Re: [R] GAM Poisson

2018-01-11 Thread Simon Wood and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW UK +44 (0)117 33 18273 __ R-help@r-project.

Re: [R] setting constraints on gam

2018-01-12 Thread Simon Wood
_ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathemati

Re: [R] A question on modeling brain growth using GAM

2017-04-06 Thread Simon Wood
ge: "Note that smooth ids are not supported for random effect terms. Unlike most smooth terms, side conditions are never applied to random effect terms in the event of nesting (since they are identifiable without side conditions)." When I do a search on "using gam mgcv formu

Re: [R] conditional regression with mgcv

2017-04-06 Thread Simon Wood
rsion deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon

Re: [R] plotting gam plots from mgcv package

2017-04-06 Thread Simon Wood
d provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW UK +44 (0)117 33 18273 __ mailing list -- To UNS

Re: [R] A question on modeling brain growth using GAM

2017-04-06 Thread Simon Wood
d curves using predict(gamm1$gam,..., type="terms") supplying the factor levels and correctedAges at which you want to evaluate the curves. > Many thanks! > L > > > > On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:22 AM, Simon Wood <>> wrote: > >

Re: [R] mgcv::gam(): NA parametric coefficient in a model with two categorical variables + model interpretation

2016-05-23 Thread Simon Wood
for (A)? Is it the reference level? Or is it, perhaps, the "grand mean" of the shape variable? Thank you in advance for your time, Fotis -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW UK +44 (0)117 33 18273

Re: [R] mgcv: bam(), error in models with random intercepts and random slopes

2016-09-21 Thread Simon Wood
s(ctrial, sbj, bs="re") , data=data_a, family=binomial) Error in G$smooth[[i]]$first.para:G$smooth[[i]]$last.para : argument of length 0 Any idea on what that error might be? Thank you in advance for your time. Fotis P.S.: R version: 3.3.1, mgcv version: 1.8.15 -- Simon

Re: [R] mgcv: bam(), error in models with random intercepts and random slopes

2016-09-22 Thread Simon Wood
;re") + s(ctrial, sbj, bs="re") , data=data_a, family=binomial) Error in G$smooth[[i]]$first.para:G$smooth[[i]]$last.para : argument of length 0 Any idea on what that error might be? Thank you in advance for your time. Fotis P.S.: R version: 3.3.1, mgcv version: 1.8.15

Re: [R] How to make new predictions from a GAM with a spline forced through the origin

2015-06-01 Thread Simon Wood
rsion deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-con

Re: [R] Is there a convenient way of extracting the matrix `solve(X %*% t(X) + PENALTY)` from an additive model fit in mgcv?

2015-06-18 Thread Simon Wood
info/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 http://pe

Re: [R] Robust GAM that covers Gaussian Distributions

2015-02-25 Thread Simon Wood
m/ilapros/DoubleRobGam Best Ilaria __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained,

Re: [R] Why do two different calls to mgcv::gamm give different p-values?

2018-10-02 Thread Simon Wood
Dear Øystein, In your code 'id' is set up to be numeric. In your first gamm call it gets coerced to a factor (since nothing else would make sense). In  your second gamm call it is simply treated as numeric, since that could makes sense. To make the two models equivalent you just need to substi

Re: [R] MGCV:: boundary conditions in gam

2018-11-08 Thread Simon Wood
This first derivative penalty spline will do it, but the price paid is that the curves are often quite wiggly. library(mgcv); set.seed(5) x <- runif(100); y <- x^4 + rnorm(100)*.1 b <- gam(y~s(x,m=1)) pd <- data.frame(x=seq(-.5,1.5,length=200)) ff <- predict(b,pd,se=TRUE) plot(x,y,xlim=c(-

Re: [R] Quoting smooth random terms mccv::gam

2018-12-17 Thread Simon Wood
I would quote the p-value, but not the statistic (as it is not a standard F stat). The actual statistic is given here: On 14/12/2018 04:33, Smith, Desmond wrote: Dear All, I have a mgcv::gam model of the form: m1 <- gam

Re: [R] [mgcv] Memory issues with bam() on computer cluster

2019-03-15 Thread Simon Wood
ge, could you > pinpoint us to where the problem may occur? Is it something within the C-code > used within the package (as the last error seems to indicate), or is it > related to the computer cluster? > > Any help or insights is much appreciated. > > Kind regards, > > Frank > > [[alternative HTML version deleted

Re: [R] ref.df in mgcv gam

2019-03-27 Thread Simon Wood
SN. On p-values for smooth components of an extended generalized additive model. Biometrika 2013;100(1):221-228 or thereafter, but I am not a statistician. I could use help understanding what the reference degrees of freedom are. Thank you, Susan -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, Univer

Re: [R] bam (mgcv) not using the specified number of cores

2014-08-21 Thread Simon Wood
list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603

Re: [R] bam (mgcv) not using the specified number of cores

2014-08-25 Thread Simon Wood
Thanks, Andrew __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simo

Re: [R] bam (mgcv) not using the specified number of cores

2014-08-25 Thread Simon Wood
oops, I just realised that the fix referred to below is in mgcv 1.8-3 - not yet on CRAN. On 25/08/14 13:20, Simon Wood wrote: Hi Andrew, In some of the shots you sent then top was reporting several cores working. I think the problem here may be to do with the way bam is parallelized - at

Re: [R] Proportion data GAM

2014-10-15 Thread Simon Wood
[[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, M

Re: [R] Proportion data GAM

2014-10-15 Thread Simon Wood
Cetáceos - UFRRJ/ IF/ DCA 2014-10-15 15:22 GMT-04:00 Simon Wood>>: Can you give the result of typing sessionInfo() in the session where this happens, please? On 15/10/14 16:48, Rodrigo Tardin wrote: Hi all, I am not sure if this is

Re: [R] Problem with binomial gam{mgcv}

2015-10-13 Thread Simon Wood
, Erin Conlisk __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, re

Re: [R] Error message when running gam (mgcv). object not found

2015-12-11 Thread Simon Wood
iated. Thank you very much. Best Diego -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW UK +44 (0)117 33 18273 __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] Random effects in package mgcv

2016-04-28 Thread Simon Wood
ing-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW UK +44 (0)117 33 18273 __ maili

Re: [R] physical constraint with gam

2016-05-11 Thread Simon Wood
SE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW UK +44 (0)117 33 18273 ___

Re: [R] physical constraint with gam

2016-05-13 Thread Simon Wood
27;d probably use te(x1,x2) unless x1 and x2 are really on the same scale, in which case s(x1,x2) might be appropriate. The `by' variable trick is probably not going to work so well for interactions, however (it's not so clear what the by variable should be). -- Simon Wood, School

Re: [R] physical constraint with gam

2016-05-14 Thread Simon Wood
(x2,by=x2) since interactions are surely present and > i'm not sure if a linear combination is enough. > > Thanks! > Dominik > > > On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 3:11 AM, Simon Wood <>> wrote: > > The spline hav

Re: [R] gam.check() NA results (k-index, p-value) of a gam logistic regression model

2016-05-18 Thread Simon Wood
iling list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol BS8 1TW

Re: [R] GAM with the negative binomial distribution: why do predictions no match with original values?

2016-11-23 Thread Simon Wood
mailman/listinfo/r-help >> > > The main R mailing list, for announcements about the development of R and the > availability of new code, questions and answers about problems and solutions > using R ... > > > >>> PLEASE do read the

Re: [R] Theta in Negative binomial GAM

2017-02-27 Thread Simon Wood
___ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Schoo

Re: [R] compare observed and fitted GAM values

2009-08-24 Thread Simon Wood
a$Year),FUN=mean) names(Fit_factor1)=c("Bin","Fitted") > > Fit_factor1 > > ��� Bin� Fitted > 1� 1997 0.017094017 > 2� 1998 0.010652463 > 3� 1999 0.02300 > 4� 2000 0.017167382 > 5� 2001 0.030465950 > 6� 2002 0.007446809 > 7� 2003 0.0105680

Re: [R] [Rd] Formulas in gam function of mgcv package

2009-08-26 Thread Simon Wood
straints automatically, but if this sort of functional ANOVA is a major component of what you want to do, then it is probably worth checking out the gss package and Chong Gu's book on smoothing spline ANOVA. best, Simon -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath,

Re: [R] [Rd] Formulas in gam function of mgcv package

2009-08-26 Thread Simon Wood
t; > strictly nested in te(x1, x2), eg. > > > > y ~ s(x1, bs = "cr", k = 10) + s(x2, bs = "cr", k = 10) > > > > is strictly nested within > > > > y ~ te(x1, x2, k = 10) > > ## is the same as y ~ te(x1, x2, bs = "cr", k = 10

Re: [R] tweedie and lmer

2009-08-27 Thread Simon Wood and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603 __ mailing li

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread Simon Wood
_with_climate) > > Error in if (length(data) != vl) { : > missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed > Calls: gam ... smooth.construct -> -> array > In addition: Warning message: > In array(0, n * k) : NAs introduced by coercion > Execution

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-02 Thread Simon Wood
,PC2,PC3,PC6,PC7,PC8) . > > I have renamed PC1.1,PC2.1,PC3.1,PC4.1,PC5.1 to PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10 for > simplicity. > > Regards > > On Tuesday 01 September 2009 17:31:04 Simon Wood wrote: > > The basic problem is that you have requested a 10 dimensional thin plate >

Re: [R] How to extract partial predictions, package mgcv

2009-09-15 Thread Simon Wood
like to extract the partial predictions for e.g. "s(b.depth)", given > the inclusion of the other variables. > > -- > Staffan Roos, PhD > Research Ecologist > BTO Scotland > > __ > mailing lis

Re: [R] define a new family (and a new link function) for gam in gam package

2009-09-18 Thread Simon Wood
> I am using gam in gam package (not in mgcv) it is possible to force > gam in mgcv to behave like gam in gam package? -- not *exactly*, no. But what do you want to do? (i.e. what feature of `gam' do you need?) -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Ba

Re: [R] How to choose knots for GAM?

2009-09-21 Thread Simon Wood
r choice of knots and dimension? Thank you very much. > > Lee > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > __ > mailing list > > PLEASE do read the pos

Re: [R] mgcv problem

2010-02-15 Thread Simon Wood
ilman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603 www.maths.bat

Re: [R] variance explained by each predictor in GAM

2009-07-13 Thread Simon Wood
. You get an F-statistic for > > each s() term by default and you are referred to saummary.gam for further > > explanation. > > > > David Winsemius, MD > > Heritage Laboratories > > West Hartford, CT > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > >

Re: [R] Factor variables with GAM models

2010-03-22 Thread Simon Wood
; Thanks!!! > > __ > mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented,

Re: [R] Selecting derivative order penalty for thin plate spline regression (GAM - mgcv)

2010-04-15 Thread Simon Wood
__ > Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > __ > mailing list > > PLEASE do

Re: [R] GAMM : how to use a smoother for some levels of a variable, and a linear effect for other levels?

2010-04-16 Thread Simon Wood
_ > mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Ma

Re: [R] GAM question

2009-10-05 Thread Simon Wood
this? > Kind regards, > Daniel Rabczenko > > __ > mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented,

Re: [R] How to choose a proper smoothing spline in GAM of mgcv package?

2009-10-13 Thread Simon Wood
gt; > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386

Re: [R] GAM plots

2009-11-27 Thread Simon Wood
elp > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603 __

Re: [R] GAM function with interaction

2009-06-17 Thread Simon Wood
:// > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603

Re: [R] help: what are the basis functions in {mgcv}: gam?

2009-03-24 Thread Simon Wood
th the package {mgcv}. > > > > My command is: gam(y~s(x1,bs="cr")+s(x2, bs="cr")). > > > > I need help to know what are the default basis funcitons for gam. I have > > not found any detailed reference for this. > > > > Ca

Re: [R] CV and GCV for finding smoothness parameter

2009-03-31 Thread Simon Wood
an be > found in here: > myknots6 = c(20,24,34) > p.spline8 = spm(accel ~ > f(times,basis="trunc.poly",degree=2,knots=myknots6)) > > Can someone please help me with this task? I'm kind of desperate. > > Thank you! -- >

Re: [R] iteration limit error in gamm and notExp2

2009-04-24 Thread Simon Wood
__ > mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Sim

Re: [R] Why there is no p-value from likelihood ratio test using anova in GAM model fitting?

2009-04-28 Thread Simon Wood
601.27 > 2 1201.43848 601.290.77246-0.02 > > Thank you very much! > > Jianghua Liu, University of Sheffield -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603 www.mat

Re: [R] Why there is no p-value from likelihood ratio test using anova in GAM model fitting?

2009-04-28 Thread Simon Wood
ces in DF(0.77246) and deviance (-0.02), these two models > > seem to be not significantly different. Isn't it? > Thank you anyway! > > Simon Wood-4 wrote: > > The simpler model has the lower deviance (marginally), so there is > > nothing to > > test here. This can

Re: [R] A question about using “by” in GAM model fitting of interaction between smooth terms and factor

2009-05-06 Thread Simon Wood
between > two smooth terms, together with the interaction of this interaction with > factor. Is model 2 reasonable? I find it is rather complicated to interpret > the plot of model 2. > Thank you very much for helping! -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bat

Re: [R] How to define degree=1 in mgcv

2010-01-25 Thread Simon Wood
you might need to increase the value supplied in `sp' in order to get the EDF for the smooth term close enough to 1 for your liking. best, Simon -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603

Re: [R] AIC for comparing GLM(M) with (GAM(M)

2010-01-27 Thread Simon Wood
AM and > GAMM using AIC legitimate? Of course I will do additional model > plotting using residuals etc. as well but it seems important to me to > have a more direct method of comparing these models (I�m aware of the > fact that AIC is a rough estimate when it comes to generalized mixed >

Re: [R] mgcv problem

2010-02-04 Thread Simon Wood > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, > self-contained, reproducible code. -- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK > +44 1225 386603

Re: [R] mgcv::gam() scale parameter estimates for quasibinomial error models

2021-04-15 Thread Simon Wood
d, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] High concurvity/ collinearity between time and temperature in GAM predicting deaths but low ACF. Does this matter?

2022-06-08 Thread Simon Wood
= 1 n = 5107 ``` ACF functions: [4]: [5]: Data can be found on my [GitHub][6] site in the file [data_cross_validated_post2.rds][7]. A csv version is also available. This is my code: ```r library(readr) library(m

Re: [R] mgcv: relative risk from GAM with distributed lag

2022-07-22 Thread Simon Wood
On 21/07/2022 15:19, jade.shodan--- via R-help wrote: Hello everyone (incl. Simon Wood?), I'm not sure that my original question (see below, including reproducible example) was as clear as it could have been. To clarify, what I would to like to get is: 1) a perspective plot of temperat

Re: [R] NaN response with gam (mgcv library)

2023-05-01 Thread Simon Wood
ented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] FW: problem with markov random field smooths in mgcv

2020-03-24 Thread Simon Wood
and in particular I am getting the message Error in initial.sp(w * x, S, off) : S[[1]] matrix is not +ve definite. After reading everything I could find on mrf, it sounds like there was a bug that was brought up with Simon Wood in 2012, due to differences between windows and

Re: [R] error in "predict.gam" used with "bam"

2013-07-09 Thread Simon Wood
sion.string R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) nickname Good Sport package mgcv version 1.7-22 [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guid

Re: [R] mgcv: GAM with clustered standard errors

2013-07-11 Thread Simon Wood
I think it's going to be a problem to have different sized groups in your second model. ?corSymm says that a general correlation matrix is being estimated (i.e. the correlation between each pair of observations is being estimated - for this to be meaningful across groups you need the jth price

Re: [R] MGCV: overlay fitted (marginal) curves over a plot of the original data

2013-07-16 Thread Simon Wood
Probably you didn't want to set x0=0:1? Here is some code, to do what you want. (The CI shape is not identical to the plot(b) version as the uncertainty includes the uncertainty in the other smooths and the intercept now.) library(mgcv) set.seed(2) dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2) b

Re: [R] mgcv: pcls() makes everything linear

2013-07-23 Thread Simon Wood
I can't see anything immediately wrong except: 1. presumably there are repeated values in 'road_quiet' aren't there? If so then your inequality constraint matrix will contain constraints that are *exact* copies of each other. I'm not sure, and don't immediately have time to try it out, but it c

Re: [R] Help with using unpenalised te smooth in negative binomial mgcv gam

2013-07-24 Thread Simon Wood
Hi Alice, This is a bug in gam.side, which was assuming that any interaction smooth that needed identifiability constraints would be penalized. thanks for reporting it - fixed for next version. In the meantime have you considered using `ti' terms instead of `te'? These provide a more satisfa

Re: [R] [mgcv][gam] Problem defining axis labels for non-smooth terms (via termplot)

2012-12-20 Thread Simon Wood
ther = sin(z) fit = gam(y~s(x)+s(z)+other) plot(fit,all.terms=TRUE) plot(fit,select=3,xlab="???") dev.copy2pdf(file = "This.pdf.needs.proper.labels.pdf", height = 8, width = 8) Any ideas for workarounds? Many thanks as always, Andrew -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science,

Re: [R] Why are the number of coefficients varying? [mgcv][gam]

2013-01-27 Thread Simon Wood
knots,soc.imp=soc.knots,sand.imp=sand.knots,clay.imp=clay.knots, abslat.imp=abslat.knots ) ,method = "REML" ,weights = 1/nsame ), error=function(e) e, finally=doyee) if(inherits(r.ints, "error")) {r.ints=doyee; print("an error hap

Re: [R] Why are the number of coefficients varying? [mgcv][gam]

2013-01-29 Thread Simon Wood
Andrew, I think that the weird edfs may result from an unhandled case in the side constraint calculation. In particular the term s(BCAR.imp,bs="cr",k=length(BCAR.knots),by=as.factor(pot.trial)) is confounded with te(soc.imp,BCAR.imp,k=c(4,4)) but there was an issue with picking this up prop

Re: [R] Constrained cubic smoothing spline

2013-03-05 Thread Simon Wood
osting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 _

Re: [R] Use pcls in "mgcv" package to achieve constrained cubic spline

2013-03-26 Thread Simon Wood
nfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 __

Re: [R] Time trends with GAM

2013-03-26 Thread Simon Wood
ailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University

Re: [R] Understanding why a GAM can't suppress an intercept

2013-04-17 Thread Simon Wood
quot; formula specification work if it doesn't work "as intended" by for example lm? Many thanks, Andrew [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list

Re: [R] mgcv: how select significant predictor vars when using gam( using automatic optimization

2013-04-17 Thread Simon Wood __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] mgcv: how select significant predictor vars when using gam( using automatic optimization

2013-04-18 Thread Simon Wood
ailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603

Re: [R] mgcv: how select significant predictor vars when using gam( using automatic optimization

2013-04-18 Thread Simon Wood
, family=Tweedie(p=1.6,link=log),data=df,method="REML") gives a model that is closer to being reasonable (p-values are then consistent between select=TRUE and FALSE). best, Simon On 18/04/13 14:24, Simon Wood wrote: Jan, Thanks for this. Is there any chance that you could send me th

Re: [R] gam (mgcv), multiple imputation, f-stats/p-values, and summary(gam)

2013-05-08 Thread Simon Wood
a gam object are called up? My harder question: how might one construct principled analogs of these statistics in an MI context, when degrees of freedom will vary across models, depending on the imputed data? Has anybody thought about this, or do I have have some serious pencil-and-paper

Re: [R] gamm in mgcv random effect significance

2013-06-11 Thread Simon Wood
I would be very nervous about relying on an anova call here. It will attempt a generalized likelihood ratio test, but gamm is using penalized quasi likelihood and there is really no likelihood here (even without the problem that if there was a likelihood the null hypothesis would still be on th

Re: [R] Can you use two offsets in gam (mgcv)?

2013-06-17 Thread Simon Wood
help mailing list archive at __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproduc

Re: [R] mgcv summary.gam

2013-06-21 Thread Simon Wood
le parameter estimate or a signal of fixed scale parameter, to be passed to testStat. > 2) what is testStat? mgcv:::testStat - probably worth looking at the original source code which includes some comments. It does the actual computation. best, Simon > thanks > > Greg > >

Re: [R] plotting smoother function on raw data

2012-09-14 Thread Simon Wood
Well it's not pretty, but I guess you could try something like this... best, simon library(mgcv) dat <- gamSim(1,n=200,dist="normal",scale=2) b <- gam(y ~ s(x1)+s(x2),data=dat) m <- 40 x1 <- seq(0,1,length=m) x2 <- seq(0,1,length=m) pd <- expand.grid(x1=x1,x2=x2) fv <- predict(b,newdata=pd,se=TRU

Re: [R] [Fwd: REML - quasipoisson]

2012-10-01 Thread Simon Wood
which makes this work? f<-function(t) (Dpq/(2*t) + F3q + Mp/2*log(2*pi*t) - m3$gcv)^2 optimise(f,interval=c(0.5,1.5))$min->phix Dpq/(2*phix) + F3q + Mp/2*log(2*pi*phix) m3$gcv #but what is phix - not the Pearson estimate or the scale returned by gam? thanks Greg Dropkin -- Simon Woo

Re: [R] gam error message: matrix not +ve definite

2012-10-08 Thread Simon Wood
g guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 __

Re: [R] GAM without intercept

2012-10-12 Thread Simon Wood
ly I missunderstanding some key elements in gam modelling or using incorrect syntaxis. I don't know what the problem is. Any ideas will be helpful. Sergio -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603

Re: [R] gam (mgcv) problem: Error in while (mean(ldxx/(ldxx + ldss)) > 0.4) { :, missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

2012-10-16 Thread Simon Wood
On 16/10/12 07:32, Andrew Crane-Droesch wrote: Hi All, I'm running into a problem with GAM (in the MGCV package). When I try to estimate the model, I get the following error message: 1> fit <- gam(ndvi~s(rain)+s(temp)+s(rainl1)+s(rainl2)+s(rainxY)+s(rainl1xY)+s(rainl2xY)+s(tempxY),

Re: [R] gam (mgcv) problem: Error in while (mean(ldxx/(ldxx + ldss)) > 0.4) { :, missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

2012-10-16 Thread Simon Wood
Hi Andrew, Could you send me a bit more information (off list, as this is likely to get into obscure details), please? In particular can you let me know the mgcv and R version numbers, the server operating system and, if possible, what BLAS it has installed? best, Simon On 16/10/12 07:32, An

Re: [R] mgcv::gam.check qq plot residuals are not standardized?

2014-04-25 Thread Simon Wood
PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 __

Re: [R] Seeking well-commented versions of mgcv source code

2014-05-07 Thread Simon Wood
I'm looking for well-commented versions of various functions comprising mgcv, Commented versions are available e.g. in mgcv_*.*-**.tar.gz from CRAN (unzip and look in mgcv/R). Well commented versions is another matter... best, Simon -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bat

Re: [R] MRF smoothers in MGCV - specifying neighbours

2014-05-08 Thread Simon Wood
)) [1] TRUE Any suggestions where to start? Mark [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-co

Re: [R] MRF smoothers in MGCV - specifying neighbours

2014-05-08 Thread Simon Wood
b$xy.idx) nb$E <- factor(sprintf(id.fmt,nb$x.idx+1,nb$y.idx),levels=nb$xy.idx) nb$W <- factor(sprintf(id.fmt,nb$x.idx-1,nb$y.idx),levels=nb$xy.idx) nb.mat <- sapply(nb[,c("N","S","E","W")],as.numeric) nb.l <- lapply(split(nb.mat,nb$xy.idx),functio

Re: [R] mgcv: I can't manually reconstruct a P-spline from a GAM's coefficients

2014-06-18 Thread Simon Wood
th[[1]]$knots, coef(my_gam)[-1], mm) plot(my_gam) lines(x,spline_y) # why is this different? It seems shifted on the x- and y-axis __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and prov

Re: [R] mgcv: BAM convergence conflicting messages

2014-06-18 Thread Simon Wood
__ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44

Re: [R] gamm4 and lme4 error

2014-07-14 Thread Simon Wood
g/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 __ R-help@r-project.or

Re: [R] GAM model output error(?)

2014-07-16 Thread Simon Wood mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University

Re: [R] GAM model output error(?)

2014-07-16 Thread Simon Wood
k of convergence warnings but then the model saying it was not converged and vice versa. The QP seemed to fit the data well (and quickly) so we switched to that. Thanks again. Trevor On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Simon Wood>> wrote: Trevor, It looks li

Re: [R] Help with graphics in gamm4 library

2012-11-27 Thread Simon Wood
ad the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 __

Re: [R] interactions in GAMs

2012-11-27 Thread Simon Wood
ide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK +44 (0)1225 386603 __ mailing list https://

Re: [R] Plot with residuals in mgcv

2012-11-29 Thread Simon Wood
Hi Silje, Thanks for this. I guess RUTE is a numeric variable in this model and hence only has one associated random coefficient? This then causes a problem when calling predict.gam as part of processing 'residuals=T'. I've fixed the problem for the next release, but did you really want a sin

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