2017-10-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Xavier You problem comes from using attach(). Do not do that, it usually ends in tears. Either use the data parameter to the functions which support it or look at with() and within(). On 28/10/2017 21:11, CHIRIBOGA Xavier wrote: Dear colleagues, How can I do to "relevel" the intercept

Re: [R] Survival model error

2017-11-06 Thread Michael Dewey
Try putting your data.frame (train_na) as argument to the data= parameter and then in the formula put the actual variable names but without the train_na$ prefix. On 06/11/2017 13:45, Meghna Govil via R-help wrote: Thanks David. Could you show me how to do that in my example ? Thanks, Meghna

Re: [R] update R version in windows

2017-11-10 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Stephen Does section 2.8 in the Windows FAQ help you? Michael On 10/11/2017 16:49, Bond, Stephen wrote: Is there a utility which will allow me to upgrade my R version and update all packages from the old version? If I manually upgrade, then I have to manually re-install 50 packages. Than

Re: [R] Primer for working with survey data in R

2017-11-12 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Kevin The nearest equivalent to the SPSS VALUE LABELS is the labels in factor(). If you want to attach labels to a whole question like VARIABLE LABELS then you may want to use an attribute using attr() Michael On 11/11/2017 19:56, Kevin Taylor wrote: I am taking a behavioral stats grad

Re: [R] RStudio blank upon opening

2017-11-17 Thread Michael Dewey
I believe RStudio has its own help forums where you might find expert advice. On 17/11/2017 14:15, Beginner via R-help wrote: I'm having a problem: RStudio (on  desktop comp) blank upon opening (after I update Win7). I tried different things (reinstalled R and RStudio, backuping  RStudio se

Re: [R] Changeing logarithms

2017-11-19 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Liz I am not sure I completely understand your problem but you can create a new variable by going newVariable <- log(oldVariable) or in many cases just use log(oldVariable) where you previously used oldVariable Michael On 19/11/2017 00:21, Aino Rprogram wrote: Hi! I'm using a large

Re: [R] Preventing repeated package installation, or pre installing packages

2017-11-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Larry As far as your first question is concerned I think one of require or requireNamespace may be what you need. Michael On 29/11/2017 14:28, Larry Martell wrote: I have a R script that I call from python using rpy2. It uses dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2. The script has install.packages com

Re: [R] Where is R 3.4.3 (announced for 30.November)?

2017-12-02 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Christian It is available now. Perhaps the mirror you are using has not quite caught up yet? On 02/12/2017 09:37, Christian wrote: Havin Porblems with R 3.4.2, I am waiting for R 3.4.3 to be available. Nothing appers on CRAN for R 3.4.3. When will R 3.4.3 be avalable? Best   C. -- M

Re: [R] chi-square distribution table

2017-12-18 Thread Michael Dewey
You might get better answers if you show us what you attempted and why it did not do what you had wished for. On 18/12/2017 14:41, HATMZAHARNA via R-help wrote: Please could you tell me how to make code to make chi-square distribution table? Please help __

Re: [R] offset with a factor

2017-12-20 Thread Michael Dewey
The documentation for ?offset states that you can have more than one offset. Michael On 20/12/2017 14:51, Bond, Stephen wrote: Knowledgeable useRs, Please, advise how to use offset with a factor. I estimate monthly effects from a much bigger data set as monthly effects seem to be stable, and

Re: [R] Facing problem in installing the package named "methyAnalysis"

2017-12-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Pijush You might do better to ask on the Bioconductor list as IRanges does not seem to be on CRAN so I deduce it is a Bioconductor package too. Michael On 29/12/2017 07:29, Pijush Das wrote: Dear Sir, I have been using R for a long time. But recently I have faced a problem when inst

Re: [R] RQuantLib

2017-12-30 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Bob In fact the current release is 3.4.3 I can think of no reason why that should matter here but it might be worth trying to upgrade to it. Michael On 29/12/2017 18:31, rsherry8 wrote: Joshua, Thanks for the response. When you said at least version 3.4.0, I upgraded to 3.4.2 which I

Re: [R] setting constraints on gam

2018-01-13 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Alejandra in case you want to move on before Simon replies see inline On 12/01/2018 22:50, Alejandra Martínez Blancas wrote: Thanks Simon, by cloning a smooth construct do you mean copying and modifying the smooth constructor code? That is what I understand him to mean yes. (I believe it

Re: [R] Clinical Trial data sets in public domain?

2018-01-14 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Robert This might seem more suited to the Open Data site in the Stack Exchange family. The answer must depend on what you mean by public domain as data sets are available from drug company sites on application but presumably with restrictions on re-publication. Michael On 13/01/2018 21

Re: [R] JGR not installed. Attempting to install from CRAN...

2018-02-20 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Jenny From your email address I would have thought one of the two South African ones would be best. In the unlikely event of your chosen mirror not being up-to-date, try another one. Michael On 20/02/2018 07:55, Jenny Coetzee wrote: Loris, thank you thank you so much!!! do you know wh

Re: [R] Problem with Rd2.tex tduring compilation

2018-03-05 Thread Michael Dewey
The error is that one of your documentation files is failing. Try compiling each one separately with R CMD Rd2pdf yourfilenamehere.Rd and see what happens. There is a list especially for package developers which might be better in future. Michael On 05/03/2018 10:51, michael tsagris via R-he

Re: [R] Σχετ: Problem with Rd2.tex tduring compilation

2018-03-05 Thread Michael Dewey On 05/03/2018 13:46, michael tsagris wrote: Hi and thanks for the prompt reply. I cannot say I understood or know what to do. Can you please tell me which is this mailing list? Στις 2:15 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 5 Μαρτίου 2018, ο/η Michael Dewey

Re: [R] exporting data to stata

2018-03-22 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Rosario Your object called data1 is, as you showed us, of the wrong class. You therefore need to convert it in some way although i suspect you will then use the survey information. Michael. On 22/03/2018 07:46, rosario scandurra wrote: Hi, I am new to R and I want to export data into

Re: [R] How do I include a factor in a groupedData object? Meaning and use of inner and outer parameters

2018-03-22 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear John You are only allowed to have the primary covariate on the left hand side of the vertical bar. Other covariates go in inner or outer. Michael On 22/03/2018 12:59, Sorkin, John wrote: Windows 10 64-bit, R-Studio, R version 3.4.3 Several questions relating to groupedData: (1) I am

Re: [R] convert numeric variables to factor

2018-04-10 Thread Michael Dewey
Not sure whether this is the problem but calling your data frame data.frame is not a good idea. On 10/04/2018 11:48, Saif Tauheed wrote: Thank you very much. After that I have the following error: cols<- c("GrMM", "RELG", "CASTE1", "SECTOR", "SECTOR4","AGE", "MARITAL", "JOBSTATUS", "ENG", "ED

Re: [R] Help with R-Calling forth csv.

2018-04-16 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Mohammad Perhaps if you showed us what you tried people could offer more helpful advice? When you say you want to call it forth do you mean you want to read in the file using read.csv? Michael On 16/04/2018 11:23, Mohammad Areida wrote: Hi, I'm working on R trying to find a distributio

Re: [R] Modèle à Equations structurelles

2018-05-10 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Yaya You will get more responses if you can post in English which is the language of the list. If you want advice about package choice you need to tell us what packages you have considered and rejected. You would also benefit from searching the CRAN Task Views - possibly the Psychometri

Re: [R] Installing an Archived Package

2018-05-16 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Evguenia What happens if you manually download the version you want and run install.packages() on that file? Your first attempt is on a .tar file not on the tar.gz file in the archive, not sure if that makes a difference. Michael On 16/05/2018 16:24, Evguenia Ignatova wrote: Hello, I

Re: [R] Installing an Archived Package

2018-05-16 Thread Michael Dewey
our time! Best, Evguenia [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] How to extract values after using metabin from the package meta?

2017-05-04 Thread Michael Dewey
Try using str(the_name_of_your_object) and see if you get any clues as to where it is putting them. Sorry I cannot help further but I do not use meta myself. On 04/05/2017 15:29, jan Pierre wrote: Hello, I’m trying to do a meta-analysis with R. I tried to use the function metabin from the pac

Re: [R] I cannot run R.EXE or RSCRIPT.EXE

2017-05-05 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Dominik Try this Open a command window Type PATH Does the path to where R has stored its executables appear on the PATH? Either way get back to us with more details. On 05/05/2017 11:01, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 04/05/2017 4:08 PM, Dominik Szewczyk wrote: I cannot run R.EXE or RSCRIPT.EX

Re: [R] loading edited functions already in saved workspace automatically

2017-05-05 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Ralf You can manually save it with savehistory(insertyour preferred filenamehere.r) or does that not do what you hoped? On 05/05/2017 14:44, Ralf Goertz wrote: Am Fri, 05 May 2017 06:30:01 -0700 schrieb Jeff Newmiller : The answer most people seem to use is to avoid depending on functio

Re: [R] help regarding r-project

2017-06-08 Thread Michael Dewey
I do not think anyone is going to be able to help you unless you can provide a reproducible example with a clear account of what it dies and what you expected it to do. On 08/06/2017 06:34, Sai Sathvick wrote: hello sir/ma'am, trying to build a small prototype of resum

Re: [R] Comparing pooled proportions(complication and reoperation rates) of different treatment modalities

2017-06-24 Thread Michael Dewey
Note though that this has been put on hold on as off-topic. On 23/06/2017 19:33, Bert Gunter wrote: Probably the wrong list. R-help is concerned with R programming, not statistics methodology questions, although the intersection can be nonempty. I suggest you post on st

Re: [R] Model studies in one analysis using treatment as a five level moderator in a meta-regression

2017-06-28 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Jay I am not that familiar with the meta package but it looks as though it does not allow you to do a meta-regression within metaprop. However there is a function metareg which takes the object you created with metaprop and allows you to add a moderator so i would try that next. By moder

Re: [R] Creating two groups of random numbers

2017-06-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Please do not cross post as people waste time replying on one forum not knowing you have already received excellent advice on another. On 29/06/2017 14:44, Naike Wang wrote: Hi all, I want to create two groups of random numbers to calculate proportions. The first group is to represent the numbe

Re: [R] par(mfrow) for heatmap plots

2017-07-23 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Brian If you look at ?heatmap and the second paragraph of the Note you will see that it is behaving according to its documentation. On 23/07/2017 13:11, Brian Smith wrote: Hi, I was trying to use par(mfrow) to put 4 heatmaps on a single page. However, I get one plot per page and not one

Re: [R] Plotting log transformed predicted values from lme

2017-08-10 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Alina If I understand you correctly you cannot just have a single predicted curve but one for each level of your factor. On 09/08/2017 16:24, Alina Vodonos Zilberg wrote: Hi, I am performing meta-regression using linear mixed-effect model with the lme() function that has two fixed effe

Re: [R] Plotting log transformed predicted values from lme

2017-08-10 Thread Michael Dewey
repeat each factor level 118 times. Then plot the predicted values using lines separately for each subset of data corresponding to a level of your factor (choosing a different line type) Thank you! Alina *Alina Vodonos Zilberg* On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 7:39 AM, Michael Dewey mailto:li

Re: [R] Shiny install failed

2017-08-15 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Zack At a guess you are on Windows and instead of installing from the zip file you are trying to install from source. If you do not grasp the difference try posting again showing us exactly what command you used and confirm your operating system Please also post in plain text not HTML as

Re: [R] Meta-regression of categorical variables

2017-08-18 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Kammy You might get better responses on the mailing list dedicated to meta-analysis in R Note you need to register first before posting. On 18/08/2017 10:18, Kammy Tang wrote: Dear metafor users, I am working on a meta-analysi

Re: [R] Σχετ: show 0 at y axis in xyplot lattice

2017-09-12 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Maria The file you attached to your first e-mail did come through but I think some people on the list must have missed it. Michael On 12/09/2017 12:54, Maria Lathouri via R-help wrote: Dear all, Thank you very much for the help. ylim=c(-5, 80) worked. Regarding the reproducible example,

Re: [R] How to add make option to package compilation?

2017-09-15 Thread Michael Dewey
In line On 15/09/2017 13:30, Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen wrote: On 15 September 2017 at 14:13, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 15/09/2017 8:11 AM, Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen wrote: Hi, I am installing a lot of packages to a new R installation and it takes a long time. However

Re: [R] R_LIBS_USER not in libPaths

2017-09-16 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Rene I am not sure I understand your problem so this may be completely uselss but when I am going to run R from the command line I first of all run a little batch file. set R_HOME=C:\Users\Michael\Documents\bin\R\R-3.4.1 set R_PATH=%R_HOME%\bin\x64 set PATH=%R_PATH%;%PATH% Someone (forg

Re: [R] Converting SAS Code

2017-09-29 Thread Michael Dewey
You might get better answers if you 1 - break this down into separate issues 2 - tell us what you want to achieve in words rather than SAS, we all read English but few of us speak SAS 3 - post in plain text not HTML as HTML mangles your post On 29/09/2017 13:47, Andrew Harmon wrote: Hello all

Re: [R] Fwd: R errors

2017-10-02 Thread Michael Dewey
You need to give us some more information. What package(s) are you using? What are TAbehdata, TAeff, TA_coev_Second_Attempt? It might help to show us the output of sessionInfo too. It is better to post in plain text not HTML as HTML can end up mangled so we do not see what you thought you sent

[R] Fwd: Re: Fwd: R errors

2017-10-02 Thread Michael Dewey
Please do not just reply to me but also to the list as other people there more expert than I may be able to help you better. Michael Forwarded Message Subject:Re: [R] Fwd: R errors Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 18:39:39 +0900 From: NYI NYI HTWE To: Michael Dewey

Re: [R] Issue calling MICE package

2017-10-04 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Ole One of the experts may be able to diagnose this without extra information but I suspect you have not got the right magic in your NAMESPACE file in your package. You may need to re-read section 1.5.1 of the Writing R extensions manual. Michael On 04/10/2017 13:47, Ole Høst wrote: I

Re: [R] dput(treat)

2017-10-11 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Ted Comments in line On 11/10/2017 11:59, Ted Beginner (RStudio) via R-help wrote: I got advice here that I didn't understand! Can I ask to explain me the meaning of this procedure: first get the structure, and then assign it back. For what? Thanks!  (Great thanks to Moderator/Admin!)

Re: [R] looping using 'diverse' package measures

2017-10-19 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Li Not absolutely sure what you want to do but try ?aggregate ?by ?apply (or one of the other apply functions, possibly tapply On 19/10/2017 11:29, Li Jiang wrote: Hi everyone, I'm new at R (although I'm a Stata user for some time and somehow proficient in it) and I'm trying to use the '

Re: [R] error in data.farme--duplicate row.names error

2016-05-19 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Lisa What does Bmat contain? Perhaps try table(table(Bmat)) and see if any entries are greater than unity. On 19/05/2016 15:16, Rees, Lisa Marie (MU-Student) wrote: I'm using the "GameTheory" package--- DefineGame(14,values) and values is equal to 16,383 observations. I keep getting th

Re: [R] Change sum of squares type for ANOVA

2016-05-20 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Michael F What you say is of course true but Michael E (or possibly Simone) seems to be using a function glht from an unnamed package. Since we do not have the data or the offending output it is hard to be sure though. Michael D On 20/05/2016 13:49, Michael Friendly wrote: Use car::Ano

Re: [R] R vs SPSS - simple effects analysis in mixed 2x2 ANOVA scheme - same data, different results

2016-05-22 Thread Michael Dewey
The only people who will be able to help you are people who use both R and SPSS as you do not show the result from either. So even though they can re-run your R commands they cannot compare them with SPSS. On 22/05/2016 09:49, Michu Kom wrote: down votefavoriteHell

[R] Fortune candidate, was Re: Shaded areas in R

2016-05-26 Thread Michael Dewey
In a reply Duncan said On 26/05/2016 16:12, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 26/05/2016 11:03 AM, Óscar Jiménez wrote: You should try things; R won't break. Duncan Murdoch __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://st

[R] Urdu text problems, was Re: Query about Text Preprocessing (Encoding)

2016-05-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Would it be a good idea to mention Urdu in the subject line as other people who deal with Urdu, but not specifically text mining, may be able to help? I have added it to my reply On 29/05/2016 08:20, Khadija Shakeel wrote: i want to work with Urdu language but R is only displaying Urdu text bu

Re: [R] Regression and Sub-Groups Analysis in Metafor

2016-05-31 Thread Michael Dewey
In-line On 30/05/2016 19:27, Dan Kolubinski wrote: I am completing a meta-analysis on the effect of CBT on low self-esteem and I could use some help regarding the regression feature in metafor. Based on the studies that I am using for the analysis, I identified 4 potential moderators that I wan

Re: [R] Whether statistical background is must to learn R language

2016-05-31 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Prasad If you want to use R to do statistics then statistical knowledge is essential. If you want to use R to do one of the many, many other things it can do then you only need knowledge of whichever of those is your target. On 31/05/2016 08:22, Prasad Kale wrote: Hi, I am very new to

Re: [R] Request for help

2016-06-04 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Suparna You do not say whether the problem is (a) creating a help page to start with (b) understanding how to edit it afterwards. If the former then Duncan's advice to use prompt (or package.skeleton if you have not got anything set up yet) is good advice. If (b) then try it and post agai

Re: [R] Merging variables

2016-06-06 Thread Michael Dewey
X-Originating-<%= hostname %>-IP: [] Dear Georg I find it a bit surprising that you end up with customer.x and customer.y. Can you share with us a toy example of two data.frames which exhibit this behaviour? On 06/06/2016 13:29, wrote: Hi All, I merged

Re: [R] problem: the id of the data set

2016-06-09 Thread Michael Dewey
Perhaps I do not understand you correctly but why not create a variable for the id before you merge? On 09/06/2016 09:00, 周 可卫 wrote: I got the dataset after merge two old one .The id of the column isn’t just the number of the column.So when I identify some obs,I got the figure 28000(though

Re: [R] trouble double looping to generate data for a meta-analysis

2016-07-02 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Marietta Comments in-line On 01/07/2016 18:28, Marietta Suarez wrote: i'm trying to generate data for a meta analysis. 1- generate data following a normal distribution, 2- generate data following a skewed distribution, 3- generate data following a logistic distribution. i need to loop this

Re: [R] Comparing two diagnostic tests with lme4

2016-07-04 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Keno I am not sure from your description what your scientific question is but if you want to bring together a number of diagnostic test results and then see the influence of moderator variables you might want to investigate packages directed at meta-analysis. I have used mada but there a

Re: [R] 'ref' must be an existing level

2016-07-09 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Shivi Are you sure that the level is "honors" and not " honors" or "honors " or something similar? On 09/07/2016 11:50, Shivi Bhatia wrote: Hi Peter, It gives me breakdown of all categories with their respective freq. Diploma general honors 50 45 105 On Sa

Re: [R] 'ref' must be an existing level

2016-07-09 Thread Michael Dewey
but it is spelled as honors. Hi Peter, there are only 3 levels : Diploma general honors. I have downloaded the data set from url : ""; On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Michael Dewey>> wrote: D

Re: [R] Missing rows anova

2016-07-19 Thread Michael Dewey
Presumably it disappears because there is a unique value of ID for eac combination of S*x1 so they are indistinguishable. On 19/07/2016 12:53, Justin Thong wrote: Why does the S:x1 column disappear (presumably S:x1 goes into ID but I dont know why)? S is a factor, x1 is a covariate and ID is a

Re: [R] frequency of items

2016-07-20 Thread Michael Dewey
It seems very unlikely that what you quote can be a data frame. It could be a list I suppose. Can you clarify? On 19/07/2016 11:59, sri vathsan wrote: Hi, I have a data frame like below. 11,15,12,25 11,12 15,25 134,45,56 46 45,56 15,12 66,45,56,24,14,11,25,12,134 I want to identify the freque

Re: [R] splitting a vector of strings

2016-07-21 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Eric I think you are looking for sub or gsub Without an example set of input and output I am not quite sure but you would need to define an expression which matches your separator (;) followed by any characters up to the end of line. If you have trouble with that then someone here will n

Re: [R] Why the order of parameters in a logistic regression affects results significantly?

2016-07-22 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Peter Have you tried removing the intercept? Just put -1 at the end of your formula. On 21/07/2016 23:04, Qinghua He via R-help wrote: Using the same data, if I ran fit2 <-glm(formula=AR~Age+LumA+LumB+HER2+Basal+Normal,family=binomial,data=RacComp1)summary(fit2)exp(coef(fit2)) I obtaine

Re: [R] metafor estimates using mods and subset do not match

2016-07-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Kathryn I think that the author of metafor has addressed this The other tips on that site are well worth reading too. On 29/07/2016 14:44, Morris, Kathryn wrote: I am running a meta-analysis using metafor and get

Re: [R] Multiple plot in a page

2016-08-03 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Rosalina I do not think par(mfrow(c(1, 2)) does what you think it does although mfrow(c(2, 2)) might. You could consider using layout() instead On 03/08/2016 06:44, roslinazairimah zakaria wrote: Dear r-users, I would like to plot 4 graphs arranged as 2 by 2 and follows are my codes. H

Re: [R] Odds ratios in logistic regression models with interaction

2016-08-04 Thread Michael Dewey
Laviolette, Michael wrote : > I'm trying to reproduce some results from Hosmer & Lemeshow's "Applied > Logistic > Regression" second edition, pp. 74-79. The objective is to estimate odds > ratios > for low weight births with interaction between mother's age and weight > (dichotomized at 110 lb.

Re: [R] metaprop

2016-08-08 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Carlos If you use functions from a contributed package it is best to tell us which package. There are nearly 9000 of them. On 07/08/2016 17:13, Carlos Javier Rincon Rodriguez wrote: hi, i am using the funtion metaprop but when i try to save the proportion estimation by subgrup using the

Re: [R] structure breakpoint for panel data

2016-08-12 Thread Michael Dewey
There are many packages with names like breakpoint, segmented, strucchange, I have no idea which of them if any will meet your use case. On 11/08/2016 22:13, farzana akbari wrote: in the name of God hi can you help me and tell which package and function can calculate structure breakpoin

Re: [R] fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & algorithm did not converge

2016-08-12 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Shivi Can you show us the output? And please do not post in HTML as it will mangle your post into unreadability. On 12/08/2016 10:10, Shivi Bhatia wrote: Hi Team, I am creating *my first* Logistic regression on R Studio. I am working on a C-SAT data where rating (score) 0-8 is a dis-sa

Re: [R] fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred & algorithm did not converge

2016-08-12 Thread Michael Dewey
rate any coefficients and > simply throws this error. > > I hope you are not asking for a reproducible example. > > On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 7:30 PM, Michael Dewey>> > w

Re: [R] Loop over folder files

2016-08-23 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Juan If this is a Stata 13 file the package readstata13 available from CRAN may be of assistance. On 22/08/2016 18:40, Juan Ceccarelli Arias wrote: I removed the data,frame=True... I obtain this warnings... Error in read.dta(fuente[i]) : not a Stata version 5-12 .dta file In addition: Th

Re: [R] robumeta package - error

2016-09-02 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Kristina I do not use that package so cannot offer any direct help but 1 - can you fit the model with any other combination of parameters? 2 - what happens if you vary rho? 3 - if your data-set is small and not confidential can you share it, otherwise can you show us str(anxiety_control) o

Re: [R] impossible # of errors in a simple code

2016-09-04 Thread Michael Dewey
A useful rule is to fix the first error you understand and hope that the others go away. On 04/09/2016 04:05, Tamar Michaeli wrote: Any help in resolving the following errors will be appreciated: pollutantmean <- function(directory, pollutant, id=1:332) + file_inc <- list.files("specdata", f

Re: [R] Is there t.test with null hypothesis?

2016-09-08 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Matti On 08/09/2016 13:06, Matti Viljamaa wrote: I’m trying to do a t-test, where the null hypothesis for the two data sets has to be: “the means are the same”/“difference in means is equal to one” That is two statements not one. Do you mean that your null is that the difference is 1?

Re: [R] How to construct a double-entry with variables from a dataset

2016-09-23 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Marcela Can you clarify what you mean by a double entry table? On 23/09/2016 15:07, Andrea Marcela Huerfano Barbosa wrote: Hi everyone, My name is Marcela, I am bachelor student of statistics. I have a data frame with 59 variables and two of them are categorical and have three levels eac

Re: [R] Bootstrapping in R

2016-10-01 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Bryan You are not resetting the seed each time by any chance? Michael On 01/10/2016 02:44, Bryan Mac wrote: Hi, I have read the help page and it was helpful but, I am having concerns because each time I run this code I get the same value. I expected that each time I run the code, I will

Re: [R] Need online version of R help pages

2015-04-18 Thread Michael Dewey
I am not sure how helpful this is going to be but Appendix C7 in the Installation and Administration manual is pretty bleak about your prospects with Cygwin. On 18/04/2015 02:17, Paul Domaskis wrote: With all due respect, Duncan, I can't find the message advising against using the Cygwin port.

Re: [R] generate a list as follows: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, . . . . ., n, n, n, n

2015-04-20 Thread Michael Dewey
On 19/04/2015 15:34, John Sorkin wrote: Windows 7 64-bit R 3.1.3 RStudio 0.98.1103 I am trying to generate a list of length 4n which consists of the integers 1 to n repeated in groups of four, i.e. 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3, . . . . , n,n,n,n (The spaces in the list are added only for c

Re: [R] Metafor - function - variance components

2015-04-21 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Carlijn You might shed some light on what is going on by using Michael On 21/04/2015 09:42, Carlijn Wibbelink wrote: Thank you for your reaction, it worked. However, I'm wondering if this is the right way to test whether there is significant variation on one of the two leve

Re: [R] create function to plot high density data using lattice

2015-04-23 Thread Michael Dewey
I suspect Luigi that if you wrap the call to xyplot in print( ) matters might be improved. On 23/04/2015 13:50, Luigi Marongiu wrote: Dear all, with the most useful help of Duncan I updated a script to plot high density data in the form of 384 squares containing tiny plots. The function wo

Re: [R] problem setting default timezone

2015-04-23 Thread Michael Dewey
In-line below On 23/04/2015 14:01, Bos, Roger wrote: Dear All, I would like to learn the proper way to set the default time zone so I get the correct date for my files. The code below is non-reproducible (sorry) because it is based on a file on my system, but I hope someone will be able to h

Re: [R] Error in solve.default(-val)

2015-04-23 Thread Michael Dewey
Andrés Si prefieres escribir en español seria mejor (That is a link to the Spanish language version of R-help) On 23/04/2015 05:24, Andrés M wrote: Buenas noches, comedidamente me dirijo a ustedes para hacerles una consulta respecto a un error que

Re: [R] Help Interpreting Linear Mixed Model

2015-04-27 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Joshua It would also help if you told us what your scientific question was. At the moment we know what R commands you used and have seen the head of your dataset but not why you are doing it. I would summarise what you have given us as 1 - most ID only occur once 2 - goal keepers do wor

Re: [R] Help with making Loop

2015-05-02 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Fazal I think part of your problem can be addressed with merge go ?merge at the R prompt On 01/05/2015 21:05, Hadi Fazal wrote: Hi everyone, I am a real beginner to R and have probably a very naive issue. I've a small data frame with three columns: Unique Sample ID, Gene 1 and Gene 2 (the

Re: [R] Request for functions to calculate correlated factors influencing an outcome.

2015-05-03 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Lalitha, see inline below On 03/05/2015 10:19, Lalitha Viswanathan wrote: Hi I have a dataset of the type attached. Here's my code thus far. dataset <-data.frame(read.delim("data", sep="\t", header=TRUE)); newData<-subset(dataset, select = c(Price, Reliability, Mileage, Weight, Disp, HP));

Re: [R] Issues with loading csv file

2015-05-25 Thread Michael Dewey
You could try list.files() which will tell you which files R thinks are in your working directory. On 25/05/2015 13:19, Shivi82 wrote: HI All, I am trying to load an CSV file into the R project. the code for the same is: mydata<- read.csv("Jan-May Data.csv", header=TRUE) however with this I a

Re: [R] Help on Histogram ~ Barplot

2015-05-27 Thread Michael Dewey
On 27/05/2015 11:56, Shivi82 wrote: HI Jim, Thanks for the help however R throws an error when i create a var tot_mon_wt- tot_mon_wt<-by(mwlc$MFST_WT,mwlc$Month,sum). It gives me an error = Error in Summary.factor(c(1L, 1L), na.rm = FALSE) : ‘sum’ not meaningful for factors Not sure what t

Re: [R] analysis of variance test

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Nezahat In future it would be helpful if you 1 - gave us the data so we can reproduce what you are doing 2 - told us what the error was in case we cannot replicate ti 3 - did not post in HTML as it messes up everything in your post What did you think x1 <- numeric was going to do? Try x1 <-

Re: [R] merge function

2015-06-01 Thread Michael Dewey
On 01/06/2015 14:46, carol white via R-help wrote: Hi,By default the merge function should take the intersection of column names (if this is understood from by = intersect(names(x), names(y)), Dear Carol The by parameter specifies which columns are used to merge by. Did you understand it t

Re: [R] pairwise.t.test non numeric factors error

2015-06-03 Thread Michael Dewey
Just to be on the safe side, what is T? It is recommended to use TRUE in case you set T to something else. I think this is very unlikely to solve the problem but it is worth trying. On 03/06/2015 18:14, Erica Cseko Nolasco wrote: Thanks Jim, I removed the corresponding cases and tried again.

Re: [R] Request

2015-06-15 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Djamil On 15/06/2015 14:37, MALIOU Djamil wrote: Dear Sir or Madame, I am a novice in R, and I want to perform a meta analysis of case control studies (analytic), i want a step by step explanation if it's possible, You can find details about packages which support meta-analysis in R in t

Re: [R] Restricting Decimal Places in the Output

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Shivi On 17/06/2015 13:15, Shivi82 wrote: Hi Petr, The solution you shared worked though it does not show any decimal values. The output is Group.1 x 11/1/2015309450 2 1/10/2015 332780 Instead of mean i used sum & i think that should be fine. aggr<-aggregate(retail

Re: [R] create a dummy variables for companies with complete history.

2015-06-24 Thread Michael Dewey
Comments below On 24/06/2015 19:26, giacomo begnis wrote: Hi, I have a dataset (728 obs) containing three variables code of a company, year and revenue. Some companies have a complete history of 5 years, others have not a complete history (for instance observations for three or four years).I

Re: [R] Fishers test.

2015-06-30 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Harmeet Well 1 - why not try it? 2 - what does the help say? Or do you have some deeper question? On 30/06/2015 13:20, My List wrote: All: I wanted to know if the fishers test can be applied to RxC where and R and C are greater than 2, by using the fisher.test() or fisher.test() with hy

Re: [R] what constitutes a 'complete sentence'?

2015-07-07 Thread Michael Dewey
In line below On 07/07/2015 11:20, peter dalgaard wrote: ...except that there is not necessarily a verb either. What we're looking for is something like "advertisement style" as in UGLY MUGS 7.95. An invaluable addition to your display cabinet. Comes in an assortment of warts and wrinkles, c

Re: [R] Differences in output of lme() when introducing interactions

2015-07-20 Thread Michael Dewey
In-line On 20/07/2015 15:10, wrote: Dear List Members, I am searching for correlations between a dependent variable and a factor or a combination of factors in a repeated measure design. So I use lme() function in R. However, I am getting very different results depen

Re: [R] R: Re: R: Re: Differences in output of lme() when introducing interactions

2015-07-21 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Angelo I suggest you do an online search for marginality which may help to explain the relationship between main effects and interactions. As I said in my original email this is a complicated subject which we are not going to retype for you. If you are doing this as a student I suggest

Re: [R] Compute z

2015-07-26 Thread Michael Dewey
Dear Hal Are you looking for %*% by any chance? On 26/07/2015 09:38, wrote: Hi Everyone: How do I correctly compute z? z = 0; for i = 1:7 z = z + v(i) * w(i) end If there are two column vectors v and w, each with 7 elements (i.e., they have dimensions 7x1)

Re: [R] Global variables

2015-07-28 Thread Michael Dewey
In line comments On 28/07/2015 13:22, jpara3 wrote: Hi, I want to pass a variable value from one function to another, but not as a function argument. For this propose I have put <<-, but it doesn´t work. My code: one<-function(){ a<<-"variable passed" } So you have to execute one() first?

Re: [R] Clarification on Simulation and Iteration

2015-08-01 Thread Michael Dewey
I am not sure how you are doing this but there is a package on CRAN which implements the Copas model (metasens). I am not sure whether that would help in your modelling. On 01/08/2015 02:36, Christopher Kelvin via R-help wrote: Dear All, I am performing some simulations for a new model. I run

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