[R] Flushing (Reset) 'last.warning'

2007-12-13 Thread Tiago R Magalhães
Dear members of the mailing list, I want to fetch warnings() from a series of prop.test calls. I want to get "none" if no warning is issued, and "warning" if there is a problem. I have looked (and relooked) at options(warn) and warning(), warnings() and 'last.warning' but to no avail. I am a biol

[R] infer haplotypes phasing trios tdthap

2009-01-22 Thread Tiago R Magalhães
Dear R mailing list, I have a dataset with genotypes from trios and I would like to infer haplotypes for each mother, father and child. The package that I could find that can do this is tdthap. But when the mother is homozygous (e.g., 2/2) the haplotype is called as not possible to infer (0)