[R] Special character is graph label

2015-05-06 Thread Robert U
Dear R users, I am having issues finding a special character (and how to insert it) in the lab of a graph axis. Let us say that the label of my axis is "X", i would like the X to have a "line" over it, indicating that it is the "mean of X values" (i don't even know how to properly state that i

[R] Basic editing of XML file

2015-08-13 Thread Robert U
Dear RUser,I’m tryingto operate some very slight editing to the values of an XML file. I looked abit everywhere and it appears that dealing with XML files is not that easy… besidemy XML files might be a bit weirdly structured. Anyway, let me give you an exampleof it : Root(xmlfile)     

[R] K-nearest neighbor

2014-08-07 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I am looking for a weighted knn-search function, but i cannot manage to find one. There are several options of weighted knn classifiers, but i would rather use a simple 'search function' (such as get.knnx). Anyone knows a search function with "weight" option ? Thanks [[al

[R] Count of included observations in sp.correlogram

2015-11-04 Thread Robert U
Dear Rusers, I’m tryingto figure out what I think is a pretty simple thing for anyone who knows about correlograms.I’ve a regular grid (say 5*5 points) with some quantity associated to eachpoint (count data). I’m trying to verify whether this quantity is regularly /randomly or “clusterdly” distr

[R] problem formula (newbe)

2009-09-10 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users,   I am trying to run a function of the package “adabag” (e.g. boosting.cv) in order to determine a proper number of cluster that I would specify later on my KMeans clustering. (I had this idea from: http://www.statsoft.com/TEXTBOOK/stcluan.html)   However, I do have a

[R] graph.var function factominer (layout issue)

2010-02-23 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, Did anyone  successfuly used the "label" parameter of the FactoMiner package "graph.var" function ? The "draw" parameter that select the variables to be drawn is working but i cannot manage to label them as i woud have liked, i wonder if there is a trick here or if it's just

[R] how to label individuals with FactoMiner ?

2010-02-24 Thread Robert U
Dear all, i'm trying to label specific individuals (supplementary ones) after a PCA with the FactoMiner package. There is not much details (possibilities?) in the R-help of the plot.pca function. There is indeed a "label" parameter but i could only manage to label the supplementary individuals

[R] plot() > point names ?

2009-10-12 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I am using the simple plot() function and i cannot find a way to add the point label (i would like to plot the points and up to each point the point name). I found a way to do it with n.plot but then the point is not plotted, only the label. Do you know if there is a parameter for

[R] how to compute directions number in Fourier Tranform periodograms

2010-01-27 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users,   I have seen many times posts about Fourier transform, and I am trying to do one right now. Before to apply any scripts, I wonder whether it could properly apply to my problem, and even though it’s not a statistics-helpers mailing list maybe one of you would be able to answer my

[R] Write-table and dynamic access path

2013-08-02 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I am quite sure this is a beginner question, but i cannot manager to find the answer on the Internet... I am using write.table function inside some kind of loop. I'd like to write my tables in different folders without having to change the path inside the function every time, b

[R] Lme4 and syntax of random factors

2013-08-13 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I’ve been looking at the lmer function (lme4 package) in order to set up a mixed linear model and something about the syntax of the random effects eludes me. I’d like a hand with understanding a specific point, if someone does master this function… Let’s say that I have

Re: [R] Lme4 and syntax of random factors

2013-08-14 Thread Robert U
gards De : Ben Bolker À : r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch Envoyé le : Mardi 13 août 2013 15h55 Objet : Re: [R] Lme4 and syntax of random factors Robert U yahoo.fr> writes: > > Dear > R-users, > [snip]   This question probably belongs on r-sig-mixed-mod...@r-project.o

[R] abline of an lm fit not correct

2012-12-13 Thread Robert U
Hello fellow R-users,   I’m stuck with something i think is pretty stupid, but i can’t find out where i’m wrong, and it’s turning me crazy!   I am doing a very simple linear regression with Northing/Easting data, then I plot the data as well as the regression line :   > plot(x=Dataset

[R] Constraint on regression parameters

2013-10-17 Thread Robert U
Dear all, I have been trying to  find a simple solution to my problem without success, though i have a feeling a simple syntaxe detail coul make the job. I am doing a polynomial linear regression with 2 independent variables such as : lm(A ~ B + I(B^2) + I(lB^3) + C, data=Dataset)) R return me

[R] Error Moran's test : reconsider test arguments

2011-01-19 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I was wondering if someone could give me some advices on the following problem. I tried to apply moran’s test to a small dataset and couldn’t succeed, here is the error message:   mor <- moran.test(x, res2)   Avis dans moran.test(x, res2) :   Out-of-range p-value: r

[R] IF-ELSE question

2010-05-21 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I've been trying to write a script but i encounter much problems with basic functions.. That is, i try to write a simple IF ELSE statement, with 2 requirements for the IF : if (abs(x + Dataset$LAT[1]) <= 3) and (abs(y + Dataset$LONG[1]) <= 3) {z <- 1} else {z <-0} This does n

[R] loop for in and decimals

2010-05-21 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I'm trying to make the following loop: for (x in 0 : 10) and i would like x to be decimals rather than integers, giving a x range of e.g. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 ... 9.9, 10. Would anyone know how to do that ? with regards,   [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __