[R] character set problem

2019-02-19 Thread bretschr
Dear R-users, Last week I installed R 3.5.2 on a new MacBook Air. I got error messages for the wrong locale (character set). And simple math proved not to work: Upon typing this, I got: > 2ˆ2 Error: unexpected input in "2À" > The character visible as a caret is apparently coded as something ve

Re: [R] [R-SIG-Mac] character set problem

2019-02-19 Thread bretschr
Dear Kevin Ushey, Re: > On 19 Feb 2019, at 20:16, Kevin Ushey wrote: > > If I understand correctly, the problem is that the character your keyboard is > inserting is not a regular caret (^, \u0053); rather, it's a 'modifier > character circumflex accent' (ˆ, \u02c6). > > How are you insertin

Re: [R] [R-SIG-Mac] character set problem

2019-02-20 Thread bretschr
Dear Peter Anthoni, Re: > On 20 Feb 2019, at 07:22, Peter Anthoni wrote: > > is your keyboard type US. International -PC, that will insert the weird caret. > > > > cheers > > Peter That 's it!!! What I thought to be the most universal keyboard proved to be the culprit. Changed to simp

Re: [R] Image processing in R for BMI calculation

2021-02-28 Thread bretschr
Hello Paul Bernal, (sorry, forgot to CC) Re: > Does anyone know about any package for image processing, for example, to > calculate body mass index pased on a picture, silouette or image. This sounds more like a job for the image analysis program NIH Image (the Java-version "ImageJ" being a

Re: [R] Handling interrupts in long-running R functions

2021-09-15 Thread bretschr
Dear Ivan Krylov, Re: > On 10 Sep 2021, at 16:43, Ivan Krylov wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > I'm writing an R function that may be running for "long" periods of > time (think tens of minutes), and I would like to be able to tell it: > "please stop what you're doing and return the not-yet conv

Re: [R] Playing a music file in R

2020-07-21 Thread bretschr
Hello vahid.borji, Re: > How can we call a music file from our laptop (for example from desktop) and > play it in R? Could you please give me an explicit example by writing > commands in R. Is it necessary for our music file to be in a specific > format? If yes, which format it has to be? Wave

Re: [R] Playing a music file in R

2020-07-23 Thread bretschr
Dear Vahid, Re: > I have a question regarding the following code: > setWavPlayer("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/bin/play") ># path depends on your R version etc. > > How can I find the corresponding path on my laptop? This line ... setWavPlayer("/Library/Framewo

Re: [R] Playing a music file in R

2020-07-23 Thread bretschr
Dear Vahid, Re: > I have a question regarding the following code: > setWavPlayer("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/bin/play") ># path depends on your R version etc. > > How can I find the corresponding path on my laptop? This line ... setWavPlayer("/Library/Framewo