[R] Problems with rstan

2016-03-14 Thread david.jessop
Hi I'm having a really odd problem with rstan (and in fact shiny), which is I can't actually load the package: > ls (all=TRUE) character(0) > library (rstan) Loading required package: ggplot2 Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'rstan', details: call: pkgdesc$Packaged error: $

[R] A zoo question / problem

2008-08-11 Thread david.jessop
Hi I'm having a problem using the zoo library and I can't see what I'm doing wrong. For example setting up the data > t1 = zoo (matrix (1:12, nrow = 3), order.by = as.Date (c("2008-08-01","2008-08-02","2008-08-03"))) > colnames (t1) = c ("A", "B", "C", "D") > t2 = zoo (matrix (1:12, nrow = 3), o

Re: [R] questions on some operators in R

2010-06-18 Thread david.jessop
But one could argue that <= could also mean assignment (although as a mathematician I'd go with implies or perhaps 'is implied by') and wouldn't have the problem highlighted below. Similarly one could use the Pascal := for assignment. So although the idea of having two different operators for

Re: [R] Popularity of R, SAS, SPSS, Stata...

2010-06-22 Thread david.jessop
To me R is just another programming language. In fact it seems to share quite a lot of the characteristics of "fashionable" languages such as python - for example dynamic typing amonst others. The fact it happens to be good for statistics and other mathematical stuff is a bonus. David --

Re: [R] Which version control system to learn for managing Rprojects?

2010-10-27 Thread david.jessop
Gabor As someone trying to the rest of my team using Subversion (which I have used for a while, but more as a backup / record of changes), have you a neat / automated way of building a package from a subversion repository? Thanks David Jessop -- David Jessop Global He

Re: [R] multiple R sessions from one working directory using GNU screen

2010-08-04 Thread david.jessop
Olga There was a presentation at the London R user group about doing what you ask using the bigmemory package (http://www.londonr.org/LondonR-20090331/realtimeR.pdf). I believe you can do the same thing with ff. This wouldn't share the whole workspace but just the objects you choose. Regards


2010-08-18 Thread david.jessop
HI The problem is the file is called "limestone.dat.txt". In Explorer in Windows you should go to Tools, Folder Options and under View you should find an option "Hide Extensions for known file types" - turn this off and then press Apply to all folders. Then you'll see the real file name. It's

Re: [R] Help with Tinn-R

2010-06-10 Thread david.jessop
Hi It sounds like you haven't got the right line in your Rprofile.site file. If in Tinn-R you do R, Configure, Permanent this will open and edit this file, adding in the relevant lines including one defining .trPaths. HTH David Jessop -Original Message- From: r-help-boun...@r-proje

Re: [R] HOW to install RSQLite database

2010-06-11 Thread david.jessop
Are you asking how to install the RSQLite package or how to create a SQLite database? The two are somewhat distinct questions. RSQLite is just a package of functions for R to be able to access data in an SQLite database. There isn't a separate SQLite program - just a library that is compiled into

Re: [R] Two Copies of Each Message

2011-04-25 Thread david.jessop
I have the same problem - it's happened before and then just fixed itself. But rather annoying. -Original Message- From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Lumley Sent: 23 April 2011 00:34 To: Stephen P Molnar Cc: R-help Subject: Re:

Re: [R] Documentation

2011-06-21 Thread david.jessop
Hi Try looking on Google for Pat Burn's "Guide for the unwilling R User" (which I think is the title) - this will get you started in the right direction. Regards David -- David Jessop Global Head of Quantitative Research UBS Investment Research +44 20 7567 9882 -

Re: [R] Mahalanobis Distance

2011-09-27 Thread david.jessop
Hi One thought would be to fit say a GARCH model to your historical data series, divide the returns by the sigma estimates and then repeat. This would have the advantage of getting the data to be closer to the same scale. Regards David -Original Message- From: r-help-boun...@r-pro

[R] How to handle large numbers?

2009-02-11 Thread david.jessop
Hi In answer to your first question is that it can be anything. If we look at 0 * a = 0 and let a tend to infinity, and b * Inf = Inf and let b tend to zero then you can get both zero and infinity as an answer. If you say consider c * 1/c = 1 and let c tend to infinity then it can be one too (yo

Re: [R] How to handle large numbers?

2009-02-11 Thread david.jessop
Hi, I've realised (as I'm sure have lots of others) that the second part of my answer is complete rubbish. Obviously having a bad day. However you could work out one over your expression which then you split into two parts, calculate and then reinvert. Apologies for version 1 David -

[R] Bug (?) in read.fwf

2007-11-08 Thread david.jessop
Hi, I'm trying to use read.fwf temp = read.fwf ("Raw data.txt", widths = c (11, 21, 10, rep (16, 6)) ,skip = 2, n = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE) but no matter what I do the strings are turned into factors. I believe it's the "n=2" parameter that causes the problem a

Re: [R] Bug (?) in read.fwf

2007-11-12 Thread david.jessop
Jim, That works - thank you; but still doesn't explain why stringsAsFactors doesn't seem to have an effect. Regards, David -Original Message- From: jim holtman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 08 November 2007 13:41 To: Jessop, David Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] Bug (?)