[R] Apply() on columns

2012-06-15 Thread faelsendoorn
Hi, I have some trouble with the following: I have a table of 7 rows and 6columns. The columns 1,2,3 have information about the number of employees. The columns 4,5,6 have information about the number of working hours. Each row, is corresponding with a week. My goal is to make a boxplot, histogra

Re: [R] Apply() on columns

2012-06-19 Thread faelsendoorn
Hi, It wasn't my purpose to quote the assignment here, but since my example is crappy I will. So I'am a manager of a supermarket and interested in the average working hours per employee. At http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-6Z8PB7VNSUHZ.txt this link you can find the dataset. The dataset contai

Re: [R] Apply() on columns

2012-06-20 Thread faelsendoorn
Hi, Yes, the columns are related: V1 is related to V6, V2 is related to V7 and so on. The columns V1,V2,V3,V4,V5 contains the number of employees (in a filling team). The columns V6,V7,V8,V9,V10 contains the number of worked hours of the filling team. What I am interested in is the average workin

Re: [R] Apply() on columns

2012-06-25 Thread faelsendoorn
I do now know how to navigate through the table. But my question is, what kind of graphical and numerical summaries can I make with keeping in mind that I am interested in the average working hour per employee? -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Apply-on-columns-tp4633