w the algorithm works and thought R code would help
All best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide
Dear friends - merry Christmas and thanks a lot for much help during the
In the example below I fail to understand how the calculated value pH is
represented in a simple plot - also included. The calculations are
useful in practice and likely to be right in principle but I cannot see
Dear friends - copy paste missed
SID <- c() before the first loop - sorry
BW Troels
Den 25-12-2017 kl. 19:12 skrev Troels Ring:
Dear friends - merry Christmas and thanks a lot for much help during
the year!
In the example below I fail to understand how the calculated value pH
eople keep coming along
> and sticking things into it."
> -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
> On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Troels Ring <mailto:tr...@gvdnet.dk>> wrote:
> Dear friends - copy paste missed
at's going on.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking
things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - I'm having troubles with nlme fitting a simplified model
as shown below eliciting the error
Error in chol.default((value + t(value))/2) :
the leading minor of order 1 is not positive definite -
I have seen the threads on this error but it didn't help me solve the
Dear friends - I have further problems handling dates_times, as
demonstrated below where concatenating two formatted vectors of
date_times results in errors.
I wonder why this happens and what was wrong in trying to take these two
vectors together
All best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
I get no error. I think we need more information to be of any help.
Best wishes,
On Fri, 7 Apr 2017 at 08:17 Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - I have further problems handling dates_times, as
demonstrated below where concatenating two formatted vectors of
date_times results in error
to "UTC". Others may have
> different solutions but that might work. If you don't have that, then
> R decides what to use and I'm not sure how it decides.
> Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")
> #ibrary("MASS
Here it is how to make extensions visible before Windows 10
Den 18-04-2017 kl. 23:44 skrev John C Frain:
At the risk of adding again to the noise on this point I would reco
Dear friends - windows R 3.3.3 - sorry to ask a simple question - but I
cannot make setwd work properly in scripts
In the example below I have made a directory in C (firstdir) and a
directory in that (secdir) and the intention is to change directory to
the second from the first - it works when
secdir") ?
On 14 Jul 2017, at 13:42 , Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - windows R 3.3.3 - sorry to ask a simple question - but I
cannot make setwd work properly in scripts
In the example below I have made a directory in C (firstdir) and a
directory in that (secdir) and the intention
ay to use sqrt(k) as weight
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/po
? How
could I avoid it?
I'm on Windows 7, R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) -- "Single Candle"
All best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
DF1 <-
structure(list(P = c(0, 0.00222, 0.00444,
0.00667, 0.00889,
Hi Ulrik - thanks a lot for pointing out this blunder - now it is fine!
Best wishes
Den 27-09-2017 kl. 09:31 skrev Ulrik Stervbo:
Hi Troels,
Try to move the size argument out of the aesthetic.
Best wishes,
On Mi., 27. Sep. 2017, 08:51 Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.4.1 tools_3.4.1svMisc_0.9-70 Rcpp_0.12.13 tcltk_3.4.1
All best wishes
Troels Ring, Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
Thanks a lot -
Den 11-10-2017 kl. 09:58 skrev Berend Hasselman:
On 11 Oct 2017, at 09:45, Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - I have a data.frame with "," instead of "." and found the
How do Imake ggplot make a label? - I tried to
annotate("text",1,5,"drug1") returning
mapping: x = x, xmin = xmin, y = y
geom_text: na.rm = FALSE
stat_identity: na.rm = FALSE
so that was not as I thought. How do I get the label directly - or
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) -- "Sock it to Me"
Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Dear friends - I have a small problem with diff (I guess)
I made a sequence with fixed interval between consecutive elements - and
hence thought
ASL <- list()
RES <- list()
for (j in 1:5){
for (i in 1:5)
ASL[[j]] <-
RES[[i]] <- i^j }
All best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
Please excuse my brevity.
On February 16, 2015 8:43:51 AM PST, Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - this is simple I know but I can figure it out without
your help.
I have for each of 2195 instances 10 variables measured at specific
times from 6 to several hundred, so if I just take one of the
as.POSIXlt(dates)) 1043107680
And this works fine for modeling but now I would like to have it back as
as.POSIXlt requires an origin, if I'm right.
So how is it done?
Best wishes
Troels Ring
R-help@r-project.org mai
Thanks a lot and thanks to Rui
Den 18-02-2015 kl. 20:14 skrev peter dalgaard:
On 18 Feb 2015, at 18:45 , Troels Ring wrote:
dear friends - sorry to ask another simple question -
I have dates set up as this:
dates #[1] 2003-01-21 01:08:00
To handle it I did
as.POSIXlt(dates) "20
Dear friends and helpers - in the script below, uniroot is called with a
function CHB that calls a function, Charge. On its own, CHB apparently does
what is expected, but from within uniroot, problems appear. An error is
Error in f(lower, ...) : could not find function "f"
So CHB is not s
Thanks a lot - f was renamed FF and things are OK
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Berwin A Turlach
Sendt: 19. december 2018 10:27
Til: Troels Ring
Emne: Re: [R] uniroot problem
G'day Troels,
On Wed, 19 Dec 2018 10:03:09 +0100
"Troels Ring" wrote:
> Dear f
[,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.0267 0.0267 0.0267
# [2,] 0.0200 0.0200 0.0200
# which is wrong and belongs to another included dataset. How did that
happen to be caught in globalenvironment, how can I avoid that and get rid
# of it?
I can see I need to know more about environments. What do you t
?Rdiff perhaps??
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: R-help På vegne af Martin Møller
Skarbiniks Pedersen
Sendt: 10. januar 2019 08:35
Til: Sebastien Bihorel
Cc: R mailing list
Emne: Re: [R] Diff'ing 2 strings
On Sat, Jan 5, 2019, 14:58 Sebastien Bihorel <
d obj2 are formatted as I wanted - but when combined the
formatting is lost. How comes?
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
T <- seq(1,200,length=100)
Y1 <- 10+2*T+0.05*T^2 + rnorm(100,0,40)
Y2 <- 0.1 + sqrt(T)+rnorm(100,1,1)
tesobj <- data.frame(T=T,Y1=Y1,Y2=Y2)
On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - below is a small example showing a problem I have
understanding doubleYScale from latticeExtra -
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing"
Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Thanks Duncan - getting still better! - but "Y2" is still unformatted
and so different from "Y1" - I have been on the help page but fail to
find explanations.
Best wishes
Den 07-08-2014 08:08, Duncan Mackay skrev:
(sd1 <- doubleYScale(obj1,obj2,add.ylab2 = TRUE, use.style = FALSE))
- the dataframe do not grow as I thought it would.
How would I do this?
All best wishes
Troels Ring
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
-Original Message-
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Troels
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 5:03 PM
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] dataframe rbind
Dear friends - I have a very simple question - I generate a num
Dear friends - I find it difficult to get formatting right when
expressions are made on several lines. Sorry not to find the right
R version 3.2.1 Windows 7
(pHi <- seq(1,8))
#This gets formatted well but I want subscript for 2 in pCO2
Hi friends - just installed gtools to make rstan run. Was rapidly
informed by Spyhunter 4 that gtools.dll harboured Gator. Spyhunter 4
then aggressively removed Gator - and gtools were gone and rstan out of
function. Kind of sorry about this.
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
- shows no sign of any malware in the 32-bit DLLor 64-bit DLL (I
tested r-release: gtools_3.5.0.zip)
On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 4:50 AM, Troels Ring w
, Poland
W dniu 22.10.2016 o 13:31, Troels Ring pisze:
Thanks a lot - I have asked enigmasoftware to go and check up on this
- and they'll also see your letter!
Den 22-10-2016 kl. 13:12 skrev Bob Rudis:
I think your tool is a bit overzealous. VirusTotal -
Dear friends - Windows, R version 3.2.1
I wanted to make a ggplot2 using Rmpfr high precision data - but cannot
make the data into a data.frame, as wanted by ggplot2. Hence
a <- mpfr(1,120)
b <- mpfr(2,120)
dff <- data.frame(a=a,b=b)
elicits errors
Error in as.data.frame.defau
Dear friends - updated to R 3.3.2 - tried to install nls - got this sad
package ‘nls’ is not available (as a binary package for R version 3.3.2)
I'm on windows 7
Did I do something wrong? Will a binary appear eventually? Would I have
to make it myself?
Best wishes
Hi - running rseek.org
simulate structutral model data
seems to give some inputs?
Den 16-03-2017 kl. 12:34 skrev Michael Haenlein:
Dear all,
I am looking for an R package or code that allows me to simulate data
consistent with a given structural equation model. Essentially my id
on) of argument" - with
exactly the same string - how comes?
Beautiful ggplot is not exactly low in documentation but finding the
right stuff is not always easy (for me:-))
Best wishes
Troels Ring, MD
Aalborg, Denmark
Dear friends - I have a series of times on successive days and would
like to convert them into a successive common time for each person (ID)
. Using lubridate and adding days(1) does as expected apart from
changing time zone to LMT from UTC and suddenly adding 9:21 (H:M) to all
times. Individua
Thanks a lot - I got interested to make it work since just formatting
in lubricate as a time automatically puts the same complete date, which
was OK for me - and also provided a utility for adding days - which
apparently then needs tweaking -
Best wishes
Den 28-03-2017 kl. 20:38 sk
", "sigma_dep","alpha","beta",
pigs3 <- bugs (ml_pig.data, debug=TRUE,inits=pigs3.inits,
pigs.parameters, "ml3_pig.bug", n.iter=2000,n.chains=3,
bugs.directory = bugs.directory)
Troels Ri
pigs3 <- bugs (ml_pig.data, debug=TRUE,inits=pigs3.inits,
pigs.parameters, "ml3_pig.bug", n.iter=2000,n.chains=3,
bugs.directory = bugs.directory)
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology
desires. Hope someone will give me help to master the
panel formation.
Best wishes
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100 Aalb
I have R 2.7.1 on WinXP.
Best wishes
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100 Aalborg, Denmark - -
+45 99326629 - -
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
e changes.
I hope some of you will have remarks on this problem.
Best wishes
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100 Aalborg, Denmark - -
+45 99326629 - -
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
myPanel <- function(x,y,...){
ltext(x-.1,y+1,paste(pt),cex=0.5) }
Troels Ring
Department of nephrology
Aalborg Hospital
phone: +4599326
myPanel <- function(x,y,...){
ltext(x-.1,y+1,paste(pt),cex=0.5) }
Troels Ring
Department of nephrology
Aalborg Hospital
Invalid argument//
//run aborted/
But when I then simply try again it works well with no troubles.
I wonder what error I have done?
All best wishes
Troels Ring,
Aalborg, Denmark
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
cible example along with your
> xfun::session_info('rmarkdown')? Thanks!
> Regards,
> Yihui
> --
> https://yihui.org
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 11:06 AM Troels Ring wrote:
>> Dear friends - newly installed windows 10 and R version 4.0.5
>> (2021-03-31
diate *.utf8.md file. I'm not sure if that would help. You may
try remotes::install_github('rstudio/rmarkdown').
On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 11:42 AM Troels Ring wrote:
Thanks a lot - the error is not constant so I have not tried a minimal example
but here I only get all pH values plotted together whereas I want 3
series in the vertical direction at the three pH values.
I wonder how this could be done?
All best wishes
Troels Ring, MD
Aalborg, Denmark
PS: Windows 10,
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31
Thanks a lot to David and William - I think
ggplot( data=ddd, aes(x=pH, y=BC,group=interaction(type,pH),
was very helpful!
All best
Den 18-05-2021 kl. 02:27 skrev David Winsemius:
ggplot( data=ddd, aes(x=pH, y=BC,group=interaction(type,pH),
Dear friends - another simple question: the assignment of linetype seems
to be corrupted in the code below- I would want the solid line
to be the lowest and also want the legend to be correct. I guess R
orders the legend names alphabetically and could handle that but
cannot unnderstand how the
geom_line() +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(solid = "solid", dashed = "dashed",
dotted = "dotted"))
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Às 13:52 de 01/10/21, Troels Ring escreveu:
Dear friends - another simple question: the assignment of linetype
seems to be corrupte
Wolfram, Newton
search or secant search is employed.
I'm on Windows R 4.2.2
Best wishes
Troels Ring, MD
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do rea
alent to x = y = z, x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1, so x
> = y = z = ±sqrt(1/3) ~ 0.577)
> we’d enter
> f <- function(x) c(x[1]**2 + x[2]**2 + x[3]**2 - 1, x[1]**3 - x[2]**3,
> x[1] - x[3])
> multiroot(f, c(0,0,0))
> which yields
> $ro
annot verify how the numbers out were calculated so
they must be correct" approach to analysis does not really work for me.
-Original Message-
From: R-help On Behalf Of Troels Ring
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:18 AM
To: Valentin Petzel ; r-help mailing list
verify how the numbers out were calculated so
they must be correct" approach to analysis does not really work for me.
-Original Message-
From: R-help On Behalf Of Troels Ring
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:18 AM
To: Valentin Petzel ; r-help mailing list
Subject: Re: [R
Dear Leonard - thanks a lot for the solution! Yes, you are right: pH is
presumed known, so the effort is repeated at a series of chosen pH
values. It appears that no matter x0 the estimate for atp is always
-6.239560e-01 which even accounting for offset of 0.008 is negative
which is not possib
Dear friends - I have 2 problems with ggplot2
Here is the code for illustration
x <- seq(1,10,length=1)
y <- x^2
fill <- rep(0,length(x))
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide comment
Hi friends - Trying to install nlmixr2 caused problems. I'm on windows
with R4.3.1 so made sure to have rtools 4.3 and also reinstalled R and then
install.packages("nlmixr2",dependencies = TRUE)and got the
responseInstalling package into
‘C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.3’ (as
:21 skrev Rui Barradas:
> Às 12:55 de 16/07/2023, Troels Ring escreveu:
>> Hi friends - Trying to install nlmixr2 caused problems. I'm on windows
>> with R4.3.1 so made sure to have rtools 4.3 and also reinstalled R
>> and then
>> ran
appeared to do as expected
Strange only, that RStudio doesn't suggest the type="source" by itself
Best wishes
Den 17-07-2023 kl. 07:54 skrev Troels Ring:
Thanks a lot - I was not offered the opportunity to recompile - the
system just stopped. Also, today trying
ls? (I know the
precision asked for is extreme but it has worked well in really many
All best wishes
Troels Ring, MD
Aalborg, Denmark
function(H,SID,HEPTOT,pK1,pK2,pK3) {
XX <- (H^3/(10^-pK3*10^-pK2*10^-pK1)+H^2/(10^-pK3*10^-pK2)+H/(10^-pK3))
IV <
2023 kl. 19:19 skrev Ivan Krylov:
В Mon, 6 Nov 2023 17:53:49 +0100
Troels Ring пишет:
Hence I wonder if I could somehow have non linear regression to find
the 3 pK values. Below is HEPESFUNC which delivers charge in the
fluid for known pKs, HEPTOT and SID. Is it possible to have
root-finding in
we KNOW that pK1 is either positive OR
negative, in which case we have pK1 = -exp(theta1)?
Best wishes
Den 07-11-2023 kl. 05:10 skrev Berwin A Turlach:
G'day Troels,
On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 20:43:10 +0100
Troels Ring wrote:
Thanks a lot! This was amazing. I'm not sure I s
Hi friends - I'm plotting a ratio of bicarbonates i ggplot2 and
ylab(expression(paste(frac("additive BIC","true BIC" worked OK - but
now I have been asked to put the chemistry instead - so I wrote
- and frac saw that
right - but I have been unable to find out how to get the
string e converted to the proper argument for sum() - i.e. what is
function xx?
All best wishes
Troels Ring, Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more
Dear Ivan and Rui - thanks a lot for the effective help.
All best wishes Troels
Den 03-07-2024 kl. 10:25 skrev Ivan Krylov:
В Wed, 3 Jul 2024 10:13:59 +0200
Troels Ring пишет:
Now e looks right - but I have been unable to find out how to get the
string e converted to the proper argument for
Hi friends - I have a simple problem of inserting values in label of a
ggplot2. I have a vector V with two values and want to show them in the
Here is what I tried - at most get the first entry "28".
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Windows 10
x <- 1:5
y <
Thanks a lot for the interesting possibilities - R is wonderful!
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Rui Barradas
Sendt: 16. december 2019 19:31
Til: Troels Ring ; r-help mailing list
Emne: Re: [R] variable in annotation, ggplot2
Another way:
expr <- substitute(V == x, lis
ssion(paste(HSO[4]," 7 no Na")),
expression(paste(HNO[3]," 7 No Na")))
DD <- data.frame(x=1:7,ID)
Elicits an error
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) :
cannot coerce class '"expression"' to a data.frame
and plottin
Thanks a lot - this does indeed do the trick!
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: peter dalgaard
Sendt: 21. marts 2020 18:08
Til: Troels Ring
Emne: Re: [R] cannot coerce class '"expression"' to a data.frame
Oops, disregard previous...
I'm no ggplot expert, bu
something easy but cannot spot it.
Troels Ring,
Aalborg, Denmark
aedf <- structure(list(Flux = c(-0.141256, -0.154709, -0.215247, -0.302691,
-0.32287, -0.511211, -0.605381, -0.813901, -1.11659, -1.76906
), pH = c(7.06273, 7.11182, 7.16182, 7.18818, 7.21455,
alone saves me.
Fra: William Dunlap
Sendt: 2. april 2020 18:50
Til: Troels Ring
Cc: r-help mailing list
Emne: Re: [R] nls problem
Roundoff/cancelation error: compare the following. The first is equivalent to
your function, the last to fitted().
> with(aedf, t(cbind(1,
Best wishes
Troels Ring, Nephrology
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal,
me is fractionated into short, intermediate and long time survival. I
wonder if it should not be better to have a more generalized method
encompassing the entirety of the observation period.
Best wishes
Troels Ring, MD
Department of nephrology
Aalborg, Denmark
Dear friends - I'm on windows 7, R 2.15.2
when I run the example for aareg in survival package I see this:
plot(lfit[4], ylim=c(-4,4))
error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
'x' is a list, but does not have components 'x' and 'y'
Is that a matte
All the best
Troels Ring
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
t attached):
[1] colorspace_1.2-0 dichromat_1.2-4 digest_0.5.2 fortunes_1.5-0
[5] grid_2.15.1 gtable_0.1.1 labeling_0.1 MASS_7.3-22
[9] memoise_0.1 munsell_0.4 plyr_1.7.1 proto_0.3-9.2
[13] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 reshape2_1.2.1 scales_0.2.2 stringr_0.6.1
What do you mean by "a .1 lack in R "?
Dear friends - reading Milliken and Johnson on messy data I failed to
find R code to master the unbalanced Machines data in ch 23.
I wonder if anyone can lend me a hand - again
Happy new year
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
I have been through sos - but only found the above?
All best wishes
Troels Ring
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
Windows 7, R 3.0.1
postscript(file="fig1.eps", horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE,
pagecentre=TRUE,paper = "special",colormodel = "rgb",width=8,height=8)
Dear friends - I'm using Tinn-R in Windows and find it OK. My son is
running MacOS and is just starting using R and I know nothing about
MacOS and R but we seem to have difficulties in finding something
similar to Tinn for MaC. What are your suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
Troels Ring, MD
Dear friends, can I use Ryacas to solve the two equations
X = a/(a+b)
Y = (a+b)^2*(a+b+1)/(a*b)
subject to a>0 and b>0 ?
I'm on windows using latest R
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
Jeg bruger BullGuard til at holde min computer ren.
Prøv BullGuard gratis: www.bu
? Where do I get .8 as I just reinstalled? Best wishes
Troels Ring, Nephrology
Aalborg, Denmark
> betavar = coefvar[2]*harmonics[1]^2 + coefvar[3]*harmonics[2]^2 +
Error in `^.fd`(harmonics[1], 2) : FDOBJ does not have a spline basis.
> sessionInfo()
R v
,2,3,3,3 and 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 respectively.
How do I use the pattern in ID and PERIOD to find the lacking X and put NA?
Best wishes
Troels Ring,
Aalborg, Denmark
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Thanks a lot - beautiful
Den 16-05-2012 19:29, David Winsemius skrev:
On May 16, 2012, at 11:56 AM, Troels Ring wrote:
Dear friends - I hope you will forgive me another simple question,
illustrated by
ID <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3)
PERIOD <- c(1,2,3,2,3,1,2,3)
X <- run
after "the same operation" than others - we would like to know why.
The data are available (eventually - the resulting blood tests still are
missing) if anyone would like to have a look but the main issue is if it
is at all feasible to make fda work on such a problem.
14: There are other near singularities as well. 14400
Otherwise for the whole dataset of 16 pigs it works quite OK - but only
this pig number 13 makes troubles.
I wonder what occurs.
Best wishes
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100 Aalborg, Denmark - -
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100 Aalbo
#[1] 6.102746508205e-07
#[1] -9.72253673562293e-20
I would very much appreciate some help on doing this modeling with very
small numbers in R. Comments on the capability of Excel's goal seek
would also be welcome.
Best wishes
t;-(mvrnorm(n=100, rep(0, 2), Sigma, empirical = TRUE))
res[i] <- t.test(ff[,1],ff[,2],paired=TRUE)$p.value}
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100 Aalborg, Denmark - -
+45 99326629 - -
Hi, I'm using windows xp and R 2.8.0 - I wonder what is the command to
put in a script that has the same effect as when in a plot you choose
menu "History" and "Recording".
Best wishes
Troels Ring - -
Department of nephrology - -
Aalborg Hospital 9100
Thanks a lot -
windows(record=TRUE) seems to do the job.
Sorry not to have found it.
jim holtman skrev:
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Troels Ring wrote:
Hi, I'm using windows xp and R 2.8.0 - I wonder what is the command to put
in a script that has the same effe
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