Re: [R] gfortran command not found?

2009-06-12 Thread chaogai
Hi Alon, It works for me. According to YAST I got libgfortran4.3, gcc-43fortran and gcc-fortran installed Kees Marc Schwartz wrote: > On Jun 11, 2009, at 12:34 PM, Alon Ben-Ari wrote: > >> Hello, I have openSUSE 11.1 >> Trying to install randomForest >> as SU after invoking R install.packages("ra

[R] surprising predicting capabilities

2008-06-03 Thread chaogai
Hi, I noticed the following fortune in R 2.7 and 2.6.2: fortune('Spreads') If anything, there should be a Law: Thou Shalt Not Even Think Of Producing A Graph That Looks Like Anything From A Spreadsheet. -- Ted Harding (in a discussion about producing graphics) R-help (August 2008) Jus

Re: [R] How to connect R and WinBUGS/OpenBUGS/LinBUGS in Linux in Feb. 2009

2009-02-18 Thread chaogai
Hi, For me running winbugs through wine just works. Even when I do not specify any directories. The example they give in the bugs helpfile was my starting point. Setup is suse 11.1, latest Wine, R, R2WinBUGS & winbugs. I assume you first tried without specifying directories? The directories yo

Re: [R] How to connect R and WinBUGS/OpenBUGS/LinBUGS in Linux in Feb. 2009

2009-02-19 Thread chaogai
#101, and some text I can't copy/paste here. Is this the latest Wine that you have, or something different? Thanks. chaogai-2 wrote: Hi, For me running winbugs through wine just works. Even when I do not specify any directories. The example they give in the bugs helpfile was my sta

Re: [R] rgl persp3d bounding box color problem.

2009-03-02 Thread chaogai
Whatever it is, it is also happening on my Acer, Suse 11.1, 32 bits, self build R. Kees Bo Zhou wrote: > Thanks Duncan. > > I haven't got a chance to try it in windows yet. But I won't be surprised if > it's my driver's fault. I had OpenGL problems on this dell laptop before. > > >> Date

Re: [R] rgl persp3d bounding box color problem.

2009-03-02 Thread chaogai
attached base packages: [1] tcltk stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods [8] base other attached packages: [1] rgl_0.81svGUI_0.9-44svSocket_0.9-43 svMisc_0.9-46 Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 3/2/2009 2:00 PM, chaogai wrote: >> Whatever it is, it is also happen

Re: [R] rgl persp3d bounding box color problem.

2009-03-03 Thread chaogai
rgl_0.83-3 did not help Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 3/2/2009 2:48 PM, chaogai wrote: >> Oops, sorry >> >> R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) >> i686-pc-linux-gnu >> >> locale: >> LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8;LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8;L

Re: [R] R on netbooks et al?

2009-03-05 Thread chaogai
I'm having similar experiences on my Acer Aspire One. Everything will work good. Only thing that takes a lot of time is compiling R if you are in the habit of doing so. wrote: > Dear useRs, > > With the rise of netbooks and 'lifestyle laptops" I am tempted to get one of

Re: [R] R on netbooks et al?

2009-03-07 Thread chaogai
Johannes Huesing wrote: > chaogai [Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 07:04:19PM CET]: > >> I'm having similar experiences on my Acer Aspire One. Everything will >> work good. Only thing that takes a lot of time is compiling R if you are >> in the habit of doing so. >> >

Re: [R] Interaction term not significant when using glm???

2009-03-07 Thread chaogai
I think the interaction is not so strong anymore if you do what glm does: use a logit transformation. testdata <- matrix(c(rep(0:1,times=4),rep(c("FLC","FLC","free","free"),times=2), rep(c("no","yes"),each =4),3,42,1,44,27,20,3,42),ncol=4) colnames(testdata) <-c("spot","constr","vernalized","Freq

Re: [R] best text editor for Linux?

2008-02-02 Thread chaogai
After to much windows contamination, my brain does not do the cryptic part of Emacs+ESS C-x M-c M-headache. Eclipse is is currently my choice. (But the installation instructions could be better) Kees On Saturday 02 February 2008 05:49:10 am 宋时歌 wrote: > On Linux platform, nothing beats Emacs +

Re: [R] Windows Vista 64-bit support

2008-03-17 Thread chaogai
The standard windows build works in Vista 64. A 64 bits build depends on tools outside the realm of the R-core team; a 64 bits compiler On Monday 17 March 2008 06:17:31 pm Daniel Gatti wrote: > Where does the R build for Vista X64 stand? The last update message is > from July last year (see [R]