Dear all,
for the past two weeks, I've been working on a script to retrieve word pairs
and calculate some of their statistics using R. Everything seemed to work
fine until I switched from a small test dataset to the 'real thing' and
noticed what a runtime monster I had devised!
I could reduce p
Thank you all for your suggestions! I must say I am amazed by the number of
people who consider helping out another! Fells like it was a good idea to
start using R - back when I was still using Perl for such tasks, I'd been
happy to have this kind of support!
@ Gheorghe Postelnicu: Unfortunately,
Dear all,
I'm currently exploring a dataset with the help of conditional inference
trees (still very much a beginner with this technique & log. reg. methods as
a whole t.b.h.), since they explained more variation in my dataset than a
binary logistic regression with /glm/. I started out with the /
thank you very much for your help, this really cleared up a number of
As for the differences in results between the party and partykit
implementations of ctree, I guess that the situation is indeed as you
assumed. Four out of five variables have p-values <2.2e-16. (However, it is
4 matches
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