[R] Java, rJava, and Windows x64

2012-10-29 Thread Robert Baer
When running [1] "R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)" "x86_64-pc-mingw32", rJava fails. I have installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Java 7 update 9. > library(rJava) Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details: call: stop("No CurrentVersion entry in '", key, "'! Try re

[R] generic function-method arguments accessible by tab-key

2014-04-15 Thread Robert Bauer
"v")) } setMethod('v', signature(x='character'), function(x,y=x,z=x){ v.print(x,y=y,z=z) } ) maybe that's not the right way... any ideas? thx very much in advance! robert -- View this message in context: http://r

Re: [R] generic function-method arguments accessible by tab-key

2014-04-15 Thread Robert Bauer
just a note i liked to add: so the idea is just to have the optional arguments y and z showing up in the the v-function call using the tab-key -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/generic-function-method-arguments-accessible-by-tab-key-tp4688793p4688794.html Sent from

Re: [R] generic function-method arguments accessible by tab-key

2014-04-15 Thread Robert Bauer
found the solution: v <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("v") setMethod('v', signature(x='character'), function(x, ...) v.print(x, ...)) setMethod('v', signature(x='numeric'), function(x, ...) v.numeric(x, ...)) v.print <- function(x,y=x,z=x) print(paste(x,y,z)) v.numeric <- function(x,u=3*x) print(u

[R] Simple permutation question

2014-06-25 Thread Robert Latest
<- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(x), length(x b[!sapply(1:nrow(b), function(r) any(duplicated(b[r,]))),] } It works, but words cannot describe its ugliness. And it gets really slow really fast with growing x. So, anyway. My two questions are: 1. Does R really, really, seriously lack a permut

Re: [R] Simple permutation question

2014-06-26 Thread Robert Latest
== 1 ) return( matrix( x, nrow=1 ) ) >lst <- lapply( seq_along( x ) > , function( i ) { > cbind( x[ i ], perm.jdn( x[ -i ] ) ) > } > ) >do.call(rbind, lst) > } Nice, exactly what I was

[R] Data Frame Members

2014-06-27 Thread Robert Sherry
Suppose that a data frame has been created by the user. Perhaps it has been created using the library quantmod. Is there any command to find out what the members of the data frame is? Thanks Bob __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch

[R] A Question about read.table and Data Frames in R

2014-06-29 Thread Robert Sherry
I created the following file: symbol,shares XOM,1000 APA,400 CVX,200 I then read the file in R using the command: stockList=read.table("/NotesOnR/stockList", header = T, sep=",") I would then expect the following expression to evaluate to the simple string APA: stockList$symbol[

[R] CI for nlme predictions

2014-07-11 Thread Robert Lynch
geom_smooth. The particular intercept does not mater ( I don't care what the intercept is, though given a choice I'd prefer grand mean centered) I would be happy with either conditional on unconditional CI's. Robert [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ___

[R] Correlation

2014-07-16 Thread Robert Sherry
Please consider the following R Script: x = c(1,2,3) y = c(1,2,9) cor(x,y) These three lines will produce, as I expected, the correlation between the variables x and y. However, R is going to assume that the probability that x = 1 is the same as the probability that x = 2.

[R] anova.lme

2014-07-21 Thread Robert Lynch
d P-values for Wald tests for the terms in the model (when Terms and L are NULL), a combination of model terms (when Terms in not NULL), or linear combinations of the model coefficients (when L is not NULL). noticeably absent is the sum of squares. How do I get them? Robe

[R] rgl package and animation

2012-11-02 Thread Robert Baer
I am trying to figure out how to use rgl package for animation. It appears that this is done using the play3d() function. Below I have some sample code that plots a 3D path and puts a sphere at the point farthest from the origin (which in this case also appears to be at the end of the path).

Re: [R] rgl package and animation

2012-11-03 Thread Robert Baer
On 11/3/2012 6:47 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 12-11-02 7:47 PM, Robert Baer wrote: I am trying to figure out how to use rgl package for animation. It appears that this is done using the play3d() function. Below I have some sample code that plots a 3D path and puts a sphere at the point

Re: [R] Saving R Graph to a file

2012-11-04 Thread Robert Baer
ailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- __ Robert W Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Kirksville College of Os

Re: [R] Saving R Graph to a file

2012-11-04 Thread Robert Baer
On 11/4/2012 4:32 AM, Robert Baer wrote: Some hints: For pdf(), height and width are in inches, not pixels. dev.off() is necessary after drawing the image for pdf(). The name for the file argument (file="c:/figure.xxx") is file not filename hist(CO2[,5]) is more interesting And

Re: [R] rgl package and animation

2012-11-05 Thread Robert Baer
rgl function writeWebGL() over the weekend, and I think it holds tremendous potential for sharing visualizations of multidimensional data with a non-technical audience. Who knew it could be so easy to move three dimensional data from R to the web? Rob Baer -- __ Robert W. Ba

Re: [R] exporting 3D dynamic graph

2012-11-05 Thread Robert Baer
avaScript additions you can get there. Rob > > > > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reprodu

[R] Restricted Domain Optimization Problem

2012-11-13 Thread McGehee, Robert
anyone have an idea for a more clever way to preform what is effectively a simple quadratic programming problem on a discontinuous domain: {0, [minp, maxp]}? Thanks, Robert Robert McGehee, CFA Geode Capital Management, LLC One Post Office Square, 28th Floor | Boston, MA | 02109 Direct: (617)392-83

Re: [R] lines density

2012-11-17 Thread Robert Baer
w.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- __ Robert W Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine A. T. Still University of Health Sciences Kirksville, MO 63501 US [[alternative HTML

Re: [R] screen if a value is within range

2012-12-01 Thread Robert Baer
On 12/1/2012 10:50 AM, Andras Farkas wrote: Dear all, could you please give me some pointers on how I could make R screen for a value if it falls within a certain range? I looked at the subset function, but is not doing it, perhaps because I only have 1 value to screen? aptreciate the inp

Re: [R] Calculation of extremely low p-values (in lm)

2012-12-03 Thread Robert Baer
ct.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- __ Robert W. Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Kirksille College of Osteopathic Medicine A. T. Still University of Health Sciences Kirksville, MO 63501 USA

Re: [R] r function definition

2012-12-03 Thread Robert Baer
e.com. __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. -- __ Robert W. Baer, Ph.D. Profess

[R] abline of an lm fit not correct

2012-12-13 Thread Robert U
Hello fellow R-users,   I’m stuck with something i think is pretty stupid, but i can’t find out where i’m wrong, and it’s turning me crazy!   I am doing a very simple linear regression with Northing/Easting data, then I plot the data as well as the regression line :   > plot(x=Dataset

[R] Problem when plotting

2012-12-15 Thread Robert A'gata
x27;t know what exactly to install. Thank you. Robert [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide

Re: [R] very basic series correlation question

2014-01-05 Thread Robert Baer
On 1/4/2014 7:42 PM, Peter Turner wrote: Hi, I hope the following question is appropriate for the list; reflects that I've yet to use R and have limited statistical sensibility. I've two metal ion concentration data sets, one each for two nearby watercourses recorded over the same period (2008

[R] How to get function arguments as list?

2014-02-09 Thread Robert Latest
ls() doesn't do it, neither does args() or alist(). How is that done? Thanks, robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and pro

Re: [R] How to get function arguments as list?

2014-02-09 Thread Robert Latest
On Sun, 09 Feb 2014 12:28:11 + Rui Barradas wrote: > Hello, > > Inside the function try > > dots <- list(...) Hi guys, thanks a lot. I knew it HAD to be something ultra-simple, like most things in R. Regards, robert __ R-

Re: [R] Adding lines to complex xyplot

2014-02-25 Thread Robert Latest
ich I have, and like, but am not sure I should recommend). Good luck, robert On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Lib Gray wrote: > Hello, > > I am branching out to xyplot for the first time, and I want to layer > several "complex" xyplots. I have tried using panel functio

[R] ggplot legend formatting

2013-09-19 Thread Robert Lynch
anging the call to have byrow=TRUE does not change the plot. Thanks Robert [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-proje

[R] re-coding variables

2013-10-01 Thread Robert Lynch
t Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) : Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1 I suspect I could solve this problem with ordering the levels of "Course" so that P7A was the first level and thus the one that others were compared to but I am unclear on how to do so. Rob

[R] trouble with nlme: Error in MEEM() : Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1

2013-10-05 Thread Robert Lynch
I am trying to fit my data, attached, with the following model CutOff <- 0 fit.full <- lme(fixed= zGrade ~ Rep + ISE +Yfrm7A +Ufrm7A +Female +White +HSGPA +MATH +AP_TOTAL +Years +Course + Course*Rep + Course*ISE +Course*Yfrm7A+Course*Ufrm7A +Course*Female +Course*White +Course*H

[R] Centering multi-level unordered factors

2013-10-07 Thread Robert Lynch
o I need two or three centered variables? and is there a quick way to get at all those variables if my factor has many levels, e.g. 14? Robert [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailm

[R] Constraint on regression parameters

2013-10-17 Thread Robert U
Dear all, I have been trying to  find a simple solution to my problem without success, though i have a feeling a simple syntaxe detail coul make the job. I am doing a polynomial linear regression with 2 independent variables such as : lm(A ~ B + I(B^2) + I(lB^3) + C, data=Dataset)) R return me

Re: [R] R-help Digest, Vol 128, Issue 29

2013-10-27 Thread Robert Rigby
test can be used to test whether the heterogeity is needed. Alternatively a generalized Akaike information criterion (GAIC) can be used to compare models. Robert Rigby On Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 23:57:51 -0400 (EDTCollin Lynch < coll...@cs.pitt.edu> wrote Subject: [R] Heteroscedastici

[R] getting p-value for comparing to gam's from gmcv

2013-10-30 Thread Robert Lynch
I am trying to compare two different GAM fits. I have something like Course.bam20 <-bam(zGrade ~ Rep + ISE + White + Female + Years + AP_TOTAL + MATH + HSGPA+ EOP + factor(P7APrior, ordered = FALSE)+s(Yfrm7A,k=20), data= Course, na.action = na.exclude,samfrac =0.1) Course.bam4 <-bam(zGrade ~ Rep

Re: [R] Nonnormal Residuals and GAMs

2013-11-08 Thread Robert Rigby
variables. This can be important for selecting mean model terms and is particularly important when interest lies in the variance and/or quantiles of the response variable. Robert Rigby On 06/11/13 21:46, Collin Lynch wrote: > Greetings, My question is more algorithmic than prectical. What I

Re: [R] why change days of the week from a factor to an ordered factor?

2013-12-02 Thread Robert Baer
On 12/2/2013 9:35 AM, Bert Gunter wrote: > Not true, Rich. The point about alphabetical ordering explains why the author likely explicitly set the levels for the factor, though. As to why ordered factors, we may never know, but one possible explanation is that at some point he was going to use

Re: [R] help with the nested anova formulas

2013-12-05 Thread Robert Lynch
in, control$niterEM) : Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1 but if I take out the /ISE I get no error, simmilarly if I take out the COHORT/. I want to test for the effects of the different cohorts within the ISE subset and across ISE & NONE I can send the data (the whole is too large

[R] help with the nested anova formulas

2013-12-05 Thread Robert Lynch
: Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1 but if I take out the /ISE I get no error, simmilarly if I take out the COHORT/. I want to test for the effects of the different cohorts within the ISE subset and across ISE & NONE. Robert __ R-hel

Re: [R] rJava problems

2013-12-08 Thread Robert Baer
You don't really provide enough information like R.Version() but my guess is that you are running 64-bit R either directly or through R Studio but that you have only 32-bit Java installed. I am doing fine on Windows with Java 7 update 45 but had some 64-bit run issues with only Java 7 updat

Re: [R] growth curve estimation

2013-12-09 Thread Robert Rigby
choose the effective degrees of freedom for smoothing are available, see Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2004, 2005, 2006) and Stasinopoulos and Rigby (2007). Robert Rigby Il 08/12/2013 16.45, Daniel Kehl ha scritto: > Dear Community, > > I am struggling with a growth curve estimation probl

[R] growth curve estimation

2013-12-13 Thread Robert Rigby
e gamlss manual, Stasinopoulos et al. (2008) 'Instructions on how to use the gamlss package in R, 2nd edition', or see Chambers and Hastie (1992) 'Statistical Models in S'). Robert Rigby Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 18:27:45 + From: D?niel Kehl To: David Winsemius Cc: &quo

Re: [R] Axes intercept

2010-06-28 Thread Robert Baer
- Original Message - From: "KENT V.T." To: Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 8:28 AM Subject: [R] Axes intercept I have a plot where the values of the y axis go from a positive number to a negative number and I want the x axis to intercept at zero rather than at the bottom of the y axis,

[R] Boxplot: Scale outliers

2010-07-13 Thread Robert Peter
0.1. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance! Robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self

[R] Weighted densityplot?

2010-07-15 Thread Farley, Robert
anks in advance, Robert Farley Metro 1 Gateway Plaza Mail Stop 99-23-7 Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952 Voice: (213)922-2532 Fax:(213)922-2868 www.Metro.net [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.

[R] assigning one value into a dspMatrix-class matrix

2010-07-19 Thread Robert Castelo
3 ..@ Dimnames:List of 2 .. ..$ : NULL .. ..$ : NULL ..@ uplo: chr "U" ..@ factors : list() i guess there must be some way of doing a "symmetric" assignment of a value but I have not been able to figure it out myself from the documentation nor searching the list no

[R] Constrain density to 0 at 0?

2010-07-19 Thread Farley, Robert
) lines(density(zTestData$Distance, weights=zTestData$BrdWeight ), col=3) which works fine except the distances are all positive, but the densities don't drop to 0 until around -2 or -3. Is there a way for me to "force" the density plot to 0 at 0? Thanks Robert Farley Met

Re: [R] Constrain density to 0 at 0?

2010-07-20 Thread Farley, Robert
individual measurements. Is there a "variable bw" that could be set small at the extrema, and larger in the range of the data? Robert Farley Metro www.Metro.net -Original Message- From: David Winsemius [mailto:dwinsem...@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 19:31 To: Fa

Re: [R] Using McNemar's test to detect shifts in response from pre- topost-treatment

2010-09-14 Thread Robert Baer
McNemar is good for paired data. See ?mcnemar.test You need to get your data into the form of a matrix (e.g., help example), and you will need data organized by concordant and discordant pairing. This means that you will need to organize your data differently than you show us: # pairs YES YE

[R] (no subject)

2010-09-30 Thread Robert Quinn
Hello, I am having a problem figuring out how to model a continuous outcome (y) given a continuous predictor (x1) and two levels of nested categorical predictors (x3 nested in x2). The data are observational, not from a designed experiment. There are about 15 levels of x2 and between 3 and 14 level

[R] nested unbalanced regression analysis

2010-09-30 Thread Robert Quinn
Hello, I am having a problem figuring out how to model a continuous outcome (y) given a continuous predictor (x1) and two levels of nested categorical predictors (x3 nested in x2). The data are observational, not from a designed experiment. There are about 15 levels of x2 and between 3 and 14 level

[R] Nested unbalanced regression analysis

2010-09-30 Thread Robert Quinn
Hello, I am having a problem figuring out how to model a continuous outcome (y) given a continuous predictor (x1) and two levels of nested categorical predictors (x3 nested in x2). The data are observational, not from a designed experiment. There are about 15 levels of x2 and between 3 and 14 level

Re: [R] loop in R

2010-10-06 Thread Robert Baer
set.seed(180185) #loop: create 10 times the variables (u1,u2,u3,u4,u5) for (i in 1:10){ u1 <- c(runif(200,0,1)) u2 <- c(runif(200,0,1)) u3 <- c(runif(200,0,1)) u4 <- c(runif(200,0,1)) u5 <- c(runif(200,0,1)) u <- c(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5) mu <- matrix(u, nrow=1000, ncol=1) } As you can see, when

[R] Regression with groups and nested sub-groups

2010-10-14 Thread Robert Quinn
I have the following formula for a linear model: z <- lm(y~x + factor(a) + factor(b), data=NT2010) where a (groups) and b (Sub-groups) are categorical variables (factors), x is a continuous covariate, and y the response variable. Since b is nested within a, the formula can also be written as:

Re: [R] Chron object in time series plot

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Baer
It seems David and Phil have given you all the pieces and you are not listening. Try: h = sprintf('%06d', seq(07,18, by=1) ) # Note that h is text myseries=sample(1:12, 12) #fake data to plot tim=strptime(h,'%H%M%S') library(zoo) test=zoo(myseries, tim) plot(test) Rob --

Re: [R] Plot creates a straigth line

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Baer
od<-c(10, 8, 6,4,2,1, 10.5,7.8,6.4,3.8,2.1,0.95) cyto_conc=2650 # Highest cytokine concentration user defined cyto_std_conc <-c(cyto_conc) for (i in 1:5) { cyto_conc = cyto_conc /3 cyto_std_conc <-c(cyto_std_conc ,cyto_conc) } cyto_std_conc<-log2(rep(cyto_std_conc,2)) cyto<-cbind(cyto_s

Re: [R] best predictive model for mixed catagorical/continuous variables

2010-10-25 Thread Robert Baer
I would expect that there will be interactions between variables eg. if the vegetation is grassland then the vegetation height variable will mediate the interaction, if the vegetation is arable then crop type will be more significant. Would it be possible to use GLM or GAM models for this type

[R] updating a local package

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Kinley
Hi folks I have inherited a package which was created before release 2.10 and I need to have it working in release 2.12 There is a folder containing the Man, Data and R subfolders, and the description file, and there is also the corresponding zip file. I can install the package from the zip f

Re: [R] updating a local package

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Kinley
your advice to useR CMD INSTALL source.library did the trick and I now understand packages a little better. many thanks Bob Kinley Uwe Ligges 28/10/2010 10:30 To Robert Kinley cc r-help@r-project.org Subject Re: [R] updating a local package

Re: [R] updating a local package

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Kinley
I stand corrected :0) Robert Kinley Uwe Ligges 28/10/2010 11:54 To Robert Kinley cc r-help@r-project.org Subject Re: [R] updating a local package On 28.10.2010 12:26, Robert Kinley wrote: > your advice to useR CMD INSTALL source.library It's a

[R] compare and replace

2010-11-06 Thread Robert Ruser
Hello R Users, I'm wondering if there exists any elegant and simple way to do the following: I have a data.frame X fills in numbers. I have a vector y with numbers as well. Every value in X that is equal to any values in y should be replaced by e.g. 1. Any idea? R

Re: [R] compare and replace

2010-11-06 Thread Robert Ruser
Thank you vary much Ben and Erik. It's exactly what I want. Below is my a little modified example. set.seed(12345) X = sample(c(40:60),40,replace=TRUE) x = matrix(X,nc=5) y = c(40,43,55,60) x[x %in% y] <- -1 __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://

[R] code ok in unix & R2.6 , fails in windows & R 2.12

2010-11-09 Thread Robert Kinley
ot;prediction") Error in `[.data.frame`(newdata, , 2) : undefined columns selected Robert Kinley ( 'baffled' of Berkshire ) [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman

Re: [R] code ok in unix & R2.6 , fails in windows & R 2.12

2010-11-09 Thread Robert Kinley
e:(Intercept) -1.6958 0.5089 6.9764 2629.7526 attr(,"logScale") [1] TRUE attr(,"modelType") [1] "4pl" attr(,"method") [1] "drc" attr(,"class") [1] "multFit" Uwe Ligges 09/11/2010 16:2

Re: [R] JGR install problem

2010-11-12 Thread Robert Baer
You install JGR and its dependencies as you would any other package from the RGUI. Make sure you have a recent java installed and functional. You may find jselect.exe on the RForge site useful for looking at this. When I did the install, things seemed a little flaky, but eventually by caref

[R] Breslow-Day test

2010-11-16 Thread Robert Ruser
Dear R Users, I'm looking for a package that allows to test hypothesis about a homogeneity of odds ratio in k 2x2 tables. I know that Breslow-Day is suitable but does anybody could me point out a package? I found diffR, but as far as I see this package is for IRT theory. Best, R

[R] assigment

2010-11-19 Thread Robert Ruser
65, 139, 138) C6 <- c(47) ... I would appreciate for any help. Robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] assigment

2010-11-19 Thread Robert Ruser
Thank you, but unfortunately it's not resolve my problem. After writing in R console e.g. a2 a should get the values. Do you know how to read file 2 into R? 2010/11/19 Joshua Wiley : > Hi Robert, > > What about a named list?  This will generalize to your two text files > o

Re: [R] assigment

2010-11-19 Thread Robert Ruser
2 8,10, 11,12,15 17 21, 29, 18, 32, 145 22, 34, 19, 27, 20 24, 23, 33, 28, 25, 26 35 36, 40 38, 37 39 41 92 42 Robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-projec

[R] save a list as a matrix

2010-11-20 Thread Robert Ruser
to do it? Thank you. Robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] save a list as a matrix

2010-11-20 Thread Robert Ruser
Hi Mohamed, It works. Thank you very much. Best, Robert 2010/11/20 : > Hi Robert, > > Try to do this > >  Len <- max(sapply(my.list, length)) > >  fun1 <- lapply(my.list, function(x){ >      c(x, rep(0, Len))[1:Len] >  }) >  

[R] difficulty setting the random = argument to lme()

2010-11-25 Thread Robert Kinley
someone can help ... Robert Kinley Study: Pos tissue VC, Neg tissue VC, Pos/Neg tissue correlation Study*Group:Pos tissue VC, Neg tissue VC, Pos/Neg tissue correlation Residual (animal): Pos tissue VC, Neg tissue VC, Pos/Neg tissue correlation

Re: [R] Searching dataset

2010-11-30 Thread Robert Baer
?RSiteSearch -- From: "Stephen Liu" Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:09 AM To: Subject: [R] Searching dataset Hi folks, help.search("item_name") displays a list of dataset containing the item_name. If I need to search containing more than

[R] log-normal centile on horizontal axis

2010-11-30 Thread Robert Quinn
I am having problems trying to get R to graph data input that is log-normal on the horizontal axis like the example I have attached and is also below. The data is log (base 10), and I am more interested in viewing the tails of the distribution. The closest I can get with this is log on the vertica

[R] problems formulating arguments to lme()

2010-12-01 Thread Robert Kinley
this is a clearer (I hope) version of an earlier post - My problem is formulating the random = argument to give estimates of all 9 random components for this kind of setup where there are (I think) 9 variance/covariance components ... Study.1Study.2 ... Stud

[R] log-normal Centile

2010-12-01 Thread Robert Quinn
I am having problems trying to get R to graph data input that is log-normal on the horizontal (x) axis. The data is log (base 10), and I am more interested in viewing the tails of the distribution. The closest I can get with this is log on the vertical (y) axis and linear on the horizontal axis.

Re: [R] Pure curiosity

2010-12-12 Thread robert denham
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:09 PM, robert denham wrote: > in > test <- data.frame(V1=c(1,2,3), V2=c(4,5,6)) > > you are using arguments to the data.frame function in the tag=value format. > From the help: > >...: these arguments are of either the form ‘value’ or

Re: [R] legend not appearing in Word document

2010-12-16 Thread Robert Baer
On 12/12/2010 8:59 AM, Tim Clark wrote: I need help with using graphics in Word 2007 that will later be converted into a pdf document. I have tried several formats and found that I get the best quality of graphics using .wmf, .eps format, but when I convert it to .pdf I get a bunch of lines ac

[R] labels and barchart

2010-12-21 Thread Robert Ruser
at I could set xlim=c(0,max(x)) but because of main increase equals 20 and the last value 95 it doesn't solve the problem. The increase is ok. but only line should be longer. Thank you Robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.

Re: [R] labels and barchart

2010-12-21 Thread Robert Ruser
2010/12/21 Gerrit Eichner : > par( mar = c( 3, 13, 2, 1), cex = 0.8) > > barplot( x, names.arg = NULL, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE) > > axis( side = 1, at = c( seq( 0, 80, by = 20), 95)) > > axis( side = 2, at = 1:length(ety), line = -1, las = 1, tick = FALSE, >      labels = ety) Thank you very mu

Re: [R] labels and barchart

2010-12-21 Thread Robert Ruser
2010/12/21 Dieter Menne : > Standard graphics has fallen a bit out of favor because of these quirks. Try > lattice: > > library(lattice) > x <- seq(20, 100, by=15) > ety <- paste("Effect on treatment group",1:length(x)) > barchart(ety~x) > > Note that the ety labels must be different to make this w

Re: [R] Assumptions for ANOVA: the right way to check the normality

2011-01-05 Thread Robert Baer
Someone suggested me that I don´t have to check the normality of the data, but the normality of the residuals I get after the fitting of the linear model. I really ask you to help me to understand this point as I don´t find enough material online where to solve it. Try the following: # using

Re: [R] Time and xts

2011-01-16 Thread robert denham
in the code you presented, or you can extract whatever you want from the dates using as.POSIXlt and extracting the component: names(as.POSIXlt(aa$DateTime[1])) Robert On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 2:20 PM, rnick wrote: > > Hi all, > I have run into a problem and some help would be highly ap

[R] Error Moran's test : reconsider test arguments

2011-01-19 Thread Robert U
Dear R-users, I was wondering if someone could give me some advices on the following problem. I tried to apply moran’s test to a small dataset and couldn’t succeed, here is the error message:   mor <- moran.test(x, res2)   Avis dans moran.test(x, res2) :   Out-of-range p-value: r

Re: [R] how to get old packages to work on R 2.12.1

2011-01-19 Thread Robert Baer
Did you do: update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE) Rob -- From: "Joshua Wiley" Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:43 AM To: "Joseph Boyer" Cc: Subject: Re: [R] how to get old packages to work on R 2.12.1 Dear Joe, On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:49 AM,

Re: [R] ANOVA plotting

2011-01-20 Thread Robert Baer
I recently started using R and I have a simple question. I am running R (v. 2.12.1) and Rcmdr (v.1-6.3) on Mac (Snow Leopard). I am using a data set I used before for practicing ANOVA with R, so I know what the results should look like. I can get ANOVA table using both Rcmdr and GUI. However,

Re: [R] Learning ANOVA

2010-08-16 Thread Robert Baer
modelfn(count ~ spray, data=test01) Error: could not find function "modelfn" What will be +var3 ? I think the general advice applied to your specific situation was meant to suggest using the construct: InsectSprays.aov <- aov(count ~ spray, data=InsectSprays) rather than: InsectSprays.aov <-

Re: [R] How to make flowchart in R?

2010-08-16 Thread Robert Baer
The R Journal article by Paul Murrell may be of interest: http://journal.r-project.org/2009-1/RJournal_2009-1_Murrell.pdf The documentation for the Diagram Package may also be of interest: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/diagram/diagram.pdf http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/di

Re: [R] Missing values

2010-08-17 Thread Robert Baer
- Original Message - From: "Stephen Liu" To: Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 8:25 AM Subject: Re: [R] Missing values - Original Message From: Michael Bedward To: Stephen Liu Cc: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 3:57:05 PM Subject: Re: [R] Missing values

Re: [R] how can I plot bar plots with all the bars (negative and positive) in the same direction????

2010-09-03 Thread Robert Baer
As is often the case in R, just because you shouldn't do something, doesn't mean you can't do it. Still, I'd urge you to consider the "visual honesty" of what you propose. If you're still insistent: dat <- (-3:4) dat1=dat-min(dat) barplot(dat1,axes=FALSE) axis(2,dat1,labels=dat) Typically, ze

Re: [R] how can I plot bar plots with all the bars (negative andpositive) in the same direction????

2010-09-03 Thread Robert Baer
It occurred to me after my initial post that you will need a little more "fixing" of your axis labels if you have data that is not trivial integers as in your example. Consider the following solution for some irrational random numbers: dat=rnorm(20) dat1=dat-min(dat) barplot(dat1,axes

[R] Handling of irregular time series in lineChart

2011-04-28 Thread Robert A'gata
all points are set to be equally spaced in time. I'm wondering if I miss-specified any parameters or not. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance. Robert __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help

Re: [R] Using Java methods in R

2011-04-29 Thread Robert Baer
osuda-devel or the archive: http://mailman.rz.uni-augsburg.de/pipermail/stats-rosuda-devel/ -- Robert W. Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine A. T. Still University of Health Sciences 800 W. Jefferson St.

[R] Help converting a data.frame to ordered factors

2011-05-02 Thread Robert Cassidy
thanks in advance for any help. Robert -- Robert Cassidy, PhD Department of Psychology Concordia University 7141 Sherbrooke W. Montreal (QC) H4B 1R6 tel: (514) 848-2424 x2244 fax: (514) 848-4523 office: PY-119.2 __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https

Re: [R] Watts Strogatz game

2011-05-04 Thread Robert Baer
I have a erdos-renyi game with 6000 nodes and probability 0.003. g1 = erdos.renyi.game(6000, 0.003) How to create a Watts Strogatz game with the same probability. g1 = watts.strogatz.game(1, 6000, ?, ?) What should be the third and fourth parameter to this argument. According to ?watts.stroga

[R] Creating Observation ID

2011-05-09 Thread Robert Baer
each of the 3 groups. Somehow, I can't quite see how to do it without manually sub-setting the parent data frame and then putting it back together again. Anyone able to get me started on a cleaner (more R-like) approach? Thanks, Rob -- Robert W. B

[R] Filtering out bad data points

2011-05-09 Thread Robert A'gata
orm(100),y=rnorm(100)); qtile <- quantile(dftest$x,probs=c(0.05,0.95)); badIdx <- which((dftest$x < qtile[1]) | (dftest$x > qtile[2])); if (length(badIdx) > 0) { dftest <- dftest[-idx,]; } My question is that is there a more streamlined way to achieve this? Thank

Re: [R] Creating Observation ID

2011-05-10 Thread Robert Baer
Thanks Bill and William. Both solutions work, and both have introduced me to whole new R functions which I'm still wrapping my head around. What a great resource this list is. Thanks again, Rob -- Robert W. Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physi

Re: [R] Excel to R

2011-05-13 Thread Robert Baer
tained, reproducible code. At least on Windows (not sure about other OS's ------ Robert W. Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine A. T. Still University of Health Sciences 800 W. Jefferson St. Kirksville, MO

[R] Get access to my pictures and more

2011-05-14 Thread Robert Kopp
/-bT0xNzc2NTAzODA4Jmw9MSZnbT0xMiZ1PSUyRmdvJTJGcmVnaXN0ZXIlMkZpZCUzRC1jaTFvWld4d1FISXRjSEp2YW1WamRDNXZjbWNfJTI2dWlkJTNEODcwMzA0NTU_ Cheers, Robert Don't want to receive invitations from your friends anymore? http://en.netlog.com/go/ma

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