plotted for each treatment.
Oh, and how do I display the actual numeric value of year (e.g., "2007")
in the strip, rather than the word "year"?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California
atement that
needs a "Site" conditioning variable
xyplot(y~x|site, d, panel=mypanel) # Statement erroneously plots all
14 x-y points in "q" on panels for sites A & B
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 R
mypanel <- function(...){
panel.xyplot(q$x, q$y, col="red")
xyplot(y ~ x | site, d,
panel = mypanel
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Seth W Bigelow wrote:
> I wish to create a mult
r providing
the alternative dataset and the panel...
panel = mypanel) # ...everything prints out
properly, like magic!
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
# disarm
lurking panel settings?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California / ph. 530 759 1718
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Scott, I asked this same question a few years back, here's what Deepayan
wrote. I think the last hint about scales will help you
On 5/9/07, Seth W Bigelow wrote:
> I would like to remove the outermost box from my wireframe plots -- this
> the box that is automatic
_ob, xfiles, outfiles,
xtypes=list("numeric", "numeric", "integer", "character"))
Any insights will be appreciated. I'd particularly like to know how to
gain access to the "invisible" list, VALUE, containing unexpectedNA's,
oint me in the right direction on this?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list
nd to plot
are working, i.e., using auto.key, key, etc.
One message I keep getting is
Error in key[[i]][[1]] <- NULL : more elements supplied than there are to
Any suggestions will be appreciated
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
list(expression(paste("soil moisture
scales=list(x = list(cex=1.3), y = list(cex=1.3)),
strip = strip.custom(bg="transparent"),
panel = mypanel,
key = li
, tapply, etc. but that
seems awkward and bulky, is there a simpler way?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
bundle together in a data frame
d$scaled <- d$variable/(with(d,tapply(variable,group,max))) #
crash and burn
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California
09/20/2010 06:24 PM
, ,
I'd never heard of ave( ) before, but it works like a charm for the
purpose outlined below
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California
"William Dunlap"
09/21/2010 08:52 AM
Aah, that is the sort of truly elegant solution I have been seeking. And
it's wrapped up in a nice programming shortcut to boot (i.e., the within
statement). I retract anything I may have said about tapply being clunky.
Many thanks
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pa
know of any R implementation of this distribution?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California / ph. 530 759 1718
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
rying to
make new vector with last items!
How do I do this last step?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California / ph. 530 759 1718
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
[1] 19
But when I try to extract the month
> mydate$mon
[1] 3
it returns the wrong month. And mydate$year is off by about 2,000 years.
Am I doing something wrong?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California
d <- data.frame(ph,phh) # Group variables ph
& phh in data frame 'd'
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, Sierra Nevada Research Center
Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Mailing address: 2121 2nd St Suite A101, Davis
Very nice, thanks for introducing me to a new resource. I will include the
entire, functioning example in the event others may find it useful.
## Sample code for overlaying data points on a contour graph, using
xyplot and contourplot ##
I wish to create a stacked line graph in xyplot, adding color to the
spaces between the lines. For example, the code below creates a plot with
two lines extending across it, and I want to color the rhomboid that is
between the upper and lower line, and between the lower line and the bo
find myself stumped at how to assign different colors to the two polygons!
the above "col" line did not do the job.
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, Sierra Nevada Research Center
Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service. 1731 Research Park
Drive, Davis CA 95
lowed me to make panels
in a manner akin to the lattice system.
Thanks to Carl, Hadley, Xie, Jim and Frank for responding.
--Seth Bigelow
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, Sierra Nevada Research Center
Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service. 1731 Research Park
Drive, Davis CA
I wish to have inward-pointing ticks on my contourplot graph, but the
colored background produced by the "region=TRUE" statement covers the
ticks up, is there any way around this? Sample code below. --Seth
model <- function(a,b,c,d,e, f, X1,X2) # provide model functio
52, 80, -3, -56, g$X1, g$X2)
## Create variable z using model and g data frame
contourplot(z ~ X1 * X2,
data = g,
region = TRUE, # Add color to background
cuts = 5# Number of contour/color intervals.
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Sierra Nevada Re
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