Dear Mailing List Members,
the problem I've been grappling with für quite some time now is the following:
I have a 100 rows x 200 columns matrix.
data.set <- matrix(rnorm(2, 100, 200))
Now I would like to get a vector of length 100 which collects the values from
the following procedure:
Dear list,
I have two matrices
A <- matrix(t(expand.grid(c(1,2,3,4,5), 15, 16)), nrow = 3)
B <- combn(16, 3)
Now I would like to exclude all columns from the 560 columns in B which are
identical to any 1 of the 6 columns in A. How could I do this?
Many thanks and best wishes,
Gesendet: Samstag, 13. Juli 2013 19:57
An: William Dunlap
Cc: mailman, r-help; Thiem Alrik
Betreff: Re: [R] Test for column equality across matrices
I tried it on a slightly bigger dataset:
A1 <- matrix(t(expand.grid(1:90, 15, 16)), nrow = 3)
B1 <- combn(90, 3)
Dear list,
I have a matrix M.1 (30x2) into which I would like to paste another matrix M.2
(10x2) three times. However, the columns get flipped in every odd-numbered
recycle run. How can I avoid this behavior?
M.1 <- matrix(numeric(30*2), ncol = 2)
M.2 <- t(combn(1:5, 2))
M.1[, 1:2] <- M.2
Dear R help list,
I was just wondering whether there is a way to cluster the documentation files
of data sets in the package documentation index file, so that common prefixes
such as "dat..." are not necessary.
Best wishes,
Dr. Al
Dear mailing list,
Why does the following code produce numerical results for x.pos.l, but NaNs for
x.pos <- function(tau.e, tau.c){
tau.e + ((-tau.e^3 + 3*tau.e^2*tau.c -
3*tau.e*tau.c^2 + tau.c^3)^(1/3))/(2*2^(1/3))
(x.pos.l <- x.pos(1, 2))
x.neg <- function(tau.c, tau.i){
Dear mailing list,
I would like to use the optim() command in order to maximize the logged
likelihood of the following function, where p is the parameter of interest and
should be constrained between 0 and positive infinity.
y = 1/2 * ((te - x)/(te - tc))^p
x and y are given by
x <- c(5.18,
Dear mailing list,
how can I identify all those rows of matrix B which fulfill some condition
based on another matrix A? More precisely,
A <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1, -9, 1, -9, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -9, 1, 0, -9, 0, 1, 1,
1, -9, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
B <-
8 matches
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