Hanke, Alex-2 wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> I can't seem to figure out why I loose precision when I try to import a
> comma delimited file using read.csv or read.table. The fields of interest
> are rounded to one decimal place.
If the fields of interest are rounded to one decimal place in the fi
djhurio wrote:
> I believe there is not such thing as source code for a variable. I believe
> if you define x=y*y, x is keeping only the values of y*y, but not how they
> were computed. Am I right?
In general yes. Basic variables do not store a copy of the function call
that created them.
Sharpie wrote:
>> model$call
> lm(formula = demand ~ Time, data = BOD)
> This object could be passed to the eval() function to basically re-run the
> operation that generated `lm`.
That would be re-run the operation that generated `model`.
I think
Steven Kang wrote:
> Dear R users,
> Im trying to load *"xlsx"* package which depends on *"xlsxjars"* and *
> "rJava"* packages.
> All the 3 packages (zipped files) are installed successfully in windows.
> I have added "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\client" to the PATH
> va
blue sky wrote:
> x=10
> f=function() {print('in f')}
> g=function() {f(); print(x)}
> g()
> Suppose I have the above code, I want to know what functions and
> variables have been used in the function g (in this case, f and x). Is
> there a function to do so?
Try findGlobals() from t
Philipp Rappold wrote:
> Sorry guys, but I have another one:
> I want to write a function that returns a certain column of a
> dataframe. The function accepts two argument: the dataframe and the
> name of the column, but the column is not given as a "string" but as
> a variable name.
blue sky wrote:
> I don't what '{' and functions available in R libraries. I can
> manually exclude '{'. Is there an easy way to exclude the functions
> from R libraries?
Well, you could write a function, say isPackaged( name ), that returns TRUE
or FALSE depending on whether the object ma
Nynese Tinsley wrote:
> Good Afternoon R Help!
> On of my users is seriously thinking about moving to R from Splus. In his
> testing, he has already found some benefits to it. He has, however run
> into one issue, calling his Fortran functions in R. Previously, in Splus,
> he would
Rhonda Reidy wrote:
> The following variables have the following significant relationships (x is
> the explanatory variable): linear, cubic, exponential, logistic. The
> linear relationship plots without any trouble.
> Cubic is the 'best' model, but it is not plotting as a smooth curve usi
T.Wunder wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry, I've found the right answer:
>> x <- 0
>> formatC(x,digits=2, format="f")
> [1] "0.00"
> The above worked perfectly!
> Thanks & Best wishes ;)
> Tom
That old warhorse, sprintf(), can also be a trusty steed in situations like
PtitBleu wrote:
> Hello,
> I discovered R two years ago and thanks to the R-community I managed to
> write some scripts to analyze my data stored in mysql databases.
> The only problem is that I am the only one using R in the lab. Colleagues
> mainly use Matlab (but not with mysql, only wit
Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
> Hi All:
> Even after reading the web pages, it is unclear to me exactly how it is
> decided what goes into the base distribution, and more to the point, which
> list I should post to if I want to suggest that a functionality now done
> by a contributed package be a
Benilton Carvalho-2 wrote:
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/HighPerformanceComputing.html
Also, of the links at the bottom of that page, I found the journal article:
"State of the Art in Parallel Computing with R"
To be a particularly helpful and easy to read overview of the avail
Mestat wrote:
> Hi listers,
> I just got a MAC, so I am trying to use the command READ.TABLE but I am
> getting a error that is probably caused by the wrong path that I am
> using...
> The command is the following...
> file<-read.table("/Users/Márcio/UdeM/Travail Dirigé/Data/MU284
> Populat
Steven Martin wrote:
> All,
> I installed R-2.10.1 with Readline=no. Now for some reason R does not
> recognize some key strokes like the directional arrows.
> I am not sure if Readline is the problem or not.
Yes-- readline supplies functionality such as command history.
Steven Martin
Roslina Zakaria wrote:
> Hi r-users,
> I would like to extract the data that match.
> I'm interested in matchind the value in column 'intg' with value in column
> 'rand_no'
Match how? Rows where intg equals rand_no at the same position? The rows of
intg that are present somewhere in r
Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 02/16/2010 09:47 PM, Alex Anderson wrote:
>> ...
> This is the problem
>> 6 96.88 2008/04/24 24:00
>> Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "time2", value = list(sec = c(0, 0, :
>> replacement has 9 rows, data has 10
> Hi Alex,
> You have a problem with an invalid time
Karthik wrote:
> Hello Tal,
> This is the code.
>> hist(rnorm(100))
>> jpeg("histogram.jpeg")
> ---
> Even when I decrease the quality, I still have the same problem.
>> hist(rnorm(100))
>> jpeg("histogram.j
Axel Urbiz wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I know this issue came up in the list several times. Im currently
> running
> R on 32-bit on Windows and due to memory limitation problems would like to
> move to a 64-bit environment. Im exploring my options and would
> appreciate
> your expertise:
wookie1976 wrote:
> I am in the process of switching from SAS over to R. I am working on very
> large CSV datasets that contain vehicle information. As I am processing
> the data, I need to select the first (or sometimes the second) record (by
> date) for any records that have the same licen
mauede wrote:
> How, if possible, can I run an R script, from command line, passing
> external parameters just like
> I can run a C main program passing parameters:
> # Cprog p1 p2 p3
> Cprog can access its arguments (p1,p2,p3) through the built-in structures
> "argv" and "argc".
> Sinc
Lars Bishop-2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex
> document.
> This is what I'm doing:
> 1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
So, to be clear, your graphic is saved on the C drive.
Lars Bishop-2 w
Dale Steele wrote:
> I would like to be able to use two functions; qansari and pansari
> which are found in the
> function ansari.test. How can I evaluate these functions
> independently? Thanks. --Dale
> For example, when I load the function ...
> qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
Dale Steele wrote:
> methods(ansari.test)
> stats:::ansari.test.default
> the two functions that are part of ansari.test.default:
> qansari <- function(p, m, n) {
> .C(R_qansari, as.integer(length(p)), q = as.double(p),
> as.integer(m), as.integer(n))$q
Patrick Burns wrote:
> * What were your biggest misconceptions or
> stumbling blocks to getting up and running
> with R?
R was the first scripting language that I *really* invested time in
learning. Prior to R I had a few years experience programming in Fortran
and had worked on a few pro
Dwayne Blind wrote:
> Dear all,
> Do you use a text editor ? What would you recommend for Windows users ?
> What
> about Tinn-R ?
> Thank you very much,
> Dwayne
Learning a text editor is a significant and very valuable investment of your
time. In order to maximize the return fro
Sharpie wrote:
> For example, I spend an equal amount of time working on Windows, OS X and
> Linux. There are a ton of great Windows-only editors out there, but they
> aren't a good option for me because I only use windows 1/3 of the time I'm
> at a computer.
Ista Zahn wrote:
> Hi Tao,
> Just set the appropriate *.just argument, e.g.:
> Dat <- data.frame(x1 = rep("this value consists of a long string of
> text", 5), x2 = rep("this value consists of an even longer string of
> text", 5))
> library(Hmisc)
> latex(Dat, col.just = rep("p{1in}", 2
Charles Annis, P.E. wrote:
> Jason:
> What are you trying to do? Your reference link provides several Fortran
> programs. Why can't you use those? Or you could translate them into R
> code
> if you would like to take advantage of R's wonderful graphics and
> multitudinous other statistic
David Winsemius wrote:
> Perhaps the fact that the stable CRAN version of R for (any) Windows
> is 32-bit? It would expand your memory space somewhat but not as much
> as you might naively expect.
> (There was a recent announcement that an experimental version of a 64-
> bit R was
Paul Hurley wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use R (and Sweave) to pull some data out of a database and
> produce some standard reports. unfortunaltey, the people who want the
> reports want them in an editable format so they can add wordy bits to
> the automatically generate tables and
Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> Yes, I agree. In fact, I think the whole system needs to be updated.
> Anyone like doing HTML design?
If I had the time, I would raise my hand for this one-- unfortunately
school, work and other commitments leave me with a full schedule for the
foreseeable future
After reading some more, I think Tal's Wiki idea was also a good one--
conceivably a server could be set up that pulled tarballs from CRAN,
unpacked them, and converted the man folders to HTML.
Then the server could provide a sort of a "master list" version of
help.start() where each page was edi
Rolf Turner wrote:
> I solved the problem by putting in a colClasses argument in my
> call to read.csv(). But I really think that the read functions
> are being too clever by half here. If field entries are surrounded
> by quotes, shouldn't they be left as character? Even if they are
> all
John Maindonald wrote:
> I came across this notice of an upcoming webinar. The issues identified
> in the
> first paragraph below seem to me exactly those that the R project is
> designed
> to address. The claim that "most research software is barely fit for
> purpose
> compared to equiva
mirauta wrote:
> Hello,
> I receive a lot of emails from the forum members.Is there any way to make
> the option for a daily summary?If not can may email be removed from the
> list?I want to continue using the forum but the numebr of emails I receive
> dialy is too big :)
> Thanks,Bogdan
Tao Shi wrote:
> Thank you guys for the wonderful suggestions!
> Charlie,
> You obviously foresaw my problem! It took me a while to figure out that
> the \raggedright and other justification commands should be applied to
> each cell. It didn't work for me when applied to the headin
Sundar Dorai-Raj-2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a manual using Sweave and I want to be able to print errors
> from
> bad code. Here's an example:
> >=
> MySqrt <- function(x) {
> if (missing(x)) {
> stop("'x' is missing with no default")
> }
> if (!is.numeric(x)) {
> stop("'x
Ralf B wrote:
> Hi R-fans,
> I would like put out a question to all R users on this list and hope
> it will create some feedback and discussion.
> 1) What are your 3 most useful R package? and
> 2) What R package do you still miss and why do you think it would make
> a useful addition
Tim Calkins-2 wrote:
> fortune('parse')
> --
> Tim Calkins
> 0406 753 997
Or would that be:
fortune( 106 )
Charlie Sharpsteen
Undergraduate-- Environmental Resources Engineering
Humboldt State University
View this message in context:
TheSavageSam wrote:
> I am wishing to write my own random distribution simulation function using
> C programmin language(for speed) via R. I am familiar with R programming
> but somewhat new to C programming. I was trying to understand "Writing R
> extensions" -guide and its part 6.16, but I f
anan1986 wrote:
> I tried! but my solution is not correc!
What is not correct? What did you try? You need to supply us with details!
Specifically, the details that are mentioned in the posting guide for this
mailing list:
"Data! Data! Data
Jillian E Kozyra wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are attempting to create trees using R with our Ruby on Rails
> application. However, we are running into a problem involving the
> creation of the graphic. We would like them to be in either jpg or png
> format so that users can save, but due
dc896148 wrote:
> useR's,
> I need help getting a Fortran DLL successfully returning the correct
> output. The attached fortran source code (filter2d.f) and DLL
> (filter2d.dll) are attached. Also, I attached a text file for which I
> want to apply the filter to (time702.txt).
> Here is w
TheSavageSam wrote:
> Thanks for the huge help. I have learned a lot and been able to start
> writing my own code.
> If you could give me a reference(a link, name of a book, etc.) to a good
> manual of how to use and manipulate and use SEXP variables in C
> (considering creating R libraries
pomchip wrote:
> Dear R-users,
> I want to give a try to Sweave and Latex but I am having some problems
> compiling my .Rnw files within Kile. I have followed the recommendations
> given in http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e5/help/08/10/4277, but they do
> not seem to address my particular
Alla Bulashevska wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I'm running R version 2.10.1.
> I tried installing the Cairo package and I got the
> following message:
> * installing *source* package Cairo ...
> {snip}
> checking cairo.h usability... no
> checking cairo.h presence... no
> checking for
Robert M. Flight wrote:
> So I have a list variable, and each item has a name. Is it possible to
> return just the names in the list and not the contents of each one?
> Example:
> Currently, if I have a list variable "matrices", and it contains 3
> matrices, "M1", "M2", and "M3", if I ty
rrp wrote:
> hi
> I am doing a project in R language.I need help with creating a front end
> in R language.
> i created a dialog box with file menu n file consists of load ,save and
> quit options. But these options are not working.I try to load my data into
> r using these options but its not
Marsh wrote:
> Excuse me for what I'm sure is a stupid beginner's question, but I've
> given up trying to find the answer to this question from the help,
> RSiteSearch, or any of the usual places.
> I have a list that looks like this:
> >myList
> $first
> [1] "--" "18" "8" "32"
> $sec
tj wrote:
> Thanks David. I already tried two different programs for this. The first
> one has errors.
> I'm working right now on my alternative program ( i hope it will work),
> BUT I still prefer to use the first program I made because it is more
> detailed. So, I'm trying how to correct the
Alex Anderson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am currently working on an analysis which requires a call to an
> external FORTRAN routine contained within a file called MCDS.EXE. This
> file is usually called from within a WINDOWS program called DISTANCE. I
> have some R script from the developers of
mans wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me how to embed R code in a C++ file.
> I am actually using a mac running on the OSX 10.6.2 and the IDE Xcode
> Version 3.2 and I would like to embed the basic function like geometric,
> binomial, normal and hyper geometric distributions in a sample cp
Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> GIS and spatial data formats can often be handled by readGDAL (for
> raster grids) from the rgdal package.
> .bil files seem to be handled by the Ehdr driver in GDAL:
> http://www.gdal.org/frmt_various.html
> so if your rgdal package has that driver (run gd
mans wrote:
> Hi thanks for your help but
> I tried to install the pakage but i have got a installing error:
> {SNIP}
> I do not understand what's going on to be honest.
> Anyone can help me?
When debugging, it's usually a good idea to start with the first error:
Error in loadN
Clay Heaton wrote:
> Hi, pretty new with R and LaTeX here...
> I'm trying to use the latex() function from the Hmisc table with Sweave.
> When I try:
> pdflatex myfile.tex
> I get an error that reads:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.22 \ctable
> It seems like this is an o
Bos, Roger-2 wrote:
> I am trying to create plots within a for loop and output them to a pdf.
> Here is a working example using plot:
> gg <- data.frame(datadate=1:4, spread=5:8)
> pdf()
> for (i in 1:3) {
> plot(gg$datadate, gg$spread, main=i)
tj wrote:
> Thanks Sam for the short but very helpful answer. That's what I only want
> to know.
> Thanks.=)
> ~tj
Even though you got the answer you were looking for, I would still browse
the material Matthew posted. The "Introduction to R" is a standard R manual
that helped me g
Chidambaram Annamalai wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some help to get some of the object orientation, specifically the
> methods that overload the basic arithmetic operations, from sample C++
> code to R. I don't have experience with such advanced language features
> inside of R. So I was wondering
sjaffe wrote:
> Based on a private response, it seems that rpad is no longer being
> maintained and in fact no longer works with the latest R release. I
> noticed that the web site listed in the FAQ no longer works, the code is
> being hosted by google code but it appears no one is working on
sjaffe wrote:
> Yes, I've tried Sage (briefly) and it is very interesting. But what I'm
> looking for here is a client-server system that allows multiple users to
> access the results of R without exposing the details.
Maybe you're looking for something similar to this webapp:
shankar-17 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working multiple simulated data sets with missing values, I would
> like to store these data sets in either tab delimited format for .csv
> format with missing values marked as NaN's instead of NA's.
> I read the import/export document which mentions th
Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 24/03/2010, at 12:34 PM, Sharpie wrote:
>>> foo <- matrix(0,nrow=3,ncol=3)
>>> foo
>> [,1] [,2] [,3]
>> [1,]000
>> [2,]000
>> [3,]000
>>> foo[3,3] &l
Pinto wrote:
> Dear R users
> I am attempting to add lncdf_1.6.tar.gz libraries within R, and have
> failed. I have R version 2.8.1, and are running on fedora 10 Kernel Linux
> 2.6.293.-60.fc10.x86_64.
> I've run R CMD INSTALL ncdf_1.6.tar.gz
> and I have the following
> ---
Muting Zhang wrote:
> Hello all
> I have been working on my thesis using R. I am a newbie to R and met a
> problem
> that bothered me for a while due to my lack of acquaintance of R.
> I am using R to query from SQL. I got a list of crsp_fundno of G-style
> mutual
> funds which is still
Gurmeet wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to find out a way to plot multi-panel pie charts. It may not be
> the best way to present data, but I would still need one.
Would paneled bar charts not suffice?
I don't mean to be harsh, but the only situation I can think of where I
would consider
Gary Miller wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Sharpie. I completely understand that it may not be
> the best to go with muti-panel pie charts, but my group would like to have
> this utility along with barplot/dotplot (may be, using it for proportions
> data). Thanks,
jannis-2 wrote:
> Dears,
> does anyone know, how I can get R to save the values of an array in a csv
> like file using write(), but without printing NA to the file? I use ';' to
> seperate the elements, so :
> a=c(1,NA,2,3,3)
> write(a)
> should produce
> 1;;2;3;3
> in
"Biedermann, Jürgen" wrote:
> Perfekt!
> So, the code below does, what I want it does.
> for (m in 1:AnzRat) {
> Daten_akt <- eval(parse(text=paste("Daten",m,"_akt",sep="")))
> ...
> ...
> assign(paste("Daten",m,"_akt",sep=""),Daten_akt)
> }
You may want to consider r
mnstn wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I have an eps figure an awesome bacteria and a plot (generated using R)
> also in eps format. Now it looks like there is space for only one figure
> and I have to insert the picture of the bacteria into the plot. Is there a
> way to insert figures (eps/png/jpg
Jin wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a vector with 4 elements, e.g., tau_i=c(100,200,300,400), but
> potentially tau_i[0]=0. In a "for" loop,
> tau_i=c(100,200,300,400)
> m=4
> tau_i[0]=0 # <--- ?
> P_i=1
> for(i in 2:m)
> {
> P_i = P_i*(tau_i[i-1]-tau_i[i-2])
Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> Hi R lovers,
> I'm looking for more information about, and implementations of abstract
> classes. After reading "Head First Design Patterns" (O'Reilly). I want to
> know whether I could use this to build an interface, i.e. a placeholder
> for all possible methods
Ben Bimber wrote:
> I am trying to graph weight data for our colony. We a data frame with
> Animal, Weight and Date. I'd like to display this data a series of simple
> xyplots. We only need to display these plots together, we do not need to
> make comparisons between animals. Each animal h
tj wrote:
> Anyone who can help me with this?
> I have 48 observations (I dont want to alter their order). I want to group
> these observations into 16 blocks. So I should have 3 observations for
> each block. This is what I did in R, but it has warnings.
>> y #contains my
Keith McMillan wrote:
> Dear R users,
> Is documentation for the netlabR package available in English?
> If not does anyone know if or when it will be?
> Regards,
> Keith
I don't see a package named netlab or netlabR on CRAN, which package are you
Christoffer Karlsson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a column in a data frame looking something like:
> $sex $language $count
> male english 0
> male english 0
> female english 32
> male spanish 154
> female english 11
> female norweigan 7
> and so on.
> What I want to do is to order
Sharpie wrote:
> testData$bin <- cut( testData$count, binBreaks, include.lowest = TRUE )
I also made a slight mistake, you will want to replace inclde.lowest = TRUE
with right = FALSE to the call to cut() to preserve the
greater-than-or-equal boundary at the lower end
elgorgonzola wrote:
> Hi,
> i am working on a problem where i need to compute the products of all
> possible combinations of size m of the elements of a vector. I know that
> this can be achieved using the function combn(), e.g.:
>> vector <- 1:6
>> combn(x = vector, m = 3, FUN = functio
hadley wickham wrote:
>> exp1^(a[case] * l * 10)
>> would be better written out of the loop as
>> b <- exp1^(a * l * 10)
> And even better as
> b <- exp(a * l * 10)
> Hadley
Aye, exp() functions tend to be heavily optimized compared to general
functions such as `^` even if
Jim Lemon wrote:
> bRotheRs & sisteRs,
> I am once again attempting to learn enough Latex voodoo to get something
> done, and failing comically. The document "RJAuthorguide.pdf"
> mentions that one can get page width figures through the use of the
> "figure*" or "table* environments, but des
Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 29/03/2010, at 4:21 PM, Sharpie wrote:
>> There are a bunch of caveats such as the figure/table will only appear at
>> the top or bottom of a page and will not appear on the same page as the
>> point at which it was
yehengxin wrote:
> Why does R need the concept of "Vector"? In my opinion, it is a useless
> and confusing concept. A vector is simply a special case of a matrix
> whose row or column number is equal to 1. When I take submatrix from one
> matrix and if row or column number is 1, R will auto
Janet Choate-2 wrote:
> Hi R community,
> i have what appears to be a memory allocation problem:
> R(51150) malloc: *** mmap(size=158068736) failed (error code=12)
> *** error: can't allocate region
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> can anyone tell me how to increas
Janet Choate-2 wrote:
> Thanx for clarification on stating my problem, Charlie.
> I am attempting to merge to files, i.e.:
> hi39 = merge(comb[,c("hillID","geo")], hi.h39, by=c("hillID"))
> if this is relevant or helps to explain:
> the file 'comb' is 3 columns and 1127 rows
> the file '
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> Passing by value does not necessarily mean physical copying. Check out
> this:
>> x <- matrix(1:1000^2, 1000, 1000)
>> gc()
> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
> Ncells 114520 3.1 35 9.4 35 9.4
> Vcells 577124 4.51901092 14.6
Raadt, Timothy W. wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question on the support of the R 2.6 software. We are in the
> process of planning for a hardware refresh and our new machines will be
> running Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8. My question is if the R 2.6
> software would be supported o
Erik Wright wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using Rprintf in a C for loop (from .Call) to print a progress
> indicator showing the current percent complete. The loop I am doing is an
> time intensive call to another function. I have noticed that Rprintf does
> not print to the R-window until th
Erik Wright wrote:
> Hi Charlie,
> I like your idea of updating an R progress bar from C, but I don't at all
> understand how to call txtProgressBar from C. I have looked at Writing R
> Extensions and it is equally confusing. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks!,
> Erik
Hi Erik
Erik Wright wrote:
> Hi Charlie,
> Thanks, I got it working by looking at your myRunIfConcise function.
> SEXP changePercent(SEXP pBar)
> {
> int *rPercentComplete;
> SEXP utilsPackage, percentComplete;
> PROTECT(utilsPackage = eval(lang2(install("getNamespace"),
> Scal
tic access by using ssh-agent to hold the identities. For example, I
could create a new key for my web server like so:
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/Sharpie/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): superSecretPassword
Sorry about the double post, but this line:
Sharpie wrote:
> ssh u...@webserver.com -e "cd ~/.ssh;cat webKey.pub >> authorized_keys"
Should be:
ssh u...@webserver.com "cd ~/.ssh;cat webKey.pub >> authorized_keys"
I.e., omit the -e f
pomchip wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I am currently writing the documentation for my first package. I have
> created a short user manual using sweave/pdflatex which is distinct from
> the
> manual/summary-of-package-functions created by R CMD CHECK. I was
> wondering
> how could I seamlessly co
yehengxin wrote:
> Dear R experts:
> I attempted to compile c source code into DLL using "R CMD SHLIB" but I
> found the DLL run in R is almost twice slower than the codes compiled in
> C++ 6.0 when I chose "release" option and is as fast as the situation
> where I chose "debug" option in
Paul Miller wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Learning about R and its wonderful array of functions. If it's not
> obvious, I usually try to find out what a function stands for. I think
> this helps me remember better.
> One function that has me stumped is "sink." Can anyone tell me if this
Josh B-3 wrote:
> Hi,
> I turn to you, the R Sages, once again for help. You've never let me down!
> (1) Please make the following toy files:
> x <- read.table(textConnection("var.1 var.2 var.3 var.1000
> indv.1 1 5 9 7
> indv.21 2 9 3 8"), header = TRUE)
> y <- read.table(text
Alex Jameson wrote:
> David,
> merg12
> displays the files
> with this message at the bottom
> [reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 321526 rows]]
> str(merg12) displays the following message
> 'data.frame' : 329218 obs. of 13 variables
> $ patientid:
> $ Name:
> $ Age:
Gildas Mazo wrote:
> Hi,
> When I load the "Matrix" package, I cannot get the par(mfrow=c(..,..))
> to work, that is, I cannot get to display several images at a time. How
> can I fix this problem ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gildas Mazo
Hmm, the following:
Lorenzo Isella wrote:
> I think I solved my problems by resorting to the Ubuntu packages at
> http://bit.ly/c8izKy
> Cheers
> Lorenzo
> Dear All,
> I am starting to use the tikzDevice package, but I am experiencing some
> (minor problems).
> If I try to run the script at the end
Dinh Diep wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you tell me how to create R package in Windows, and give me an
> example that works ? Thanks.
Hi Dinh,
Check out the help page for the package.skeleton() function- it will create
the outline of a package for you. The "Writing R Extensions" manual will
David Winsemius wrote:
> If you read the Installation and Administration document you should
> find material on that process. Look for the section that describes the
> care and feeding of .Rprofile or type
> ?Startup # in an R console session.
And when you are ready, the "Writing
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