When I run the following code in a loop I get an error after about 125 times
saying too many open files...
if(inherits(atmpt, "try-error")){
output <- paste(yahooSymbol,"\n",sep="")
write(output, file = "data", append = TRUE, sep = "")
} else {
I've tried various things
That would work... except I've got a DBConnection I don't want to close and
open constantly
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
> Try:
> closeAllConnections()
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Nick Torenvliet
> wrote:
> > When I
te to file. 3) close file; and you should be fine.
> You also don't need to open the file 125 times: open it before the loop.
> --Gray
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Nick Torenvliet
> wrote:
> > When I run the following code in a loop I get an error after
I have the following code
fileList <-list.files(path = ".", pattern = "[^a-z].txt$", all.files =
FALSE, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE)
for (x in 1:length(fileList)){
fileLines <- data.frame(read.table(fileList[x]))
the lines of the file all hav
Consider the following
> fileLines
V1 V2V3V4 V5 V6V7 V8
1 AB 20091224 156.0 156.0 154.00 154.0055 1198
2 AB.C 20091224 156.0 156.0 156.00 156.00 0 0
3 ABF10 20091224 156.0 156.0 156.00 156.0055444
4 ABH10 20091224 156.0 156.0 1
Thanks everyone... the as.character(fileLines[1][1]) solution worked well...
Factors??? the treatment is so far away from what I know.
Cool though...
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 8:55 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:14 PM, Nick Torenvliet wrote:
> Consider t
Yet another question...
I'm wondering if there is a built in facility to log errors. I've got this
statement that gives me verbose DBI errors as they come up (to standard
output), but I'd like to trap and log them to a file as I running about
300 sql statements through this particular piece
; open(logfile, "w")
> sink(logfile, type = "message")
> 1/"a" # generate an error
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Nick Torenvliet
> wrote:
> > Yet another question...
> >
> > I'm wondering if there is a built in facil
I got the following after running succesfully through this loop 28 million
times... the loop opens text files in a directory and inserts line by line
into a database...
*** caught segfault ***
address 0xc010, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .getGeneric(f, where, package)
2: getGene
Thanks Duncan, I'll work on reproducibility and possibly getting a core
dump... If I get those I'll post to R-dev or RMySQL-dev.
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 30/12/2009 9:20 AM, Nick Torenvliet wrote:
>> I got the following after runni
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to capture system messages, for
instance when I do the following:
> system("../DBScripts/getEODData.sh")
.//LSE_20091230.txt: 154.80 kB 207.24
./Fundamentals//LSE.txt: 420.58 kB 301.47
Hi all,
I've got a time series object (xts) called table. Table contains closing
price and volume for each market day of 2009 on a given equity.
I'd like to get another xts object, say table2, that contains for each
market day holds the close of that day minus the close of the day before and
Hi all,
I've got a simple 3D plot as follows...
> xx <- seq(-20,20,.5)
> yy <- seq(-20,20,.5)
> zFunc <- function(x,y){3*x^2*y}
> z <- outer(xx,yy,zFunc)
> persp(xx,yy,z,theta=30,phi=30,ticktype="detailed")
Just beautiful!
My question is how do I constrain the plot to only display x^2 <= y <= 1
Hi all, I've been messing with this for a while now..
myStudy is a matrix of word frequency to date of document/document.
As you can see I'm trying to plot the series in the matrix.
I'd like three things --
1- In the plot that gets created the first series is a solid line, the rest
are dashed...
graph as a
label with a tickmark... is this possible?
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 06/22/2010 08:05 PM, Nick Torenvliet wrote:
>> Hi all, I've been messing with this for a while now..
>> myStudy is a matrix of word frequency to date of do
Hi all,
I've got an xts time series of stock symbols and closing prices.
> head(x)
symbol close
2010-01-04 "AFB" "13.46"
2010-01-04 "AKP" "12.80"
2010-01-04 "APX" " 8.78"
2010-01-04 "AYN" "13.15"
2010-01-04 "BAF" "13.50"
2010-01-04 "BBF" "12.86"
> tail(x)
symbol close
So I've got a 154 column wide xts time series object and I want to plot the
154 series on a single plot and have the added benefit of the time series
dates on the x axis.
Any suggestions for plotting functions, maplot works but does not give dates
on the axis and I can't seem to get plot to give m
Hi all,
I've got an xts time series with monthly OHLC Dow Jones industrial index
data from 1980 to present, the data is in stored in x.
I've done an OLS fit on the data in 1982::1994 and stored it in extrapolate1
(x[,4] contains the closing value for the index).
> t3 <- seq(1980,1994,length = le
Hi all,
I'm trying to do a simple curve fit and coming up with some interesting
results I would like to get comment on.
So as shown below, tsR is my explanatory and response is... well... my
This same data in gnumeric gets fitted with the curve "response=10078.4 +
1358.67 * ln (explanat
Hi all,
I've got an R script that loads the following libraries
At some when I try to run the tm tokenizer as
MyTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = 1, max = 4))
Hi all,
I'm using
To get a page with any number of seperate plots on it (as many plots as
columns in closingDataXTS).
Each plot is named according to colnames(closingDataXTS).
I would like to control the size of the text each plot name appears in.
I've seen a number of
21 matches
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