[R] Selecting Variables

2008-08-05 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, i have a dataset that i want to dynamically inspect for the number of variables that start with "Exposure_" and then for these count the entries across each case i.e ID Exposure_1 Exposure_2 Exposure_3 1y yy 2y y

Re: [R] Selecting Variables

2008-08-05 Thread Michael Pearmain
of NAs > > y <- y[complete.cases(y),] > > y > ID variable value > 1 1 Exposure_1 y > 2 2 Exposure_1 y > 3 3 Exposure_1 y > 4 1 Exposure_2 y > 5 2 Exposure_2 y > 7 1 Exposure_3 y > > cbind(Unique=tapply(y$ID, y$ID, length)) > U

[R] Flag variable

2008-08-13 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I have 4000 case which have string variables in them, i want to do some fuzzy matching and create a new variable that is of the same length with 0 or 1's if i use the code test<- agrep("web Klick",ETC$Exposure.Type , max = 2, ignore.case = TRUE) it works but i get > length(test) [1] 3127

[R] Help with nls and error messages singular gradient

2009-08-25 Thread Michael Pearmain
data = mydata, start = list(beta1 = 3, : singular gradient Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks in advance Mike -- Michael Pearmain Senior Analytics Research Specialist “Statistics are like women; mirrors of purest virtue and truth, or like whores to use as one pleases” Google UK Ltd

[R] Viewing Function Code

2009-09-15 Thread Michael Pearmain
> barplot2 function (height, ...) UseMethod("barplot2") Mike -- Michael Pearmain Senior Analytics Research Specialist "I abhor averages. I like the individual case. A man may have six meals one day and none the next, making an average of three meals per day, but that is no

[R] List mappings and variable creation

2009-10-12 Thread Michael Pearmain
true combinedc 2 countertrue combinedd 3 countertrue combinede 1 So i dont have to create the dummy variables. does this make sense? Many thanks in advance Mike -- Michael

[R] Numeric formatting question

2009-11-10 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I have am using Sweave and the \Sexpr{} to place some numeric variables in my tex document. I want to format the number prior to entry so they read slightly more elegantly. Say i have the following numbers x <- 0.00487324 y <- 0.00432 z <- 0.567 I would like to have the numbers displa

[R] Title splitting function

2010-01-22 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I'm trying to write a function to automatically split long strings so they will appear nicely in a chart i'm trying to create, Say i have a string title <- "some variety of words that are descriptive" In this instance i want to place carriage return where there is a space just prior to

[R] Passing function arguments

2011-02-11 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, Im looking for some help passing function arguments and referencing them, I've made a replica, less complicated function to show my problem, and how i've made a work around for this. However i suspect there is a _FAR_ better way of doing this. If i do: BuildDecayModel <- function(x = "thi

[R] Passing Arguments in a function

2011-02-15 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I'm having some trouble assigning arguments inside a function to produce a plot from a model Can anyone help me? Below I've outlined the situation and examples of failing and working code. Regards Mike ## data ## decay.data <- ... behaviors lift reach.uu estimated.conversion

[R] R code for OptiGrid Clustering

2011-08-26 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, Has anyone coded up the OptiGrid clustering algorithm for high dimensional space? If so is anyone willing to share? Many thanks in Advance Mike [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.eth

[R] Loading List data into R with scan()

2011-06-23 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I've been given a data file of the form: 1: 3,4,5,6 2:1,2,3 43: 5,7,8,9,5 and i want to read this data in as a list to create the form: (guessing final look) my.list [[1]] [1] 3 4 5 6 [[2]] [1] 1 2 3 [[43]] [1] 5 7 8 9 5 I can get to a stage using scan: scan("my.data", what = character

Re: [R] Loading List data into R with scan()

2011-06-23 Thread Michael Pearmain
Thanks Uwe, The list elements was a mistake on my part, i just wanted everything before the : to be the name of the element. Thanks for the help, i can play around with this to get what i want. M 2011/6/23 Uwe Ligges > > > On 23.06.2011 16:39, Michael Pearmain wrote: > >>

Re: [R] Loading List data into R with scan()

2011-06-23 Thread Michael Pearmain
Thanks All, Henrique, gave me the solution is was looking for, the indexing was a mistake on my part. Thanks again On 23 June 2011 16:37, David Winsemius wrote: > > On Jun 23, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: > > >> >> On 23.06.2011 16:39, Michael Pearm

[R] Using Match in a lookup table

2011-06-28 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I'm having a few problems using match and a lookup table, previous Googling show numerous solutions to matching a lookup table to a dataset, My situation is slightly different as i have multiple lookup tables, (that i cannot merge - for integrity reasons) that i wish to match against my da

Re: [R] Using Match in a lookup table

2011-06-28 Thread Michael Pearmain
Thanks for the idea David, My problem comes from having (say) upto 10 different match files, so nested ifelse whilst would work doesn't seem and elegant solution, However if needs must.. Mike On 28 June 2011 14:39, David Winsemius wrote: > > On Jun 28, 2011, at 6:18 AM, Michael Pea

[R] Convert ragged list to structured matrix efficiently

2011-12-20 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I'm wanting to convert a ragged list of values into a structured matrix for further analysis later on, i have a solution to this problem (below) but i'm dealing with datasets upto 1GB in size, (i have 24GB of memory so can load it) but it takes a LONG time to run the code on a large datase

[R] missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

2011-12-23 Thread Michael Pearmain
Merry Xmas to all, I am writing a function and curiously this runs sometimes on one data set and fails on another and i cannot figure out why. Any help much appreciated. If i run the code below with data <- iris[ ,1:4] The code runs fine, but if i run on a large dataset i get the following error

Re: [R] missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

2011-12-23 Thread Michael Pearmain
. You can test it to see if this is true. > > You can use the following command: > > options(error=utils::recover) > > and then learn how to use the 'browser' to examine variables when the > error occurs. > > On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Michael Pearmain >

[R] Assign and cmpfun

2012-01-06 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I've just recently discovered the cmpfun function, and was wanting to to create a function to assign this to all the functions i have created, but without explicitly naming them. I've achieved this with: foo <- function(x) { print(x)} bar <- function(x) { print(x + 1)} > foo <- function

[R] Merging two dataframes

2008-06-06 Thread Michael Pearmain
have 1800 cases while the ETC data file only has 67 and the SURVEY file only has 28. (Reading the help it looks as if it merges 1 case with all cases in the other file, which is not what i want) The matching variables fields are the 'ord' field and the 'uid

[R] Missing Data and applying

2008-06-09 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, Newbie question that i'm sure is easy, but i can't seem to apply properly I read in a datafram from a CSV file and i want to tell R that from coloum "n_0" to "n_32" the value "-1" is missing data i was looking at the is.na(xx) <- c(..,...,) idea but i can't seem to apply it properly, can

[R] Calling functions

2008-06-17 Thread Michael Pearmain
Another newbie question. I've written a function and saved the file as Xtabs.R, in a central place on a network so others will be able ot use the function, My question is how do i call this function? I've tried to chance the working directory, and tried to load it via; > library(Xtabs, lib.loc="/

[R] Z test and proportions

2008-06-17 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I have a table based on ordial data and i want to compare proportions and i've seen in the pwr package i can use power.prop.test however i want to find out what the sig. value is based on n1,n2,p1,p2 and this package doesn't contain this.. Does anyone know of a package that does or is it

Re: [R] Z test and proportions

2008-06-17 Thread Michael Pearmain
t 5:13 PM, Peter Dalgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michael Pearmain wrote: > > Hi All, > > > > I have a table based on ordial data and i want to compare proportions and > > i've seen in the pwr package i can use > > power.prop.test > > >

[R] Problems with basic loop

2008-06-20 Thread Michael Pearmain
I'm having trouble creating a looping variable and i can't see wher ethe problem arises from any hep gratfully appreciated First create a table x<-table(SURVEY$n_0,exposed) > x exposed False True Under 16241 16-19 689 20-24 190 37 25-34 5

Re: [R] Problems with basic loop

2008-06-20 Thread Michael Pearmain
> to look at z-tests for proportions to check for post-hoc differences > > Any advise on other methods would be gratefully taken > > > > On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Peter Dalgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > >> Michael Pearmain wrote: >> > I&#

[R] Deleting multiple variables

2008-09-22 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, i have searched the web for a simple solution but have been unable to find one. Can anyone recommend a neat way of deleting multiple variable? I see, i need to use dataframe$VAR<-NULL to get rid of one variable, In my situation i need to delete all vars between two points. I've used the '

[R] Contional

2008-09-23 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I'm having trouble selecting rows to delete, that i can't seem to overcome. Below is some sample data, i am trying to dedup the data based on each user, and simultaneously the timestamp (at the side i have highlighted expected row to be removed) I've looked at the lag function but can't

[R] Help with aggregation

2008-10-02 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I seem to be having a few troubles with aggregating data back onto the the dataframe, I want to take the max value of a user, and then apply this max value back against all id's that match (i.e a one to many matching) Can anyone offer any advice? is there a better way of doing this? Dummy

[R] Time conversion

2008-10-02 Thread Michael Pearmain
07-07-2008-13:39:55 timestamp<-strptime(timestamp,"%d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S") ## then filter on the datetime time<-ifelse(timestamp> "07-08-2008-00:00:00", TRUE, FALSE) -- Michael Pearmain Senior Statistical Analyst Google UK Ltd Belgrave House 76 Buckingham Palace Ro

[R] Timestamps and manipulations

2008-10-13 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I've a couple of questions i've been struggling with using the time features, can anyone help? sample data Timestampuser_id 27/05/08 22:57 763830873067 27/05/08 23:00 763830873067 27/05/08 23:01 763830873067 27/05/08 23:01 763830873067 05/06/08 11:34 763830

[R] comparing with lead function

2008-10-15 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I've been trying to compare if the previous value in a variable is equal to a binary value..(i.e i want to check if the last event was a yes or no) i've been trying to write some code for this, but it seems overly elaborate, can anyone suggest a better / shorter / neater way? The below doe

[R] Paste in a FOR loop

2008-12-31 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I've been having a little trouble using R2HTML and a loop, but can't figure out where the problem lies, any hints gratefully received. My code at the minute, (Which does work) is in the following: library(R2HTML) HTMLStart(outdir = file.path("C://Example_work","R_projects","Dynamic_creati

[R] t.test in a loop

2009-01-28 Thread Michael Pearmain
ot; "power" [28] "tt" > for(i in names(channel.data.train[,c(1:16)])){ + t.test(get(paste("channel.data.train$",i,"~channel.data.train$power",sep=""))) + } Error in get(paste("channel.data.train$", i, "~channel.data.train

[R] Forecasting with dlm

2009-03-11 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I have a problem trying to forecast using the dlm package, can anyone offer any advise? I setup my problem as follows, (following the manual as much as possible) data for example to run code CostUSD <- c(27.24031,32.97051, 38.72474, 22.78394, 28.58938, 49.85973, 42.93949, 35.92468) libra

[R] Loop swith String replacement

2008-12-05 Thread Michael Pearmain
2212 1.7443 0 2 14 Chrome 6012 0.2253 0 2 15 Chrome 2414 4.3348 1 3 -- Michael Pearmain Senior Analytics Research Specialist Google UK Ltd Belgrave House 76 Buckingham Palace Road