DispersionMap wrote:
> Whats happening? everthings changing round here...plus alot less
> posts/users..
R-Help is a mailing list which is independent of Nabble. Nabble is only one
of many front-ends that provides a "forum-like" interface to the mailing
list. Therefore, the users of the R
DispersionMap wrote:
> Im lost i want to post on the other forum...the address was something
> like... http://old.nabble.com/R ...to get help with using R but i kept
> getting redirected to this one (http://n4.nabble.com), and when i tried to
> post a querie it made me sign up so i thou
Peng Yu wrote:
> I'm wondering where is the source of an R function or a package is.
> For example, where is 'attributes'?
>> attributes
> function (obj) .Primitive("attributes")
> I also do understand what .Primitive mean. Could somebody let me know
> how to locate source file in an R
Peng Yu wrote:
> How to control what functions/classes are exported to a given namespace?
Namespace exports are set by package authors in the NAMESPACE file of an R
package. You could alter the NAMESPACE and rebuild the package yourself,
but an easier way would be to just use the ":::" o
chronos.phenomena wrote:
> This is really annoying me... when I click R application icon it brings
> already opened session in the focus and it DOESN'T open new session
> any ideas?
I don't think this is possible with R.app on OS X. OS X applications do not
spawn separate processes
Peng Yu wrote:
> I see the follow explanation in help(cbind). I don't understand what
> the dispatch mechanism is. Could you point me what document or
> reference I should read?
> The method dispatching is _not_ done via 'UseMethod()', but by
> C-internal dispatching. Therefore, t
Amir Liu wrote:
> I want to have a collection object that can store objects. In R I only saw
> lists. But these only seem to be able to handle basic objects like numbers
> and strings. Whenever I tried to add more complicated objects or just very
> simple data structures like matrices I would
Amir Liu wrote:
> In l[3] <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2) :
> number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
When inserting single entries into a list list, you should use the '[[ ]]'
notation. Use '[ ]' when you want to extract multiple entries or copy
multiple entries from on
Peng Yu wrote:
> I always see a banner like the following, which is annoying. I'm
> wondering how to disable it.
> R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
> Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Peng Yu wrote:
> Then I try the package 'try.package' in an R session. I'm wondering
> why neither 'my_test_f' and 'try.package::my_test_f' work.
The error message you got below clearly explains this-- you did not export
my_test_f in your NAMESPACE file. To access unexported functions, y
Peng Yu wrote:
> Is there a way to list all the functions in a namespace? I tried the
> following one, but it is not working.
>> showMethods(where=getNamespace('try.package'))
> No applicable functions
Theodore Kengne wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am completely new in R.
> I am trying to read a table that has no feature, so cannot put it in Excel
> as usual.
Could you explain what you mean by "has no feature"? I cannot figure out
what this phrase means in relation to the data set you are tr
Michael Conklin wrote:
> I would like to be able to submit a list of URLs of various webpages and
> extract the "content" i.e. not the mark-up of those pages. I can find
> plenty of examples in the XML library of extracting links from pages but I
> cannot seem to find a way to extract the text
pengyu.ut wrote:
> There are documents for naming conventions for other languages. I'm
> wondering if there is a document that clearly describes the
> recommended naming convention for R.
You should browse this thread:
pengyu.ut wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Sharpie wrote:
>> You should browse this thread:
>> http://n4.nabble.com/Google-s-R-Style-Guide-td901694.html#a901694
>> It was a pretty thorough discussion of style different guides for R.
pengyu.ut wrote:
> I'm thinking of using external program 'grep' and pipe() to do so. But
> I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way to do so purely in R
I would just suck the whole table in using read.table(), locate the lines
that I don't want using apply() and grepl() and then red
pengyu.ut wrote:
> I'm wondering if the speed of accessing list element by index is the
> same as that of accessing list element by name.
> l[[1]]
> l[['name']]
Have you tried answering this question yourself using the system.time()
View this message in context:
Gerrit Draisma wrote:
> Hallo,
> I have a dataset with one or two columns with character data
> and the rest with numeric data.
> Using latex.table from the quantreg package produced a table,
> but I cannot set the decimals.
> For instance:
> ---
> > x<-data.frame(Name=c("Jan","Piet","Jan"),
Dennis Fisher wrote:
> Colleagues,
> R 2.9.0 on all platforms
> I have a dataset that contains three columns of interest: ID's, serial
> elapsed times, and a marker. Representative data:
> Subject TimeMarker
> 1 100.5 0
> 1
Tariq Perwez wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have two very basic questions and would appreciate your help.
> 1. I would like to see/access the data that comes with a given R package
> by
> using a function like read.table(). For example, I just installed car
> package from CRAN. I know that somew
Peng Yu wrote:
> Is there a way to profile an R program similar to valgrind
> (valgrind.org), in the sense that I can easily see which function is
> the bottleneck of an R program?
See writing R-Extensions, Section 3 "Tidying and Profiling R Code":
Wenjie Lee wrote:
> Hi R Experts,
> I'm aware of pdf(), jpeg(),... functions. But,
> 1. Is it also possible to export graphs directly to word or RTF? I use to
> copy and paste graphs but resolutions are not so great.
> 2. Also, is it possible to export your out to word file? I use si
saleem1000 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Mac OS on R. When I start R thru the application menu I have
> the option of running both the 32 bit version as well as the 64 bit
> version.
> When I type in R in terminal I believe it starts up the 64 bit version.
> How can I start the 32 bit ve
Chris Seidel wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out how to create a data object, and then save it
> with a user-defined name that is input as a command line argument. I
> know how to create the object and assign it the new name, however, I
> can't figure out how to refer to the new name
Satish Vadlamani wrote:
> Folks:
> If you wanted to find out about what are the contributed packages and
> classify them, how would you go about it? For someone new like me, I would
> like to know what the possibilities are. When I click on "install
> packages" on my Windows version of R, it g
Steve Murray-2 wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a grid (data frame) dataset at 0.5 x 0.5 degrees spatial resolution
> (720 columns x 360 rows; regular spacing) and wish to coarsen this to a
> resolution of 2.5 x 2.5 degrees. A simple calculation which takes the mean
> of a block of points to for
Thomas Levine wrote:
> I'd really love to do this
> \setkeys{Gin}{width=\columnwidth}
> <>=
> plot(y~x)
> @
> The \columnwidth macro does not work, of course, in the second line.
> What can I do instead?
This may be difficult as there is no two-way communication between R and
LaTeX i
Sergey Goriatchev wrote:
> Hello, Marc
> No, I do not want to validate Cox PH. :-)
> I do use R daily, though right now I do not use the statistical part that
> much.
> I just generally wonder if any R-user tried F# and his/her opinions.
> Regards,
> Sergey
In my work as a program
Ralf B wrote:
> What is the fastest way to compare two strings in R?
> Ralf
Which way is not fast enough?
In other words, are you asking this question because profiling showed one of
R's string comparison operations is causing a massive bottleneck in your
code? If so, which one and how
I am working on dumping raster data from R into PNG files using
rasterImage(). I am working with a test matrix from the rasterImage()
example and using it to produce a PNG image with the following code:
# From the example for rasterImage(). A 3 pixel by 5 pixel b/w checkerboard.
testImage <- as
e2Grid(list(x = 1:ncol(test), y = 1:nrow(test), z = t(test)))
> writeGDAL(x, "raster.png", driver = "PNG", type = "Byte")
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Sharpie wrote:
>> I am working on dumping raster data from R into PNG
Paul Murrell-2 wrote:
> Hi
> This is a rounding (truncation) problem.
> Working on a fix.
> Paul
> Sharpie wrote:
>> Michael Sumner-2 wrote:
>>> I think there's something about the "discrete cell" versus "centre
cameron.bracken wrote:
> You need to look for a file (it may not be in your project directory) that
> contains "___LOCK" in its file name and delete it.
Specifically, the rogue lockfile should be in the same directory as
options('tikzMetricsDictionary'). Or, if you haven't set a permanent
Maria Clara Soto Velez wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to download the newest versión of R (R version 2.11.0), but I
> haven´t been able, because it seems that the file is not working properly.
> Could you help me?
You have not provided enough information for us to even take a gue
Johannes W. Dietrich wrote:
> There is certainly a trivial solution for my question, but I can't
> find the answer in the documentation.
> I need a platform independent method to obtain the file path of the
> current R script.
> My working group uses R on several machines with differen
Ted.Harding-2 wrote:
> Greetings All,
> Out of curiosity, I've just done a very primitive experiment:
> Obj <- list(Fun=sum, Dat=c(1,2,3,4))
> Obj$Fun(Obj$Dat)
> # [1] 10
> That sort of thing (much more sophisticated) must be documented
> mind-blowingly somewhere. Where?
> Wh
Johannes W. Dietrich wrote:
> At 19:29 Uhr -0400 12.05.2010, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>If you are running the file via source("myfile.R") then just put this
>>in the file:
>>this.dir <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)
>>This is a bit fragile since changes to the internals of source could
Erich Neuwirth wrote:
> Look for Rprof in the utils package.
This was already suggested- but the original poster clarified that he is
looking to profile the R interpreter it's self, not R scripts.
Charlie Sharpsteen
Undergraduate-- Environmental Resources Engineering
Humboldt State
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