[R] Multiple Line Widths denextend

2015-02-02 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
Dear All We are using the dendextend package to modify the plot output from a pvclust clustering The model is created with result <- pvclust(chord.1, method.dist="euclidian", method.hclust="average",nboot=10) The plot is then formatted as following dend <- as.dendrogram(result) dend

[R] Split PVClust plot

2014-07-28 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
Dear All I'm using PVClust to perform hierarchical clustering, for the output plot I can control most of the graphical I need, however the plot is large and I would like to split it vertically into two panels one above the other. Is there a way to plot only part of a PVClust plot, I tried to c

[R] Temporal Correlation in Logistic Regression

2013-08-06 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
I am attempting to create a logistic regression model to examine the factors that determine the emergence of four species of aquatic invertebrates. The invertebrates were trapped at two sites over a period of two years. The traps were emptied on an irregular spaced basis (with an extended gap ov

[R] Assessing temporal correlation in GAM with irregular time steps

2013-08-28 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
I have constructed a GAM using the package mgcv to test whether the lengths of an emerging insect (Length) varies with day of the year (DOY) and between two sites (SiteCode). The data are collected at irregular time steps ranging from 2 days to 20 days between samples. The GAM takes the form M3

Re: [R] Assessing temporal correlation in GAM with irregular time steps

2013-09-03 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
l.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 3:17 PM To: Worthington, Thomas A Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] Assessing temporal correlation in GAM with irregular time steps It is possible, but you can't use the discrete time or classical stochastic trend models (or evaluate using the ACF

Re: [R] Assessing temporal correlation in GAM with irregular time steps

2013-09-06 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
Thanks again, Tom -Original Message- From: Gavin Simpson [mailto:ucfa...@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:35 PM To: Worthington, Thomas A Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] Assessing temporal correlation in GAM with irregular time steps On 3 September 2013 16:

[R] Degrees of Freedom GAM/GAMM

2014-05-05 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
Dear All I've fitted a GAMM to relate water temperature to the day of the year (DOY) at three different sites. I used summary(MFinal$gam) and anova(MFinal$gam) to produce the output of my model. I'm confused on how to report the degrees of freedom for the smother and the factor. I currently ha

[R] Checking whether a time series is stationary with irregular spaced data

2014-07-02 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
I attempting to model the relationship between water temperature and air temperature. The seasonal component of the temperature time series has been modeled using a sinusoidal function, leaving the air and water temperature residuals. I want to model the relationship with M5<- gls(Water ~ Air

Re: [R] Checking whether a time series is stationary with irregular spaced data

2014-07-03 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
Tom From: Mark Leeds [mailto:marklee...@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 12:09 AM To: Worthington, Thomas A Subject: Re: [R] Checking whether a time series is stationary with irregular spaced data hi thomas: I don't deal with irregularly spaced data but the standard

[R] Multcomp for interaction term

2014-03-27 Thread Worthington, Thomas A
Dear All I have a model of the form Approaches ~ Setup * Minute, where Setup has two levels and Minute has three levels. I want to test the difference between the levels of setup (Control vs Test) within in levels minute e.g. the difference between the two setups for Minute 1, Minute 2 and Mi