eutrophication of a lake. I have weekly data(almost for two years) for Total phosphorus, Total N, pH, Chlorophyll a, Alkalinity, Silica. Can I predict the Eutrophication by Neural Network in R? How can I simulation the Eutro

Re: [R] Neural Network

2015-01-23 Thread javad bayat via R-help
ok in  to mixed effects models (e.g nlme, lme4) as another  potential approach.  Regards,  On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at  11:35 PM, javad bayat via R-help  wrote:  Dear  all;  I am the new user of R. I want to simulation or prediction  the Eutrophication of a lake. I have week

Re: [R] Neural Network

2015-01-23 Thread javad bayat via R-help
question you want to  answer.  Given your temporal data, you may want to look in  to mixed effects models (e.g nlme, lme4) as another  potential approach.  Regards,  On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at  11:35 PM, javad bayat via R-help  wrote:  Dear  all;  I am the new user of R. I want to s