[R] dbWriteTable(con, access_log, overwrite = F).....

2012-01-16 Thread Poul Kristensen
into PostgreSQL I get an error. dbWriteTable(con, access_log, overwrite = F); returns Error in .Internal(is.vector(x, mode)) : 'x' is missing? Thanks Poul Poul Kristensen IT-Konsulent / Consultant Det Kongelige Bibliotek | The Royal Library IT-afdelingen | Information Technology

[R] unable to find an inherited method for function "make.db.names", for signature "character", "missing"

2012-01-17 Thread Poul Kristensen
Hi ! I am new to R and I am using Rstudio on Linux. Have I missed some library() ? and if so does anyone have the time to write which? I am trying to create some PostqreSQL tables from comma separated files. I am a bit surpriced that character is a problem. The missing value could be NULL. T

Re: [R] R help

2012-01-18 Thread Poul Kristensen
Hello Catarina Maia I'm a beginner too! And I ask questions and people are answering very kindly. >From what I know up til now is that R is a competitor to the very expensive SAS statistical software. R is free to use and is developed by professors and Ph.d's. As of my interest right now is R's i