Re: [R] looping through 3D array

2014-01-10 Thread apadr007
It seems like emdist does not like to compare matrices with all 0 values. I ended up removing those from my 3D array and have ~8000 matrices instead of 13000. I am using res2 <- unlist(mclapply(seq_len(ncol(indx)),function(i) {x1 <- indx[,i]; emd2d(results[x1[1],,],results[x1[2],,]) }) ) But even

[R] ggplot2 boxplot help

2012-08-04 Thread apadr007
Hello, I have a data set that looks like this: name G-ID test_id g-id g 1 00077464 C_068131 C_068131 OC_068131- 2 00051728 C_044461 C_044461 OC_044461- 3 00058738 C_050343 C_050343 OC_050343- 4 00059239 C_050649 C_050649 OC_050649- 5 1761 C_000909 C_000909 OC