Re: [R] Getting rid of unwanted csv files

2015-11-18 Thread Par Leijonhufvud
WRAY NICHOLAS [2015.11.18] wrote: > > I'd like to get shot of the junk files, but I can't distinguish them by > names/label from the ones I want to keep -- the only criterion is the date of > making them, but I cannot see a way of telling R to look at the date rather > than > the name/label Ob

[R] Plot and lm

2009-06-04 Thread Par Leijonhufvud
s cucullatus, herb, 19 Mauritius , 1874 , Circus alphonsi, carn, 0.63 Mallorca , 3667 , Myotragus balearicus, herb, 40 Mallorca , 3667 , Aquila chrysaetos, carn, 4.2 Kreta , 8259 , Elephas creutzburgi, herb, 3200 ... /Par -- Par Leijonhufvud p...@hunter-gath

Re: [R] Plot and lm

2009-06-04 Thread Par Leijonhufvud
line from the latter, but (no surprise) none from the former. Now I just need to fix my assumptions such that I produce a line that is an actual regession line... Thanks for making me think it through! /Par -- Par Leijonhufvud The best com

[R] wilcox.test; data type conversion?

2010-10-28 Thread Par Leijonhufvud
I'm working on a quick tutorial for my students, and was planning on using Mann-Whitney U as one of the tests. I have the following (fake) data grade <- c("MVG", "VG", "VG", "G", "MVG", "G", "VG", "G", "VG") sex <- c( "male", "male", "female", "male", "female", "male", "female", "male", "ma

Re: [R] wilcox.test; data type conversion?

2010-10-28 Thread Par Leijonhufvud
Steven McKinney [2010.10.29] wrote: > You can set up the data as > > > grade <- ordered(c("MVG", "VG", "VG", "G", "MVG", "G", "VG", "G", "VG"), > > levels = c("G", "VG", "MVG")) > wilcox.test(as.integer(grade) ~ sex, data = gradesbysex) Thanks, this solved my problems. I'll just explain the pr

Re: [R] wilcox.test; data type conversion?

2010-10-30 Thread Par Leijonhufvud
Peter Dalgaard [2010.10.30] wrote: > I wouldn't bother with that. The p-value is based on the correct > covariance matrix of the rank sums, tie-breaking just adds noise to the > analysis. Good to know. > If you really want an exact p-value, package exactRankTests is In this case I suspect that