I was wondering if anybody might have a reference for
me: My R code is growing and getting more and more
confusing. Thus, I figure it's time to switch to
object-oriented again. I have done oo programming in
C++ and Java before but the first few tutorial on R oo
were a bit confusing for me.
is anyone aware of estimation functions for threshold vector error correction /
threshold cointegration models?
I didn't find anything for R using RSeek or Google.
Thanks a lot for any pointers,
Do You Yahoo!?
hutz gegen Massenmai
is there a function in R to convert data read with read.shape and which is
originally in UTM coordinates into longitude / latitude coordinates?
I found the convUL() function from the PBSmapping package but I have no idea
how I could apply that to the read.shape object.
Many thanks,
That's very much appreciated!
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Werner Wernersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gesendet: Dienstag, den 19. August 2008, 20:28:29 Uhr
Betreff: converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
An: Werner Wernersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 20. August 2008, 03:08:48 Uhr
Betreff: Re: converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
Werner Wernersen wrote:
> It would be nicer to convert directly the entire shapefil
Thanks so much Dylan!
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Dylan Beaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: r-help@r-project.org
CC: Werner Wernersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gesendet: Dienstag, den 19. August 2008, 23:29:34 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [R] converting coordinates from utm to longit
An: r-help@r-project.org
CC: Werner Wernersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gesendet: Dienstag, den 19. August 2008, 23:29:34 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [R] converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
If you would like to convert the entire shapfile check out
I have to match names where names can be recorded with errors or additions.
Now I am searching for a string search function which returns always the
"closest" match. E.g. searching for "Washington" it should return only
Washington but not Washington, D.C. But it also could be that the list
That works perfectly, great.
Thanks a lot for that Richard!
- Ursprüngliche Mail
An: Werner Wernersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gesendet: Dienstag, den 26. August 2008, 14
sorry for the simple question. I am usually able to change the font for PDF
graphics with pdf.options(family="Times")
However, I have found no way yet to get an emf file with a times font. I also
tried a detour by using pstoedit to convert a pdf with the desired font to an
emf but even ther
I have a weird problem with my data but I cannot really locate it and cannot
make a small example data set do reproduce the problem.
I basically divide one numerical column of a data frame with another. When I
run describe() on that column, I get
"Error in vector("integer", length) : vector
I have to follow up my own question since this problem is getting quite
disturbing and I fear that it also causes other functions to malfunction
without notice.
It occurs quite quite often when I manipulate the mentioned data set. It
definitely is caused by the column entries which are In
I would appreciate if someone could help me on track with this problem.
I want to compute some parameters from a system of equations given a number of
sample observations. The system looks like this:
sum_i( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = x
sum_i( C+d_i>0 & C+d_i>A+b_i) = y
sum_i( exp(E+f_i) * ( A
I am trying to specify a multinomial logit model using the multinom function
from the nnet package. Now I add another independent variable and it halves the
AIC as given by summary(multinom()). But when I call Anova(multinom()) from the
car package, it tells me that this added variable is
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am trying to specify a multinomial logit model using the multinom function
> from the nnet package. Now I add another independent variable and it halves
> the
> AIC as given by summary(multinom()). But when I call Anova(multinom()) from
> the
> car package, it tells me that t
[1] stats graphics grDevices datasets tcltk
utils methods base
other attached packages:
[1] svSocket_0.9-5 svIO_0.9-5 R2HTML_1.58
svMisc_0.9-5 svIDE_0.9-5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.6.2
--- Duncan Murdoch <[EMAI
AIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Have you used R2HTML lately? If so, please see the
> Sweave FAQ
> Max
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:15 AM, Werner Wernersen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> &
this is probably quite stupid but I have no clue
what's wrong. Let's say I write the function
hline <- function() {
cat("\\hline \n")
and call hline() from within a Sweave chunk. Why is
there no carriage return after the \hline in the
resulting tex file?
if I call hline() hline() in the
> received this
> information in error, please notify the sender
> immediately and arrange
> for the return or destruction of these documents.
> Werner Wernersen wrote:
> > Hi,
I am plotting several lines into one plot and would
like them to be distinguishable in print later on as
well. Thus, my question is: Is there a larger set of
such line types available like the sets available for
Maybe somebody has already put in the work to define
some additional good
1343", "73", "2262",
> "12223242", "F282", "F4448444", "224282F2", "F1")
> Best wishes
> Richard.
> Jim Lemon wrote:
> > Werner Wernersen wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> &
I have a problem using RExcel with a foreground
server: in RExcel menu as well as in the window called
by "set server" the foreground server option is grayed
out. I have installed the rcom package and also tried
to open R and type require(rcom), as explained on
I just want to make sure that I really misunderstood the documentation: Is
HTMLStart redirecting plots as well so that they are included in the HTML
report? I tried the below and the plot is not included in the HTML file.
Or did I miss some switch or so?
Many thanks,
> HTMLStart(
I am trying to prepare a report with R2HTML using
HTMLStart(outdir="./html", filename="report", echo=T, HTMLframe=F)
then, for instance, I want to get the output of a loop:
for (i in 1:20) print(summary(rnorm(1000)))
but only the first of summaries really ends up in the html file.
What am I
I would like to estimate an error correction model with lm() but I don't find
the correct syntax for that.
The model (leaving out the time indices) looks like:
dY = a0 - a1 * (Y - b1*X) + b0*dX + e
the problem is the term - a1 * (Y - b1*X). How can I restrict a1 to be the same
for both Y a
I thought about this but programming it seems rather difficult so I was
wondering if a function exists for this in R (as most of the times it turns out
that it does):
I have a map (shapefile) and for about 50 points on that map (GPS locations) I
have heights. Is there a function which can m
I was wondering why the results from lm and dynlm are not the same for what I
think is the same model.
I have just modified example 4.2 from the Pfaff book, please see below for the
code and results.
Can anyone tell my what I am doing wrongly?
Many thanks,
e1 <-
how can one use factors in dynlm?
I would like to add month dummies to the equation. Or is creating 12 vectors
the way to do it?
Thanks a lot,
einen herausragenden Schutz gegen Massenmails.
this is probably a very trivial question but I can't figure out the right terms
to find the solution in the list archive.
I have a matrix or a data.frame or the like:
> m <- matrix(ncol=3,seq(1,9))
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3]
and now I
I thought I've tried this already and that it doesn't work -- madness.
Anyway, Jeff kindly sent me the solution:
does the trick.
this is probably a very trivial question but I can't figure out the right terms
to find the solution in the list
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 22. Oktober 2008, 19:37:28 Uhr
Betreff: RE: [R] retrieving matrix elements by giving pairs of row AND column
Subscript using a 2 column matrix with the
I have a question which is a little off-topic but then again, it should stay in
the boundaries of what can be done with available R functions.
Has anyone pointers to tutorials or the like where one can get inspiration on
how to visualize some "spatial" statistics?
I want to analyze differen
I have been dreaming about a complete R environment on my USB stick for a long
time. Now I finally want to realize it but what I am missing is a good,
portable editor for R which has tabs and syntax highlighting, can execute code,
has bookmarks and a little project file management facility
sqldf sounds like a very useful package but I don't
even get the example to run:
> a1s <- sqldf("select * from warpbreaks limit
Error in combine(FUN(...)) : argument "value" is
missing, with no default
I am using R 2.6.1 on Windows Vista Business and have
updated all packages.
velopment version) and try
> that. I doubt that will
> solve it but its worth a try.
> http://sqldf.googlecode.com
> On Jan 29, 2008 5:58 AM, Werner Wernersen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > sqldf sounds like a very useful
I haven't used RExcel before but from what I've read
in the instructions so far it seems like I cannot
connect from RExcel to an already running R session,
can I?
The background is that usually I use Tinn-R and start
R from there but occasionally I get the sudden desire
to push the data to Ex
I have two loosely related questions which could make
my live again a bit easier:
1) Is there a simple way to select a range of columns
in a data frame using column names?
I am thinking of something like mydf[1,"col4":"col8"]
2) I have a data frame with many columns and they all
have short
Thank you very much, Henrique! The comment function is
exactly what I was looking for.
Regarding 1) why example was bad: The column names
don't follow an easy pattern but are more like "s8v2",
"s12v3", "s6v1" etc.
Kind regards,
--- Henrique Dallazuanna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
That's perfect! The subset way is very easy to use and
I have to play around a bit more with label() which
seems quite complex.
Thanks a million,
--- Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Werner Wernersen
I am very happy that I have Sweave and R to write my
papers. But I still have to do some tables by hand
since I have not found out how I can customize the
latex tables produced by R further (I mainly use
xtable()). Like for instance, I have a table which
needs an extra row every few rows as
Somehow, I don't get how the labels of Hmisc work. My
expectation was that if I use the following code and
then the print method, I would get an output where the
headers are replaced by the labels but I get the
normal variable names. How can I get the labels as
headers instead in the printed table?
Thanks for the answers! I will play around a bit and
maybe I really need to write a custom wrapper than.
--- Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Werner Wernersen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> &
I have a survey dataset of about 2 observations
where for 2 factor variables I have about 200 missing
values each. I want to impute these using 10 possibly
explanatory variables which are a mixture of integers
and factors.
Since I was quite intrigued by the concept of rrp I
wanted to use
rrp is working!
Sorry, it was my mistake... fiddling around to find
out what the problem is I forgot to re-include the
variables which are to be imputed. It seems like this
case is not caught but the algorithm finishes with the
mentioned error.
Anyway, I am still a little fuzzy about imputation a
could anyone explain to me what this warning message
exactly means and what the consequences are?
Is it due to the fact that there are very extreme
observations / outliers included or what is the reason
for it?
Thanks so much,
Machen Sie Yahoo! zu Ihrer Startseite. Los geht's
Thanks Ted and Professor Ripley for the very helpful
answers! Now I know what the problem is in my case.
All the best,
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
> On 11-Mar-08 08:58:55, Werner Wernersen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > could anyone explain to me what this warning
I have loaded the packages car, memisc, Hmisc and all
of these implement the function recode. The order in
which the packages are loaded depends on the order I
execute my scripts and thus is not always the same and
the syntax of the recode function changes with the
Is there any way t
has anybody encountered and solved the following
I continued work now on a different computer where I
have also used Sweave successfully before. I can run
Sweave() and it generates a .tex file. All code chunks
are processed and translated to Latex perfectly fine
but somehow only the
ods base
other attached packages:
[1] svSocket_0.9-5 svIO_0.9-5 R2HTML_1.58
svMisc_0.9-5 svIDE_0.9-5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.6.2
--- Tobias Verbeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Werner Wernersen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> &g
I am trying to set up a portable R environment and wanted to use Eclipse and
StatET as the editor. But when setting the R environment in StatET I cannot
figure out how to enter a relative path. Has anybody succeeded in doing this?
(eclipse and R are both in the common directory \programs on
I am wondering exists a standard set of symbols to mark cities of different
size classes on a map for R yet?
In a standard atlas there are symbols like small filled circles, small filled
circles with an outer circle, same with small squares, etc. which mark capitals
and different size cla
I am a bit unclear if svyglm with family=gaussian is
actually a normal linear model including weighting.
The goal is to estimate a normal linear model using
sample inflation weights.
Can anybody illuminate me a bit on this?
Thanks a lot!
as I read, maximum likelihood is the better method for
estimating selection-biased models. But I also want to
predict from that model. Is there any predict method
for the selection function when using maximum
likelihood estimation in micEcon? I couldn't find any.
Many thanks,
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