I want to obtain the F test associated an ADF test
In tseries, I can obtain t t stat of Dickey fuller, it is posible to obtain
the related F test?
Many thanks in advance
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R-help@r-project.org mailing
Hi all,
I want to execute a loop of a program:
for (u in Timeframemin:Timeframe){}
Imagine that Timeframemin<-10
Is it posible to execute the loop but only proving from 10 to 1 but
jumping 10 each time, for example, execute for 10,20,30.to Timeframe.
Other question is,
Hi all if I plot a graph on R, I press on the plot Export/Save Plot as
I change name on "File name:"
I select DirectoryBibliotecas\Documentos
And select Width 800 and Height 800
And finally save in format JPEG
It is posible to "type" code so that I can run my function and it is n
Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Trying To learn again
> > wrote:
> >> Hi all if I plot a graph on R, I press on the plot Export/Save Plot as
> >> Image
> >
> > I assume this means you're using R-Studio?
> >
> >>
> >> I change name o
Hi all,
Have any of you instaled R on a Tablet, in this case, which Tablet. My
family wants me to gift a Tablet but I suposse R can not be instaled on a
Tablet. And my few "free" time I pass mainly trying to "improve" in R.
Can yoy tell me, if there are, wich Tablets should be instaled?
Hi all, I have a series whose tpe for that is like series I expose below.
The thing is if a incremental number ends I´m in the first "type" of event
in this success is named 5 (because of the maximum is 5). In the series I
have this kind of events 5,3,1,1,5,3
But I don´t know extactly a priori w
Hi all,
I have 35 years, I have been working since I exit from University. I have
returned to make a phd...I´m fortunatelly I´m working so unfortunatelly I
have few time to study (I have also a baby with 16 months).
I´m trying to use R but sometimes it gets very difficult.
I´m trying to put this
Hi all,
I´ve been ill and I have lost a lot of time without seen the pc.
I want you to help if you can if you want.
Only I need an initial guide. I´ve been out a lot of time and I need a hope.
Is only for "joby" purposes.
The problem:
I want to simulate each of the posible combination in a pla
lumns that contain this pre-requisite.
2010/10/4 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I´ve been ill and I have lost a lot of time without seen the pc.
> I want you to help if you can if you want.
> Only I need an initial guide. I´ve been out a lot of time and I need a
Hi I want to plot an x,y plot something like an scatter plot.
I always have the same doubt, were is the last point of my file?
Imagine it is a time series so I want the last point to indicate with an
arrow (but athomatically if posible).
Someone knows if it is posible?
Could it be posible to ad
> 801.408.8111
> > -Original Message-
> > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-
> > project.org] On Behalf Of Trying To learn again
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:07 PM
> > To: r-help@r-project.org
> > Subject: [R]
Hi all,
I wanto to run a plot about the levels of a variable parting on an ols
regression. The regression in done on the rate of return of the variable.
Imagine R_{t}=a+b*R_{t-1}
So If P, the "estimated" price would be P_{t}=P_{t-1}*R_{t}
Imagine that I obtain lm fitted values and the original
Hi all,
For several reasons I have no used CARN R in monthsI have an idea and I
want to retry to learn CRAN R.
I know I need to formulate more "intelligent" questions but I will expose
and if someone can help me I would be very gratefull I promise to try to
learn again
The question I hav
Hi all,
I have a time series a column vector with the ordered data so that the first
column is the first observation and so on.
The fact is that I want to run a multiple regression with only intercept.
My first task is to run the regression on the first observation (1 from 276)
and at the same t
e lm()
> function is far more powerful than you actually need and a simple cumulative
> rolling mean, in conjunction with the rev() function, will suffice.
> Maybe you could say more about this odd request and we could provide a
> little more guidance,
> Michael Weylandt
Hi all,
I have a csv matrix "KT.csv" and it has Inf and NA
I want to calculate the mean of each row so I use
rowMeans(KT,na.rm = TRUE) but with this Inf cannot be omminted.
I´m trying to use before running rowMeans(KT,na.rm = TRUE)
but it doesn´t works...
Do you kno
Imagine I have a csv KT.csv
I want to create a new dataframe o convert KT in a matrix and create a new
matrix with each column of KT ordered by ascending order.
I have tried to make this
for(i in 1:ncol(b)){
But it puts a message that the number of
gt; > Thanks,
> > A.K.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Bert Gunter
> > To: arun
> > Cc: Trying To learn again ; R help <
> r-help@r-project.org>
> > Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 4:47 PM
> >
hi i see you can create latex pdf files using eclipse and that cran r code
can be put on it direcctly. I have tried but it seems very difficult there
is an easy way step by step manual and explaining all programs and folders
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> Am 12.06.2012 um 00:32 schrieb Trying To learn again:
> > hi i see you can create latex pdf files using eclipse and that cran r
> code
> > can be put on it direcctly. I have tried but it seems very difficult
> there
> > is an easy way step by step manual
Hi all,
I want to order a series that is included on the second column in MCT.csv.
I do but R doesn´t order, could be because is a csv?
I have prove
a<-order(MCTor[,2],2,decreasing = FALSE)
a<-order(MCTor[,2],1,decreasing = FALSE)
or the same with sort but didn´t wo
Hi all,
I´m trying to "recuperate" old files I wrotte and I´m trying to execute on R
version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13), the thing is I execute my old file and nothing
happens...I suposse I need to install some library but there no appears no
message, no text telling "required grafics library" or somethi
> dcast(yy , Time ~ variable , sum)
> --- On Thu, 6/9/11, Trying To learn again
> wrote:
> > From: Trying To learn again
> > Subject: [R] Item analysis
> > To: r-help@r-project.org
> > Received: Thursday, June 9, 2011, 4:41 PM
Hi all,
I have the next problem: I have a matrix with size 8,000,000x18. My personal
computer...blocks...so I have cut my original file into 100 different file.
I have written a function that should be run on each of this file.
So imagine
I need to read data from q1 to q100 file
Hi all,
I have a matrix like this:
I try to read the table using read table but if I put sep="" I have seen it
expects a white space, is there a "sep" option to read this matrix so
each single number is a position of the matrix
You see this matrix would be an 3x9
> 3 5 5 8 8 8 8 5 5 5
> >
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Trying To learn again
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a matrix like this:
> >
> > 188556644
> > 225588666
> > 55555
> >
> > I try to r
Hi all,
I have a function written by me that read a matrix (data frame) from a txt
with 4 million of rows and 13 columns.
The think is my function works with an input matrix of 100x13 and now I
tried to execute my function with the big "input file" and it is running
form the moment two hours...
part the file of 4 Million rows x 13 colums?
2011/6/29 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I have a function written by me that read a matrix (data frame) from a txt
> with 4 million of rows and 13 columns.
> The think is my function works with an input matrix of 100x13 an
Hi all,
I want to create a new matrix based on a previous matrix.
You see, If my "data" matrix accomplises this:
data[i,]= data[i,]
# if sum of rows is more than 16 and less 28 I conservate the row
#but How I say if else "remove" the line (I tried
x is 10x4 and only 3 rows passes the
condition...the resulting matrix will be 3x4
2011/7/1 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I want to create a new matrix based on a previous matrix.
> You see, If my "data" matrix accomplises this:
> if(rowSums(data[i,])>16|ro
Hi all,
I have a data matrix likein "input.txt"
8 9 2 5 4 5 8 5 6 6
8 9 2 8 9 2 8 9 2 1
8 9 2 5 4 5 8 5 6 4
8 9 2 5 4 5 8 5 6 6
8 9 2 8 9 2 8 9 2 1
8 9 2 5 4 5 8 9 2 2
In this example will be an 6x10 matrix (or data frame)
I want to detect how many times in a row appears this combination
I suppose the easiest way to make this is to use loops and construct a zero
matrix to be completed each time the sequence accompleixes, don´t you?
I will try this evening¡¡¡
2011/7/2 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I have a data matrix likein "input.txt"
> 8 9
Hi all,
I try to exceute a function "myfun" that should use as input "input1.csv"
and "input2.csv" .
Then I try to save the output dat33 on a csv file (on per each time I
execute input1..input 2 and so on). So my problem is how to finally obtain
several csv file with "ggt1.csv", "ggt2.csv".
I find the solution¡¡¡
It was the 1:2
so if I put a loop for iand replace it works¡¡¡
So Many Thanks¡¡¡ Forget My doubt¡¡
2011/7/5 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I try to exceute a function "myfun" that should use as input "input1.csv"
> and
Hi all,
I first create a matrix/data frame called "d2" if another matrix
accomplishes some restrictions "dacc2"
write.csv(da2, file =paste('hggi', i,'.csv',sep = ''))
The thing is if finally da2 cannot get/passs the filters, it cannot writte a
If it is, then
> replace the empty data frame with a data frame of one row and n columns.
> Sarah
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 3:51 AM, Trying To learn again
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I first create a matrix/data frame called "d2" if another matrix
Hi all,
I have this information on a file ht.txt, imagine it is a data frame without
1 1 1 8 1 1 6 4 1 3 1 3 3
And on other table called "pru.txt" I have sequences similar this
4 1 1 8 1 1 6 4 1 3 1 3 3
1 6 1 8 1 1 6 4 1 3 1 3 3
1 1 1 8 1 1 6 4 1 3 1 3 3
6 6 6 8 1 1 6 4 1 3 1 3 3
I want
Hi all,
I´m trying to convert as a data frame (with format "date") this copied
excel column of dates (exposed below), I have tried to save them in a txt
I have tried several things, as date, so on, but always error.
And it makes
Error en as.
Hi all,
I have solved my question
Output<- matrix(0, length(x), 1)
for (i in 1:length(x)){
files <- paste('KT', i, '.csv', sep = '')
da1 <- read.csv(files)
2011/12/14 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I
First PRoblem solved
> read.csv("KT80.csv")
X x
1 1 0.01331361
I ommitt "" in calling the file name...
2011/12/14 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I have 100 csv files always with this information (I Attach two example
> exc
Hi all
> a<-c(2,Inf)
> max(a)
[1] Inf
How can I say...omit Inf?
I cannot find anything...
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guid
Hi all,
I have a matrix
> b<-as.matrix(a)
[4,] Inf
> range(b, finite=TRUE)[2] (this is the maximum)
[1] 4
There is a pre-def function to extract the location (in terms of rows) of
the value in the matrix.
In my example would be
3 (max i
Hi all,
I´m new using Access. I see that many things that you can do on Access you
can do on CRAN R but not on contrary.
My question is: Is there any manual with examples comparing how to do data
base analysis on access and making the same on CRAN R?
Imagine I want to compare two columns "Name"
Hi all,
I´m re-starting (as my name indicates) my little knowlegde of CRAN R.
I made this function time before but I don´t know where is the error
because nothing appears as an error but the histogram plot doesn´t appear.
Should I install some special library to run sapply?
I´m using this version of R
R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30)
Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
2012/5/5 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I´m re-starting (as my name indicates) my little knowlegde
Hi all,
I´m using the windows writting pad (not Notepad the simplest version). I
think there should be greater and helping note pads to help programming.
Can you suggest one?
Many thanks
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I want to plot this matrix (I attach the data), it is suposed that each
column is a different time series.
If I do
g<-read.table("dataADF.txt", header=F)
it plots the first column plot if I want in a unique graph each colums of
dataA, all in one. How should I pro
Hi all,
I´m trying to use write function to save the output of a program (my
constructed "H" matrix)
for (j in 1:2000){
for (i in 2:500){
else H[i,j]<-H[i-1,j]+randz[i,j]
Hi all,
I want to make the following:
I want to run a linear regression on each column of a matrix "estima" on
the correspondent column on the matrix "estima2".
You see I want to regress estima[,1] on estima2[,1] this way to all
At the same time I want to make a regression adding e
Hi all,
I have I got it. I see the way on my mind. I will try this week end and if
I get it I will send.
2012/5/10 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I want to make the following:
> I want to run a linear regression on each column of a matrix "estima" on
I have it,
I have used a simply programmation using loops
I have to run the multiple lm with at least 3 variables (because it needs
at least 2 degrees of freedom).
Many Thanks
2012/5/11 Trying To learn again
> Hi all,
> I have I got it. I see the way on my mind. I will try
I all,
I have a matrix like this
1 4
2 7
3 6
I want to create a new matrix
3 6
2 7
1 4
Anyone knows if there is a "reverse" function?
I can do it with loops if no exits.
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Hi all
Sorry in advance
I have this txt with data and I want to plot the data with a line between
The thing is that if I run this
I have prove to attach(g) but doesn´ t work.
I know is a begginer question and sure is of the type of data or the f
53 matches
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