[R] triangular color plot of array

2013-07-29 Thread White, William Patrick
Hello, I've encountered an interesting situation and can't seem to find an applicable solution. I've got a multivariate synthetic dataset I generated in order to explore various statistical techniques. In my dataset I vary three things, sample size, effect size, and the number of variables that

[R] Days to solstice calculation

2013-12-01 Thread White, William Patrick
Hello, I've come across a problem in developing a set of custom functions to calculate the number of hours of daylight at a given latitude, and the number of days a date precedes or secedes the summer solstice. I discovered an inconsistency concerning leap years between my derived values and tho

Re: [R] Days to solstice calculation

2013-12-02 Thread White, William Patrick
solution exists and understanding why the alternate solution works are not the same thing in this case. From: skalp.oet...@gmail.com on behalf of Pascal Oettli Sent: Monday, December 2, 2013 2:22 AM To: White, William Patrick Cc: r-help@R-project.org

Re: [R] Days to solstice calculation

2013-12-02 Thread White, William Patrick
Thank you. I can't believe I didn't notice that. What a relief. From: David Carlson Sent: Monday, December 2, 2013 1:47 PM To: White, William Patrick; 'Pascal Oettli' Cc: 'r-help@R-project.org' Subject: RE: [R] Days to solsti

Re: [R] trouble with looping for effect of sampling interval increase

2012-08-07 Thread White, William Patrick
(Runningsum) From: Jean V Adams [jvad...@usgs.gov] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 1:33 PM To: White, William Patrick Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] trouble with looping for effect of sampling interval increase You would make it much easier for R-help readers to solve your pr

[R] moving distance between two sets of data

2012-08-19 Thread White, William Patrick
On the surface this seems pretty simple, but I flummoxed. I have two sets of numbers they bounce around zero, positive one and negative one. They have a relationship between them, where one diverges away from the other. I want create a second set of numbers that tracks that divergence. #Lets m

Re: [R] moving distance between two sets of data

2012-08-19 Thread White, William Patrick
Firstset is negative and Secondset is positive, such as the first value derived from seed 123. From: David Winsemius [dwinsem...@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 3:58 PM To: White, William Patrick Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] moving

Re: [R] moving distance between two sets of data

2012-08-19 Thread White, William Patrick
which are both something different and not what i am after. From: David Winsemius [dwinsem...@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 4:03 PM To: David Winsemius Cc: White, William Patrick; r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] moving distance between two