[R] The R Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2

2018-01-29 Thread Roger Bivand
other supplementary matter from landing pages. Many thanks to all contributors - especially reviewers and authors. Best wishes, Roger -- Roger Bivand Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: roger.biv

[R] The R Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1

2017-07-01 Thread Roger Bivand
Dear all, The latest issue of The R Journal is now available at: https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2017-1/. Many thanks to all contributors - especially reviewers and authors. Regards, Bettina -- Roger Bivand Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, N-5045

Re: [R] dissolve tiny polygons to others with unionSpatialPolygons{maptools}

2016-06-06 Thread Roger Bivand
ology University of Maryland, College Park ᐧ -- Roger Bivand Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 91 00 e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no http://orcid.org/-0003-2392-6140 https://scholar.google.no/cita

Re: [R] rgdal installation with two versions of GDAL

2015-04-22 Thread Roger Bivand
Rob Skelly dijital.ca> writes: > > Hello, > > I am using GDAL 2.0 for most of my work, but rgdal depends on GDAL < 2. I > have built and installed GDAL 1.11.2 in /opt/gdal-1.11.2, and rgdal > compiles and installs into R, using the following command: > > sudo R CMD INSTALL > --configure-args="

Re: [R] Plot by FIPS Code using Shapefiles

2015-05-06 Thread Roger Bivand
Corey Sparks utsa.edu> writes: > > Joining data the way you're doing it is dangerous, Roger Bivand and others > describes a standard way to do this process here: > http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Merging-shapefiles-and-csv-td7586839.html Quite right - the chunks C

Re: [R] Boxplot using a shapefile

2015-06-16 Thread Roger Bivand
Boris Steipe utoronto.ca> writes: > > Your workflow in principle is: > > - read the image into an object for which you can obtain values-per-pixel in a 2D structure; > - read the shapefile and convert into a polygon; > - determine the bounding box of the polygon; > - use the inout() function of

Re: [R] R crashes when I run rgeos::gDistance

2015-03-03 Thread Roger Bivand
Adrian Torchiana gmail.com> writes: > > Hi, > > This is my first post to R-help. I'm having trouble getting rgeos to work. R-help is arguably too general to help, please ask questions of this kind on R-sig-geo. > > Info on the server and packages I'm using: > ... > $ *rpm -qa | grep geos*

Re: [R] evaluating spatial autocorrelation in a raster

2015-03-14 Thread Roger Bivand
Julie Lee-Yaw yahoo.ca> writes: > > Hi > I am attempting to explore the scale of spatial autocorrelation in a raster (eventually across a stack of 10 > but for now a single layer) and consequently in a potential sample of points across the landscape (ie. if we > wanted to know what sampling desi

Re: [R] Distance matrix for Spatial Filtering {spdep}

2014-11-09 Thread Roger Bivand
Erica Cseko Nolasco gmail.com> writes: > > Hi all, > > I´m working on a species distribution modeling, and I want to build > eigenvectors to represent my spatial varuable. I´m trying to use > SpatialFiltering(spdep) for it, but I´m having problems to create the nb > object. My weights would be

Re: [R] Overlay two shapefiles in same map axes rgdal/maptools

2014-11-18 Thread Roger Bivand
Zilefac Elvis yahoo.com> writes: > > Hello, > > I have two spatial map objects (reproducible example further down) > which I would like to overlay in R. The > ESRI shapefiles were read using: > The reproduction of the data didn't work with dput(). > library(rgdal) > Prairie.Boundaries <- r

Re: [R] spatial estimation

2015-09-03 Thread Roger Bivand
s(Q ~ P + D, ~ D + F + A, data=Kmenta)) which explains why I asked for a publication providing something which doesn't spring naturally from the estimation method. Roger Bivand > Thanks for your answer, > > Regards > __ R-help@r-project.

Re: [R] Function stslshac {sphet}: heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimator

2015-09-19 Thread Roger Bivand
using a built-in data set, then your intentions would be clearer. ... > I would be grateful for any reaction. > > Monika > PS. Please post plain text, not HTML Roger Bivand __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more,

Re: [R] GIS Analyses for Economics and Marketing

2016-02-23 Thread Roger Bivand
Domagoj Culinovic gmail.com> writes: > > I am Phdoctorate Candidate at Faculty of economics. > Also i am using GIS last 26 years, but lat 3 year i am focused on QGIS. > My earea of interests are GIS in Economics and marketing, and now i am > combine R and QGIS to have results. It may be more re

Re: [R] rgrass7 problem

2016-02-27 Thread Roger Bivand
Carolina Arias Muñoz gmail.com> writes: > > Hello > > I am trying to use "readRAST" in GRASS, but I am keep getting the same > error: > > *Error: 'checkCRSArgs' is not an exported object from 'namespace:rgdal'* > > Probably a problem of the rgdal library? Speculation of this kind is never se

Re: [R] Map of Europe at NUTS 2 Level

2016-03-11 Thread Roger Bivand
Miluji Sb gmail.com> writes: > > Dear all. > > I would like to draw a map of France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal at NUTS 2 > level. I used the following code: > ... > # Subset NUTS 2 level data > map_nuts2 <- subset(EU_NUTS, STAT_LEVL_ == 2) > > # Draw basic plot > plot(map_nuts2) country <-

[R] Re: OS X solution... was Re: rgdal functions: spTransform and CRS not working

2017-01-16 Thread Roger Bivand
X-specific questions like this, you could try R-sig-mac, for spatial data R-sig-geo. Always show the output of sessionInfo() when reporting issues. -- Roger Bivand Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: roge

Re: [R] [R-sig-Geo] Spatial Sample

2008-07-27 Thread Roger Bivand
://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo ___ R-sig-Geo mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo -- Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business

Re: [R] question about krige code in R

2008-07-31 Thread Roger Bivand
Alessandro unifi.it> writes: > > Hi All, > > I have this question. I wish to create a kriging map with R but I haven't a > auxiliary map. I have only one txt file with X, Y and Z records. > > When I use this code: > ... > subground.ok <- krige (Z~sqrt(X+Y), subground, subground.ovgm, nmax=4

Re: [R] bug in readRAST6 function in package spgrass6

2008-08-01 Thread Roger Bivand
r Invasion Biology Faculty of Science Natural Sciences Building Private Bag X1 University of Stellenbosch Matieland 7602 South Africa -- Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Nor

Re: [R] Fwd: Parsing XML or KML into CSV /Using R for geo coding , OR problem

2008-08-19 Thread Roger Bivand
Ajay ohri gmail.com> writes: > > Hi, > > I have a data file in a KML format which is Google Earth's format for > geographic data. I need to import it into a csv file . How can I do that. > KML format is just like XML format .example below The easiest way is most likely to use the rgdal KML dri

Re: [R] address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'

2008-08-20 Thread Roger Bivand
Juan Manuel Barreneche gmail.com> writes: > > just to mention that the loop was already running for about 20 hours... > > Juan > > On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 6:31 PM, Juan Manuel Barreneche > gmail.com>wrote: > > > Dear users, > > I got this problem and i don't have a clue of what it could be h

Re: [R] spatial probit/logit for prediction

2008-08-20 Thread Roger Bivand
Freeman, Robert emcc.edu> writes: > I am wondering if there is a way to do a spatial error probit/logit > model in R? I can't seem to find it in any of > the packages. I can do it in MATLAB with Gibbs sampling, but would > like to confirm the results. Ideally I > would like to use this model

Re: [R] Interpolation Problems

2008-09-02 Thread Roger Bivand
Steve Murray hotmail.com> writes: > > > Thanks Duncan - a couple of extra points... I should have perhaps pointed > out that the data are on a *regular* > 'box' grid (with each value currently spaced at 1 degree intervals). Also, > I'm looking for something > fairly simple, like a bilinear i

Re: [R] polygon centroids

2009-08-08 Thread Roger Bivand
I think that Daniel is correct, and that you are mistaking the console representation from the internal one - try ?print and look at the digits= option. In general, note that get.Pcent() is not currently used, and coordinates() of a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object read in using, for example, readS

Re: [R] Map of UK Counties - to use in R

2009-08-12 Thread Roger Bivand
you can retain only England, and choose the NUTS* boundaries that suit your "counties" - which are not presently well-defined because of boundary and administrative changes. The GISCO shapefile is in geographical coordinates, so you'll be able to overplot points by longitude

Re: [R] Map of UK Counties - to use in R

2009-08-13 Thread Roger Bivand
a million Roger! This works well. All I now need to do is to figure > how I can plot data from a csv file onto the map. I really appreciate your > assistance! > Regards, > Raoul > > > Roger Bivand wrote: >> >> The illustration you show is for the so-called traditi

Re: [R] How to use your own data in gstat and sp?

2009-08-17 Thread Roger Bivand
you are not likely to generate a regular grid in this way. Did you examine the class(), summary() and str() of the input data in the examples? Hope this helps, Roger Bivand PS. consider following this up on the R-sig-geo list. Paul Heinrich Dietrich wrote: > > This seems pretty bas

Re: [R] R2 for SAR and validation

2009-09-01 Thread Roger Bivand
implementations (GeoDa, Matlab spatial econometrics toolbox). It is not obvious what you mean by "validate" in this context. Roger Bivand saniye keser wrote: > > > Hi everyone, > How can i obtain R2 for SAR model? and how can i validate the results, can > i use the coeffici

Re: [R] Underlay Mapoutlines with Googlemapspictures

2010-02-19 Thread Roger Bivand
nearest CRAN mirror to load image tiles. Roger Bivand - Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section Department of Economics Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Helleveien 30 N-5045 Bergen, Norway -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Date-label-lost-while

Re: [R] map2poly - map lat/long cannot be unconstrained?

2010-03-16 Thread Roger Bivand
East Camp Street, Ely, MN 55731 > > email ereavie *at sign* nrri.umn.edu > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posti

Re: [R] GeoXp package

2009-06-26 Thread Roger Bivand
ing R sees LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is a very detailed question, more suited to GRASS or GDAL lists, or R-sig-geo. You'll see when you have the solution because the GDAL utilities will work at the shell, for example gdalinfo --formats - I think that it doesn't at the moment. Roger Bivand

Re: [R] Map projections - converting latitude/longitude to eastings and northings

2009-07-02 Thread Roger Bivand
will get from one matrix of coordinates to the other. Note that for obvious reasons a rectangle on one side will only rarely be a rectangle on the other, so I've just taken a bounding box. Roger Bivand stephen sefick wrote: > > I am trying to set up a Grass project and need to set

Re: [R] Error when sampling from SpatialLines

2009-07-15 Thread Roger Bivand
total length of points. I suggest that you try the latest version of sp from the CVS repository. Roger Bivand PS. The traffic that you mention about sampling on lines was on the R-sig-geo list, not this list, so a post there might have been a better idea. PPS. Always state package version numbers

Re: [R] Re ad PNG file and display with more than 256 colors RGDAL

2009-07-15 Thread Roger Bivand
the positions are 1, 2, 3 image(myTile, red=1, green=2, blue=3) On the other hand, the "colours" in these images are arbitrary manipulations of the sensors, and have already been warped and resampled, so decimating the colour representation isn't inappropriate, and 256 is not a sma

Re: [R] Simulation code error

2009-07-15 Thread Roger Bivand
leads to threads being left dangling if solutions do not propagate to all lists where threads were initiated. Roger Bivand Steve Hong wrote: > > Dear List, > > I have some problem with my simulation code. Here is output from R: >> sim.sp <- function(data,CM,n,N) > + {

Re: [R] kriging problem - very urgent

2010-04-08 Thread Roger Bivand
> _ > [[elided Hotmail spam]] > tre téléphone! > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mai

Re: [R] Select.spatial on spplots

2009-09-28 Thread Roger Bivand
ovide an identify= argument, but this is not the same as select.spatial(), which lets the user select points spatially by drawing a polygon around the ones to be selected. Roger Bivand cls59 wrote: > > > > Julius Tesoro wrote: >> >> Hi everyone. I posted this on

Re: [R] map of a country and its different geographical levels

2009-11-07 Thread Roger Bivand
Perhaps asking on R-sig-geo might help (as well as reading the function help files, scripts found lying around somewhere may be stale ...)? If readShapePoly() (deprecated - use readShapeSpatial() instead) says that the data are not polygons, then they are not. If you want to fill administrative b

Re: [R] map of a country and its different geographical levels

2009-11-07 Thread Roger Bivand
tried to report the discrepancy without success so far. I really hope that the case I hit is an exception - displaying the boundaries on GE should help clear things up for users. Roger Hadley -- Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economi

Re: [R] GRASS raster data processing

2009-06-12 Thread Roger Bivand
Perhaps reading ?readRAST6 would help? It does say: vname: A vector of GRASS 6.0 raster file names so you could write: Kar <- readRAST6(c("Incis_Kar", "DEM_Kar"), plugin=FALSE) and plot(Incis_Kar ~ DEM_Kar, data=Kar) should get you there - in spearfish: sp <- readRAST6(c("erosion1", "elevat

Re: [R] political maps world maps in R, wrld_simpl

2009-04-07 Thread Roger Bivand
s not easy unless you know what you are doing. > > Some documentation exists but it seems sparse to me. The R-sig-geo list is more focussed on this kind of question, as is pointed out on the Spatial Task View on CRAN. Hope this helps, Roger Bivand > Any hints will be appreciated. >

Re: [R] political maps world maps in R, wrld_simpl

2009-04-07 Thread Roger Bivand
s R Graphics book is a great help for getting graphics to do what you want, but looking at ?x11 or ?windows, or ?postscript or ?pdf for file output, will cover the basics. Hope this helps, Roger Best Patrizio 2009/4/7 Roger Bivand : Patrizio Frederic gmail.com> writes: dear all, I&

Re: [R] map of china without regions

2009-04-17 Thread Roger Bivand
ively for a similar geographical footprint: library(maptools) data(wrld_simpl) plot(wrld_simpl[wrld_simpl$ISO2 %in% c("CN", "TW"),]) depending on your needs. Roger Bivand > > HTH > Ray Brownrigg > > On Fri, 17 Apr 2009, Cuvelier Etienne wrote: > > Hell

[R] [R-pkgs] New sp release

2010-01-13 Thread Roger Bivand
-January/007377.html Should anyone see problems following this change, please contact me directly with a reproducible example. -- Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway

Re: [R] Maptools runs out of memory installing the help files for spCbind-methods

2010-01-28 Thread Roger Bivand
whether any of the text in that file or its successor is unpalatable. Roger ----- Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section Department of Economics Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Helleveien 30 N-5045 Bergen, Norway -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.co

Re: [R] Edit a Sptial Lines Object

2010-01-28 Thread Roger Bivand
A similar thread is running on R-sig-geo - perhaps you could review the comments there: http://n2.nabble.com/coordinates-of-SpatialLines-DF-tp4468579p4468579.html and join in if you need further clarification? Roger - Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section Department of Economics

[R] [R-pkgs] Retirement/archiving of rgdal, rgeos and maptools October 2023

2023-04-10 Thread Roger Bivand
the project materials, raise an issue on https://github.com/r-spatial/evolution/issues or email me (issue better, less likely to be overlooked). -- Roger Bivand Emeritus Professor Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Postboks 3490 Ytre Sandviken, 5045 Bergen, Norway. e-mail

[R] [R-pkgs] sp 2.0-0 released

2023-06-24 Thread Roger Bivand
planned archiving of the retiring packages: maptools, rgdal and rgeos in October 2023. This version issues invasive start-up messages in order to alert users to impending changes; maintainers of affected packages have already been warned. -- Roger Bivand Emeritus Professor Norwegian School of

[R] [R-pkgs] maptools, rgdal, rgeos and rgrass7 retiring Monday, October 16

2023-10-03 Thread Roger Bivand
packages may be found on https://github.com/r-spatial/evolution/tree/main/backstore. Please raise questions by replying to this post, or as issues on https://github.com/r-spatial/evolution. -- Roger Bivand Emeritus Professor Norwegian School of Economics Postboks 3490 Ytre Sandviken, 5045 Bergen

Re: [R] rgdal archived (was: text)

2024-04-29 Thread Roger Bivand
screenshots to this list, the list uses plain text only. Hope this clarifies, Roger -- Roger Bivand Emeritus Professor Norwegian School of Economics Postboks 3490 Ytre Sandviken, 5045 Bergen, Norway roger.biv...@nhh.no -- Date

Re: [R] nc file

2024-06-05 Thread Roger Bivand
-geo mailing list: https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo. Hope this helps, Roger -- Roger Bivand Emeritus Professor Norwegian School of Economics Postboks 3490 Ytre Sandviken, 5045 Bergen, Norway roger.biv...@nhh.no __ R-help@r-project.org

Re: [R] SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and unique()

2013-07-25 Thread Roger Bivand
Nicola Rossi gmail.com> writes: > > Hello everyone! > > I'm a newbie in using the RGDAL and sp packages in R and as written in the > object I have a problem with a SPDF and unique(): Consider posting to the R-sig-geo list; this is not a general R question. > > I would have liked to write a s

Re: [R] Visualising SOM as hexagonal heatmaps

2013-08-21 Thread Roger Bivand
Adam Szałucha gmail.com> writes: > > I have a kohonen object generated with grid parameters grid = > somgrid(20, 20, "hexagonal"). Standard plot shows the codebook vectors > for all variables. I want to have a hexagonal heatmap for each > variable. > > I found in Applied Spatial Data Analysis w

Re: [R] looping through spatial points and getting counts of spatial points in spatial grid in R

2012-12-18 Thread Roger Bivand
Tilottama Ghosh yahoo.com> writes: > > Hi, > Following Anthony's reply I am attaching two of the POI shapefiles and the code for creating the spatial > grid. I am not being able to read the list of these shapefiles and then perform the points in spatial grid > function. If someone can help, I wi

Re: [R] SpatialPolygon with the max value gets no color assigned in spplot function when using

2013-01-05 Thread Roger Bivand
Jan Hornych gmail.com> writes: > > Hi, > > I would like to do coloring of map regions based on the region values > "weight". The approach I am taking is first to break regions into > equal intervals, > > classIntervals(spdf$weight,4)$brks #4 intervals in this case > > and coloring all regions

Re: [R] lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame error

2013-01-28 Thread Roger Bivand
Irucka Embry mail2world.com> writes: > > Hi all, I have a set of 54 files that I need to convert from ASCII grid > format to .shp files to .bnd files for BayesX. > > I have the following R code to operate on those files: > > library(maptools) > library(Grid2Polygons) > library(BayesX) > librar

Re: [R] Netcdf and Raster Package Questions, Need .asc File for GIS

2013-01-30 Thread Roger Bivand
Douglas M. Hultstrand metstat.com> writes: > > Hello R-Group, > > I am new working with netcdf files and the raster package in R.I am > trying to read in a netcdf file using the package "ncdf".I am able to > get the lat, lon and parameter I need and can plot using > fill.contour. Please pos

Re: [R] Spatial Ananlysis: zero.policy=TRUE doesn't work for no neighbour regions??

2013-04-17 Thread Roger Bivand
Molo uni-hohenheim.de> writes: > ... > *As there are some regions without neighbours in my data I use the following > code to create the Weights Matrix:* > > > W_Matrix<- nb2listw(location_nbq, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE) > >W_Matrix > > *And get this Output:* > ... > /("Error in print.listw

Re: [R] Mapping GWR Results in R

2013-05-26 Thread Roger Bivand
Patrick Likongwe yahoo.co.uk> writes: > > Dear Team, > > Help me out here. I have managed to run a Geographically Weighted > Regression in R with all results coming up. The problem now comes in > mapping the parameter estimates and the t values that are significant in > the model. My data is li

Re: [R] Reading shape files in R

2013-06-16 Thread Roger Bivand
jickngea alexand yahoo.ie> writes: > > Hi everyone, >    I am new with spatial data analysis in R and I'm not able > to read a shape because of this error message but the shapefile is in my work directory.  Here are my > commands; ogrLireadstLayers("border.shp"), border=OGR("

Re: [R] trouble using readOGR() function

2014-04-03 Thread Roger Bivand
remiss free.fr> writes: > > Hi all, > I got some trouble trying to open a .kml file into R. Usually, the readOGR > package works great for it but here I get a message error that I can't > understand. > > When I'm typing this : > myfile <-readOGR(dsn="/windows/landuse.kml",layer="agricultura

Re: [R] trouble using readOGR() function

2014-04-03 Thread Roger Bivand
remiss free.fr> writes: > > Hi all, > I got some trouble trying to open a .kml file into R. Usually, the readOGR > package works great for it but here I get a message error that I can't > understand. > > When I'm typing this : > myfile <-readOGR(dsn="/windows/landuse.kml",layer="agricultura

Re: [R] MRF smoothers in MGCV - specifying neighbours

2014-05-08 Thread Roger Bivand
Mark Payne gmail.com> writes: > > Hi, > > Does anyone have an example of a Markov Random Field smoother (MRF) in MGCV > where they have specified the neighbourhood directly, rather than supplying > polygons? Does anyone understand how the rules should be? Based on the > columb example, I have s

Re: [R] Spatial Quantile Regression: Extracting residuals

2014-05-20 Thread Roger Bivand
Marie-Line GLAESENER uni.lu> writes: > > Dear R users, > > Could anyone tell me if there is a way to obtain the residuals from a model fitted by > > qregspiv(y ~ x,wmat=wmat,inst=NULL,tau=.5,rhomat = seq(-1,1,.01),printsariv=T,silent=F, nboot=300,data=) > > in McSpatial, using the Chernozh

Re: [R] Mapping

2014-06-06 Thread Roger Bivand
Tom Detzel propublica.org> writes: > > Hey Folks, > > Apologies in advance if this has been covered. > > I'm taking on a simple mapping project. What packages, tutorials and > examples would you recommend for a > beginning mapper in R? The general advice is to look for CRAN Task Views, and in

Re: [R] worldmap_region/country problem

2012-11-30 Thread Roger Bivand
de.pwc.com> writes: > > Dear R community, > > I'm trying to graphically illustrate my data with a worlmap. > Unfortunately, my data is partly on country basis and partly on regional > basis (e.g. certain African countries are aggregated to one region). I am > using the package rwoldmap. >

Re: [R] dnearneigh::spdep: undesired behaviour with SpatialPoints object: bug or feature? Please confirm.

2014-03-21 Thread Roger Bivand
Jan Holstein awi.de> writes: > > I noticed that dnearneigh::spdep shows diverging behaviour with matrix and > SpatialPoints objects respectively: > > reproducible example: > > library(spdep) > set.seed(5) > spdf<-SpatialPointsDataFrame(cbind(lon=runif(1000,2,8),lat=runif(1000,53,56)), >

Re: [R] rgdal package (Matteo Toro)

2010-10-18 Thread Roger Bivand
>> http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html >> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. >> > > -- > Brian D. Ripley, rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk > Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/ > University of

Re: [R] Error: could not find function "extract" in package raster

2010-11-09 Thread Roger Bivand
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. > > - Roger

Re: [R] Moran I for very large data set

2010-11-30 Thread Roger Bivand
rise due to the number of computations required. > > I have found that calculating distances planar distances works much > quicker but Great Circle distances are required. > > Thanks > > Gary Watmough > > - Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section Department of Economic

Re: [R] How can I change the longitude scale on the plotMap() PBSmapping package

2010-12-08 Thread Roger Bivand
.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. > > - Roger Bivand Economic Geography Section Department o

Re: [R] Using Lagsarlm

2010-12-10 Thread Roger Bivand
variable. > > How would I code this? > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproduc

Re: [R] spatial clusters

2010-12-14 Thread Roger Bivand
-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg > resea...@georgruss.de > http://research.georgruss.de > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/post

Re: [R] Drawing Maps of detailed Australian regions

2010-12-14 Thread Roger Bivand
nder Professional Standards > Legislation. > > ** > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html >

Re: [R] update.views("Spatial") does not seem to be able to find RPyGeo package

2011-01-05 Thread Roger Bivand
{dropped:11}} > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained,

Re: [R] using grib files in R

2010-08-06 Thread Roger Bivand
ysical Geography > Faculty of Geosciences > University of Utrecht > Heidelberglaan 2 > P.O. Box 80.115 > 3508 TC Utrecht > Phone: +3130 253 5773 > http://intamap.geo.uu.nl/~paul > http://nl.linkedin.com/pub/paul-hiemstra/20/30b/770 > > ______ > R-help@r-project.or

Re: [R] Problem installing package "sp" in R 2.13.0

2011-04-29 Thread Roger Bivand
; > > > > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-gu

Re: [R] Instrumental variable quantile estimation of spatial autoregressive models

2011-05-05 Thread Roger Bivand
pse.uni.lu/>; > > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-co

Re: [R] spdep::poly2nb problem

2011-05-10 Thread Roger Bivand
..@osu.edu > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, repr

Re: [R] SPDEP Package, neighbours list for Moran's I on large grid dataset

2011-04-20 Thread Roger Bivand
_ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. >

Re: [R] Converting sp to maps ?/Map projection in sp-package?

2012-06-02 Thread Roger Bivand
Jari Haukka helsinki.fi> writes: > > Dear All, > > I hava maps in sp fomat and I like to use different map projection. > > SHouls I somehow convert sp to maps and make projection and ploting there? Please install the rgdal package, and use the spTransform() methods there to change the project

Re: [R] Help with spdep package issue with errorsarlm

2012-06-28 Thread Roger Bivand
Samantha Sifleet epamail.epa.gov> writes: > > >Hi List, >I am hoping some of you have experience with the spdep package. >I have had success with lm.morantest and lm.LMtests. >I am trying to run a spatial error model and I keep getting the following >error >Error in res[

Re: [R] rgeos- installation help

2011-06-17 Thread Roger Bivand
his question is better suited to R-sig-geo than R-help. Roger Bivand Reema Singh wrote: > > Hello Everybody. > > i am installing rgeo in R-2.13 on debian lenny. i am getting following > error. Can anybody help me why i m not able to compile rgeos. > > r

[R] [R-pkgs] rgdal 0.7-1 release

2011-07-04 Thread Roger Bivand
all possible use cases, especially erroneous use cases, hence this message. -- Roger Bivand Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43 e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no

Re: [R] problem loading rgdal with Rapache, problem solved due to libexpat with apache.

2011-07-07 Thread Roger Bivand
ttp://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. > - Roger Bivand Department of Economics NHH Norwegian School of Economics Helleveien 30 N-5045 Bergen, Norway -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.co

Re: [R] SpatialPolygonsDataFrame holes problem

2011-07-09 Thread Roger Bivand
",]) #Error says: #Error in createPolygonsComment(p) : #rgeos_PolyCreateComment: orphaned hole, cannot find containing polygon for hole at index 2 #Code ends I don't know my way around SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects very well, and have no idea how to fix the errant hole. Any help

Re: [R] R code to extract shape polygons for any state for loading into Geobugs

2011-07-16 Thread Roger Bivand
______ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide > http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. > -

Re: [R] Subsetting NaN values in localG()

2011-07-16 Thread Roger Bivand
e thinks this analysis is incorrect, please let me know. > If not, I'll just abandon R for this portion of the project, as it is > taking far too long to use this this package with Getis-Ord statistics, > which should run fairly easily. > - Roger Bivand Department of Econom

Re: [R] [R-sig-Geo] Problem with read.shape in maptools

2011-07-23 Thread Roger Bivand
] ___ R-sig-Geo mailing list r-sig-...@r-project.org https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo -- Roger Bivand Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway

Re: [R] overlay contourplot with labels over spplot with color regions?

2012-07-21 Thread Roger Bivand
Martin Ivanov abv.bg> writes: > > Dear R users, > > I have the following problem. I plot a SpatialPixelsDataFrame object with spplot and I need to add a contourplot > of another spatial variable. ... You may find that posting to R-sig-geo will help. It would also help to include a self-cont

Re: [R] unable to run spatial lag and error models on large data

2012-07-25 Thread Roger Bivand
shish matt yahoo.com> writes: > > Hi: > First my apologies for cross-posting. A few days back I posted my queries ar R-sig-geo but did not get any > response. Hence this post. Since your message never reached that list - did you check? - that isn't very surprising. Try again properly on R-sig-g

Re: [R] Spatial Statistics using R

2011-11-17 Thread Roger Bivand
vioravis gmail.com> writes: > > Thanks, Raphael. Just checked their website. It appears that they currently > do not have any online courses planned. > You may find that this site: http://geostat-course.org/ has a wider range of possible courses.

Re: [R] Suggested alternative to rgdal for Mac for making bubble plots with R 2.14?

2011-11-23 Thread Roger Bivand
Jason Rupert yahoo.com> writes: > > I'm new to making bubble plots with R, so I was going to try the following: > https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2009-August/006258.html > > Unfortunately, it looks like rgdal is not part of 2.14.  I'm not sure if it was the mirror I selected or > some

Re: [R] Problems with Raster and clim.pact packages with large netcdf files (2.7G) in x64 bit R

2011-11-30 Thread Roger Bivand
Emmanuel Jjunju gmail.com> writes: > > I normally use the raster or clim.pact pckages to read netcdf (.nc) files. > This has always worked out for me until this weekend every time i try to > read a .nc file i get the following error > ... Could you please: 1. Consider moving this thread to R-

Re: [R] side-by-side map with different geographies using spplot

2011-12-03 Thread Roger Bivand
David Epstein umich.edu> writes: > > Hello, > > I want to create side-by-side maps of similar attribute data in two > different cities using a single legend. > > To simply display side-by-side census block group boundary > (non-thematic) maps for Minneapolis & Cleveland I do the following: >

Re: [R] maptools/spatial analysis question

2011-12-20 Thread Roger Bivand
Albert-Jan Roskam yahoo.com> writes: > > Hi, > > I am using maptools to plot air quality data on a map. Each measurement point is mapped to a postal code area. > This yields pictures with discrete borders, like so: > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27415200/baincome.png > The problem is that the size o

Re: [R] SpatialLines

2011-10-27 Thread Roger Bivand
Mark Newcomb me.com> writes: > > I'm hoping to use R for spatial analysis. In working through examples in Chapt. 4 of Applied Spatial Data > Analysis with R I've come across the following error in trying to plot lines with the meuse data set. The > text is verbatim from the book. This is in C

Re: [R] STAR Spatio Temporal AutoRegressive models

2012-04-05 Thread Roger Bivand
vasilis gmail.com> writes: > > Hi there, > do you know if there is a package that fits spatio temporal autoregressive > models in R? If by spatio temporal autoregressive models, you mean spatial panel models, please see the splm package on R-Forge: https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/splm/

Re: [R] Help joincount.test

2012-01-29 Thread Roger Bivand
CD gmail.com> writes: > > Hello, > I'm trying to analyse the spatial organization of different fields planted > with different varieties (each field has only one variety), but I have > problems trying to understand the results of the test I did. > Can somebody help me understanding what rea

Re: [R] Spatial Overlay - SQL - Geoprocessing

2008-05-24 Thread Roger Bivand
Paulo Cardoso netcabo.pt> writes: > > Can we by any change perform in R something similar geoprocessing or, more > advanced, Spatial SQL over vectorial data? Please visit the Spatial task view on your nearest CRAN mirror, which gives some details of useful resources. Consider using the R-sig-ge

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