I am trying to use system() to run some command in OS. such as
system("cmd 'a\tb')
however, it alway runs
cmd 'ab'
instead of
cmd 'a\tb'
How can I prevent system to interpret 'a\tb' to 'ab'?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Yes. I forgot to escape the escape. Thank you so much.
2016-07-21 16:07 GMT-04:00 Sarah Goslee :
> You could escape the backslash.
> system("cmd 'a\\tb'")
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Michael Peng
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
Dear all,
I am now writing a R library. After I build it in Windows *R CMD INSTALL
--build --compile-both foo.tar.gz*, I get a file foo.zip. foo.tar.gz is the
source file tarball. When I tried to install the package in R (
*install.packages("foo.zip")*, or choose the zip file from menu
I am now writing an R package LFSpro. I build it for both Mac OS and
For Windows, the binary package name is LFSpro_1.0.3.zip. It can be
installed into R successfully. But when I changed the name to
LFSpro_1.0.3.Windows.zip, an error occurred:
Error in read.dcf(file.path(pkgname,"DE
I see. Thanks a lot.
On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, Uwe Ligges
> On 11.11.2014 23:05, Michael Peng wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am now writing an R package LFSpro. I build it for both Mac OS and
>> Windows.
>> For Windows, the bi
2016-02-15 10:53 GMT-05:00 ce :
> Dear all,
> I can't find an answer to this simple question:
> a.ts <- ts(1:10, frequency = 1, start = c(1959, 1))
> > a.ts
> Time Series:
> Start = 1959
> End = 1968
> Frequency = 1
> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
> Now I wan
I added two sliderInput into the app with package "shiny": sliderA and
sliderB. The values in the two sliders are correlated. If I change sliderA,
I used updateSliderInput to update the value in sliderB. And also If I
change sliderB, I used updateSliderInput to update the value in slideA.
> })
> observe({
> updateSliderInput(session, 'r2', value=input$r^2)
> })
> I did end up in a loop once when I happened to choose just the wrong
> value and the rounding caused a jumping bac
I see. Thanks a lot for your help.
2013/9/12 Bert Gunter
> No No! The parent environment is **not necessarily** the enclosing
> environment. The difference is crucial. R looks for free variables in the
> enclosing, **not** the parent environment (although they are often the
> same). Please
I thought '+' was defined in a more basic level. I usually use CPP. R is
very different from CPP in many basic concepts.
2013/9/12 William Dunlap
> Typo: in
> environment(fun) <- new.env(parent=parent.env())
> the parent.env() should have been emptyenv(). But, as
> I said, you do not w
David gave a great solution. I think it is better to start from 0 to min(M)
instead of from min(M[c(1,3)]) to avoid negative values in the table. If
the minimum is in M[1] or M[3], a = 1:min(M). Otherwise, d=1:min(M).
2014-06-24 13:18 GMT-05:00 David L Carlson :
> Since a 2x2 table w
You can use the following command:
tmp <- get(foo)
2014-06-24 15:35 GMT-05:00 David Stevens :
> R community,
> Apologies if this has been answered. The concept I'm looking for is to
> save() an object retrieved using get() for an object
you can get a new data frame by
merge(qpiso, qplegit, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE, by = "iso" )
Take the subtraction on the new data frame.
2014-06-29 11:24 GMT-05:00 Dr Eberhard Lisse :
> I have two data frames like so
> > qpiso
> iso requests
> 1A1 20
> 2A2 199
> 3
For the t-test, you used the two-tailed t-test. It is the default. Here I
think you should set alternative="less" in the t.test function.
2014-06-29 8:41 GMT-05:00 dhs :
> Trying to understand how to analyze my data, sample data follows. I want
> to know if the student scores increased from sem
Did you add xaxt = "n" in the plot function?
Try the following:
plot(x,y, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, at = c(14, 20),labels = c("14h", "20h") )
2014-07-01 12:41 GMT-05:00 Michael Millar :
> Hi,
> I am new to R and am trying to create a graph with Time(24hr) along the x
> axis. Rather than start at 01
15 matches
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