eger overflow
> m1^2
[1] 3748378176
That is, the multiplication worked with the numbers but not the
numeric vectors; the above is literally copied from the console. Why
is that happening?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Stefan Th. Gries
Before responding to Jeff's posting, let me reiterate my question: Why
does a function using m1*m1 produce an integer overflow, but m1^2 does
As for Jeff's 'response':
> a) Numeric values may be either integers (signed 32 bit) or double precision
> (53 bit mantissa).
> b) Double precision c
> You are right that various arithmetic operators map a pair of integer
> arguments to various type: the power and division operators map them to
> double precision while the the addition, multiplication, and subtraction
> operators map them to integer results (giving NA's if the result cannot f
This should do what you want:
# cerating a vector with comments, in which d's will be counted
for (i in 1:25) {
comments[i] <- paste(sample(letters[1:10], 10, replace=T), collapse="")
# creating a vector to cross -tabulate
age <-sample(c("old", "young"), 2
This should do what you want:
strsplit(x, "(?<=...)", perl=T)
Stefan Th. Gries
University of California, Santa Barbara
Hi all
I have a hopefully not too stupid question about multi-level /
mixed-effects modeling. I was trying to test a strategy from Crawley's
2013 R Book on a data set with the following structure:
- dependent variable: CONSTRUCTION (a factor with 2 levels)
- independent fixed effect: LENGTH (an i
y.bevor.lrm, pch="b")
points(x2, y.nachdem.lrm, pch="n")
points(x2, y.weil.lrm, pch="w")
plot(x2, y.als.glm, pch="a", xlim=c(-100, 100), ylim=c(0, 1),
main="with predict.glm", xlab="Main cl. length - subord. cl. length
(in words)", y
weil.lrm, pch="w")
plot(x2, y.als.glm, pch="a", xlim=c(-100, 100), ylim=c(0, 1),
main="with predict.glm", xlab="Main cl. length - subord. cl. length
(in words)", ylab="Predicted probability of 'sc-mc'")
is a web crawler.
Stefan Th. Gries
University of California, Santa Barbara
__ mailing list
86_64, linux-gnu
major 2
minor 12.2
year 2011
month 02
day 25
svn rev 54585
language R
version.string R version 2.12.2 (2011-02-25)
Paradoxically enough, R for Windows installed on this machine (running
with Wine) causes no problems, but on Linux ... Any ideas what that
Yes, and plotting a pvclust object also works on Windows.
Stefan Th. Gries
University of California, Santa Barbara
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 04:06
Hi all
I have a question regarding the Fligner-Killeen test. I am using
- a PC with Windows XP (Build 20600.xpsp080413-2111 (Service Pack 3);
- the following R version:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)
I have a vector LENGTH and a factor RELATION that are distributed
Hi all
Four questions regarding Unicode.
Three Windows questions. I am using
- a PC with Windows XP (Build 20600.xpsp080413-2111 (Service Pack 3);
- the following R version:
> R.version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
Hi all
I have a question regarding the Fligner-Killeen test. I am using
- a PC with Windows XP (Build 20600.xpsp080413-2111 (Service Pack 3);
- the following R version:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)
I have a vector LENGTH and a factor RELATION that are distributed
Hans-Joerg Bibiko's function Levenshtein would help; cf. below for an
example (very clumsy with two loops, but you can tweak that with apply
levenshtein <- function(string1, string2, case=TRUE, map=NULL) {
# levenshtein algorithm in R
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 08:28, Stefan Th. Gries wrote:
> Hans-Joerg Bibiko's function Levenshtein would help; cf. below for an
> example (very clumsy with two loops, but you can tweak that with apply
> stuff).
Like this maybe (sorry, should've thought about that earlier):
Hi all
I have two lists that have the same number of numeric vectors such as:
q<-list(1, 2:3, 4:6, 7:10)
w<-list(0, 1:2, 3:7, 8:10)
What I want to do is create a vector desired.result that looks like
this but I am thinking there must be some kind of non-loop /
"\\wapply" way to so ...
Hi all
I have the following regular expression problem: I want to find
complete elements of a vector that end in a repeated character but
where the repetition doesn't make up the whole word. That is, for the
vector vec:
vec<-c("", "baaa", "bbaa", "bbba", "baamm", "aa")
I would like to get
I have two questions regarding the meaning of intercept outputs of lm.
Question 1: In data set 1 (a fully-balanced design), the line with
(Intercept) contains the overall mean, and the estimates contain the
differences from the overall mean (matching those from model.tables).
But in data set 2
19 matches
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