[R] Optional libraries (libtiff, etc) not found

2009-09-27 Thread Wayne F
I installed the (binary) biOps package, which can use libtiff and libfftw. Then I used macports to install the libraries (in /opt/local/lib). But I restart R and biOps still does not see the libraries. I've tried adding symbolic links from /opt/local/lib to /usr/local/lib, I've added /opt/local/l

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Wayne F
Are you looking for more of an R IDE or simply an editor? In the Mac GUI-version of R, there's a built-in editor (File->New Document) with some simple features, including the ability to highlight and press CMD-Return to execute. I also use Smultron, a free Mac-based text editor with a reasonable

Re: [R] understanding lexical scope

2008-12-20 Thread Wayne F
joseph.g.boyer wrote: > > Thomas, Jeff, Mark, Antonio, > > Thank you for your answers. They have helped me clarify how R functions > work. They work differently from SAS functions (which SAS calls macros.) > > To me, while the coding is quite awkward, the execution is logical. The > variabl

Re: [R] ggplot2 Xlim

2008-12-25 Thread Wayne F
I'm just a ggplot2 beginner, but... It seems to me that you're mixing continuous and factor variables/concepts. It looks to me as if ForkLength and Number are continuous values. But you'll need to convert ForkLength into a factor before using geom="bar". I do that and the graph "works" but the ba

Re: [R] Clustering with Mahalanobis Distance

2008-12-10 Thread Wayne F
I don't have any experience with your particular problem, but the thing I notice is that mahalanobis is that by default you specify a covariance matrix, and it uses solve to calculate its inverse. If you could supply the inverse covariance matrix (and specify inverted=TRUE to mahalanobis), that mi

Re: [R] ggplot2 and lattice

2008-12-16 Thread Wayne F
stephen sefick wrote: > > yes a parallel coordinates plot- I understand that it is for > multivariate data, but I am having a hard time figuring out what it is > telling me. Thanks for your help. > In the lattice book, the author mentions that static parallel plots aren't very useful, in gener