similarity matrix in the formula.
Here is more info on the R version and the OS:
R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Thanks a lot for any help or comment,
Zhao JIN
Ph.D. Candidate
Ruth Ley Lab
467 Biotech
Field of Microbiology, Cornell University
Lab: 607.25
Dear Jari,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Let me describe more about my dataset: it consists of count data for samples,
and shows how many copies of a certain bacteria are in a sample. There are 92
samples (rows), and about 3500 kinds of bacteria (columns). Variable 1 (Var1)
is a factor indicati
Dear all,
I am trying to make a series of waffle plot-like figures for my data to
visualize the ratios of amino acid residues at each position. For each one
of 37 positions, there may be one to four different amino acid residues. So
the data consist of the positions, what residues are there, and t
, too.
Best regards,
2013/11/2 Jim Lemon
> On 11/02/2013 10:35 AM, Zhao Jin wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to make a series of waffle plot-like figures for my data to
>> visualize the ratios of amino acid residues at each position. For each one
a prediction with new data like yd=c(4,5,6,7,8) for male and
female separately ?
Thank you very much.
Zhao Jin
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Many thanks for any help you could give me on this topic! :)
Zhao JIN
Ph.D. Candidate
Ruth Ley Lab
467 Biotech
Field of Microbiology, Cornell University
Lab: 607.255.4954
Cell: 412.889.3675
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