I've downloaded the tar.gz file of the package "lme4" and when I use the
install.packages("lme4_1.1-8.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
appears an error that suspends the installation:
In file included from external.cpp:8:0:
predModule.h:12:23: fatal error: RcppEigen.h:
Hello everybody.
I am using the GA package[1] in order to optimize the hyperparameter of
SVM like in this example is done:
However, when I try to adapt the example for random forest, it takes very
Dear all,
I'm trying to cluster some data using SAX distance that was described in
the paper "a symbolic representation of time series with implications for
streaming algorithms" http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/SAX.pdf
Once I have my data in matrix format, which function can I use to compute
the di
I have two for loops that I am trying to optimize... I looked for
vectorization or for using some funcions of the apply family but really
cannot do it. I am writting my code with some small data set. With this
size there is no problem but sometimes I will have hundreds of rows so it
is real
Hello everybody.
I have an "esthetic" question. I have managed to create a stacked and
grouped bar plot but I don't manage with putting the text in the middle of
the bar plots. Do you know how to write the numbers in that position?
Thank you so much.
Example code:
test <- data.frame(variables
I have a question for Rmarkdown users.
Is there any way to give a name to the output document inside the Rmd?
For example, my rmd's name is "bb.Rmd" but when I knitr to pdf I want it to
name the pdf differently than "bb.pdf", for example, "doc1.pdf". Is there
any way to do this?
Thank you
I am trying to plot a 3d surface given its equation. The R code is written
in blue.
So, let's say that I have the points x,y,z and I plot them. Also, I compute
its regression surface doing polynomical regression (fit)
x <- c(-32.09652, -28.79491, -25.48977, -23.18746,-20.889
Hello. I am drawing a graph using graphviz. It works but now, I am trying
to use some palettes from the RColorBrewer pakcage. Any idea why this
diagram works when the code (in .Rmd) is
```{r, engine='dot', echo=F}
digraph unix{
param [label=" Contrastes paramétric
Hello everybody. I have a statistics question:
let's say that I want to compaire answers between men and women to a yes/no
question but I have so much more women than men, then, it looks like I
cannot use chi squared test. Would it be correct to use U test (or ranked
Wilcoxon test)?? What do you t
Dear R users, I have a very specific question.
I want to know how to create a local git repository from an exisitng file
(with some documents inside) just like we do when typing
git init
but from Rstudio.
I tried selecting FIle-->New Project-->Existing Directory--> and I select
the file but I
Dear all,
I have a problem with the caption option on the xtable function.
Using Rmarkdown, knitr generates correctly a pdf when I write something
like this:
```{r xtable, results="asis"}
library( xtable )
variableName <- c( "V03_1" )
age <- c( rep(1,10),rep(2,10),rep(3,10) )
gender <- c( rep("m
Hello everybody.
I am using the caret package in order to predict something from some data.
I have "hours" , "days" and "temperature" where "hours" are given in
decimal form, "days" are the days of the week where each observation was
colected and "temperature" is the temperature that a user of air
Dear R users,
I am fronting my firts time series problem. I have hourly temperature data
for 3 years (from 01/01/2013 to 5/02/2016). I would like to use those in
A subset of the data look like this:
date <- rep(seq(as
-Original Message-
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of AURORA
> Sent: 05 February 2016 10:50 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] hourly prediction time series
> Dear R users,
> I am fronting my firts tim
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