Re: [R] sample and rearrange

2010-05-19 Thread Wu Gong
I tried to use a separate function to make the code more understandable. But I failed. I don't know what's wrong with the code. x <- as.matrix(x) rearrange <- function(.row){ z <-, strsplit(.row[-1], '')) z.col <- t(apply(z, 2, paste, collapse='')) cbind(.ro

Re: [R] Re : Adding column sum to new row in data frame

2010-05-19 Thread Wu Gong
To remove NA instead of Total: rbind(data,cbind(State="Total", t(apply(data[,-1],2,sum - A R learner. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabb

Re: [R] sample and rearrange

2010-05-19 Thread Wu Gong
Thank David and Jim. I got it. - A R learner. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at __ mailing list

Re: [R] writing function

2010-05-20 Thread Wu Gong
## Create a function to assign a series of values to a list of objects ## The assign function can only assign one value (could be a vector) to a name ## Set the environment to be global, otherwise the objects can't be used outside the function ## List objects that have been created toto <- functi

Re: [R] How to extract rows from data frame based on unique variable groupings

2010-05-20 Thread Wu Gong
I hope this is what you want. ## Exclude replicated rows (DF1 <- unique(DF)) ## Sort the data (DF2 <- DF1[order(DF1$V1, DF1$V2, DF1$V3, DF1$V4),]) - A R learner. -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Comparing three groups, data: present, absent

2010-05-20 Thread Wu Gong
## Dung observations ## Create a sample original data data <- data.frame(Species=sample(c("W", "G", "R"), 200, replace=TRUE), Age=sample(c("days", "weeks", "months"),200,replace=TRUE), Termites=sample(c(0,1),200,replace=TRUE)) ## Show what original data look like head(data) Spe

Re: [R] Concatenation

2010-05-21 Thread Wu Gong
A dummy way is to resequence or rematrix olddata <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(200), nrow=40)) newdata <- data.frame(matrix(as.vector(t(olddata)), nrow=nrow(olddata)/10)) dim(olddata) dim(newdata) - A R learner. -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Concatenation

2010-05-21 Thread Wu Gong
Sorry, I made a mistake. Should add "byrow = TRUE". Using randomly created values can't check the result, a sequence will be better. olddata <- data.frame(matrix(1:200, nrow=40, byrow = TRUE)) newdata <- data.frame(matrix(as.vector(t(olddata)), nrow=nrow(olddata)/10,byrow = TRUE)) dim(olddata) di

Re: [R] How to find all single minima, i.e. only each one within each next part of analyzed vector (table)

2010-05-22 Thread Wu Gong
I hope this will help. ### Find rows with minimum value from every 5 rows ## Create the data mlb <- data.frame(mass_position=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20), mass_value=c(9,2,3,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,2.1,12, 1,14,15,16,17,18,19,20), mass_label=c("lab1","lab2","lab3","lab4"

Re: [R] Increasing the maximum number of rows

2010-05-22 Thread Wu Gong
Might there be a limit ? > c <- matrix(1:1, ncol=200) > dim(c) [1] 50200 > c <- matrix(1:10, ncol=200) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.7 Gb - A R learner. -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] From date to week day

2010-05-24 Thread Wu Gong
?strptime will helps. > d <- as.Date("01/05/2007","%m/%d/%Y") > format(d, "%A, %b %d, %Y") [1] "Friday, Jan 05, 2007" - A R learner. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nab

Re: [R] help required to melt a data frame

2010-05-25 Thread Wu Gong
Do you mean count frequency of One Bedroom? table(dummy[dummy$Bedroom==1,][,1:2]) - A R learner. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at __

Re: [R] help required to melt a data frame

2010-05-25 Thread Wu Gong
Hope it helps this time:) ### Package reshape, function melt and cast ### Read table dummy <- read.table(textConnection("State Months Bedroom 1xxxJan 1 2xxxJan 2 3xxxJan 1 4yyyJan 1 5yyyJan 2 6yyyJan 1 7zzz

Re: [R] error "variable names are limited to 256 bytes" when sourcing code

2010-05-26 Thread Wu Gong
I can only repeat your error message :) > n256 <- paste(rep("A",256),collapse="") > assign(n256, 1) > n257 <- paste(rep("A",257),collapse="") > assign(n257, 1) Error in assign(n257, 1) : variable names are limited to 256 bytes - A R learner. -- View this message in context: http://r.7896

Re: [R] counts of a vector

2010-05-26 Thread Wu Gong
### Special cumsum ### Do cumsum when TRUE, and reset to 0 when FALSE x <- c( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE ) ## The rle function computes the lengths of equal values of a vector ## And gives two vecters: $lengths and $values ## The sequence function creates and concaten

Re: [R] sequential treatment of a vector for formula

2010-05-26 Thread Wu Gong
I don't know if my understanding of P is right. P ?= (the number of lives at the end of the interval)/(the number of lives at the beginning of the interval) ### Compute proportion of a cohort that survives through the interval ### The formula is P0=L1/LO ## Original data is a vector of death da

Re: [R] sequential treatment of a vector for formula

2010-05-27 Thread Wu Gong
Thank you very much David. I'm sorry for this fault , hope it has not confused Frostygoat. I was clueless of recursive reference and I didn't meet any error when I test the code. So I wonder if there are some useful tips to prevent making this kind of faults:) The revised code is followed. ###

Re: [R] Re : help to replace variable value

2010-05-28 Thread Wu Gong
Do you mean replace values of a column? > df <- data.frame("Jan" = 1:3,"Feb" = 11:13) > df Jan Feb 1 1 11 2 2 12 3 3 13 > df$Jan <- 21:23 > df Jan Feb 1 21 11 2 22 12 3 23 13 - A R learner. -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] string handling

2010-06-03 Thread Wu Gong
Hope it helps. text <- "var1var2 9G/G09abd89C/T90 10A/T932C/C 90G/G A/A" x <- read.table(textConnection(text), header = T) x$var1.1 <- sub(".*(.)/.*", "\\1", x$var1) x$var1.2 <- sub(".*/(.).*", "\\1", x$var1) x$var2.1 <- sub(".*(.)/.*", "\\1", x$var2) x$var2.2 <- sub(".*/(.

Re: [R] two columns into one

2010-06-03 Thread Wu Gong
Try unique and paste. paste(unique(tes)[,1], unique(tes)[,2], sep = "") - A R learner. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at __

Re: [R] deduplication

2010-06-04 Thread Wu Gong
Please try this ## Import data id1<-c(4,17,9,1,1,1,3,3,6,15,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,12,9,9,10,10) id2<-c(8,18,10,3,6,7,6,7,7,16,4,5,12,18,4,5,12,18,5,12,18,12,18,18,15,16,15,16) id<-data.frame(id1 = id1, id2 = id2) ## Create same structure table id <- id0 <- unique(id) leng <- nrow(id) n <- 0

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