RSQLite 0.7-2 is available on CRAN.
Version 0.7-2
- Fixed some partial argument matching warnings. Thanks to Matthias
Burger for reporting and sending a patch.
- Added dbBuildTableDefinition to exports per user request.
+ seth
You could also provide a
validate function that takes a data.frame and either says "OK" or
describes the ways in which the input does not conform.
I think the benefits you would get out of a complete S4 wrapping of
data.frame do not outweigh the complexity introduced.
+ seth
WS items available here:
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-packages mailing list
Hi Magnus,
Magnus Torfason gmail.com> writes:
> I just noticed (the hard way of course) that when a query returns 0
> rows, the columns in the resulting data.frame get dropped as well. See
> the following example code (where conn is an active connection to an
> SQLite db):
> > dbGetQuery(
looks like a bug that has been resolved in latest version of the XML
package. Please make sure you are using the latest R release and latest
Bioconductor and CRAN packages.
+ seth
Seth Falcon
Bioconductor Core Team | FHCRC
dependencies that would be listed on that
page if there were any for this package. An example with reverse
dependencies is e.g., the IRanges package:
The maintainer (Seth Falcon) would know for sure if the package will
do reverse dependencies as
able to reproduce this and get some more information like this:
R -d gdb
Assuming you get a crash, type bt in the gdb console and send output.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/user
t * from mtcars")
That sqldf only works if RMySQL is not attached seems like something
worth investigating and fixing. It should be possible to avoid such
conflicts by proper use of name spaces, but I have not looked into the
details of what's going on.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalco
e-run the retrieval code.
Another Sweave caching solutions is the "weaver" package.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/user
kg with the
version of R code and C code you want to use/test. This would best
allow other people to have a single version of the R package, no?
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/user
R-help@r-project.org mailing lis
r 'mac.binary.leopard' but the package does not load properly.
>> library('RSQLite')
> Error: package 'RSQLite' was built for universal-apple-darwin9.8.0
The mac binary package is intended to work with the R binary
bGetQuery(db, "select name from t1")
checkEquals(10, nrow(a))
a <- dbGetQuery(db, "select data from t1")
checkEquals(10, nrow(a))
a <- dbGetQuery(db, "select * from t1")
checkEquals(10, nrow(a))
s works.
Maybe it will be useful to review the advice here:
+ seth
> David
> On Jul 11, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Seth Falcon wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 12:27 PM, David Ruau wrote:
>>> On a
ap the example in a helper function to provide your own
BLOB respecting write table function if you can't get dbWriteTable to
work for your case.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
while (TRUE) {
part <- read.table(input, nrows=chunk_size, sep=",",
colClasses = colClasses,
comment.char = "")
dbGetPreparedQuery(db, sql.in, b
g the
> next chunk of data right after the previous chunk, or do we need to
> keep track of things using "skip"
The purpose of using a file connection is to allow R to keep its place
in the file as it reads and not have to re-read or skip. This is
considerably more efficient.
in C with an R
> interface.
I had to play around with the rdict package in order to write it, but
haven't used it much since :-P
Be sure to look at R's native environment objects which provide a hash
table structure and are suitable for many uses.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalc
Hi Stephen,
On 8/12/10 7:10 PM, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
> Where can I find 64 bit RSQLite?
> It seems not there;
> RSQLite: SQLite interface for R
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RSQLite/index.html
You should be able to install the RSQLite source pac
On 7/21/10 1:58 AM, confusedcius wrote:
> The details of my problem are as follows:
> I have an sql that returns 2192 rows in sqlite.
> In R, I typed the following:
>> library("RSQLite")
>> con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname = "C:\\sqlite\\... .sqlite")
>> dbListTables(con)
> #[1]
On 8/14/10 11:43 PM, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Could you please explain a little bid further whether after connecting the
> website I can select either 32 or 64 bit version?
R packages come in pre-compiled binary flavors for some OS/architectures
and always as source packages. If you are on Linu
ese and other changes here:
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-packages mailing list
e parameters to specify table names, only values.
For details of what is supported, try reading through the examples in
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-help@r-project.org mailing l
lent in R to do this? Thanks!
"select * from sqlite_master where tbl_name = 'yourTable'")
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
een modified to provide the SQLite header files in the
installed include directory so that RSQLite.extfuns (and other
packages wishing to provide SQLite extension functions) can use
LinkingTo. The default value of loadable.extensions is now TRUE.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon |
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
other attached packages:
[1] RSQLite_0.9-4 DBI_0.2-5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tool
its operations);
- check whether the returned column has the expected type and convert
if needed at the R level.
- remove NA/NULL values from the db or decide on a different way of
encoding them (e.g you might be able to use -1 in the db in some
situation to indicate missing). Your R code wo
ing of the
SQLite docs would lead me to expect that a GROUP BY clause would not
change/remove type if the column being grouped contains all the same
declared type affinity.
+ seth
> Best,
> Jia
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 1:16 AM, Seth Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Jia,
create a new table from an existing table using
SQL where the new table has the types you want.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read
spectively. Databases containing
tables with more than 2000 columns may not be compatible with
versions of SQLite compiled with default settings.
- Upgrade to SQLite 3.7.9.
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/
R-packages mailing list
+ seth
Seth Falcon | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | blog: http://userprimary.net/user/
R-packages mailing list
N or Bioconductor packages which
contain native code.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
BioC: http://bioconductor.org/
Blog: http://userprimary.net/user/
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