This is my first time so bear with me if I do anything silly. I'll learn!
I'm a relatively new user of R as well so will appreciate any help.
I have a data set in the form
Trial.Group MeanHeart Rate Upper confidence level
Lower confidence level
Hi Tal, Thanks for your help.
I've had a look at the site, and what i wanted to do was to plot X and Y
where X is a characters and Y is numeric. The problem I'm having now is that
the X axis isn't characters but just numbers from 1 onwards and when i plot
it, the data i have is in descending ord
I have 5 columns- Trial.Group, Mean, Standard Deviation, Upper percentile,
Lower percentile.
Trial.Group 41 subjects: 3 to 4 yrs-Male
Mean 444
SD 25
upper 494
lower 393
and all the data is like that.
and i wish to recreate this excel tabl
5ja7o, h5ih0aufrt.
s2gqnd gkajocjaked 6fzlef, qufk5mowaax0 zcy51g1f. avgvvqnqiq79 g11hp.
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