Dear R-users,
I am trying to create a model using the NLS function, such that:
Y = f(X) + q + e
Where f is a nonlinear (Weibull: a*(1-exp(-b*X^c)) function of X and q is a
covariate (continous variable) and e is an error term. I know that you can
create multiple nonlinear regressions where x i
-Original Message-
From: Gabor Grothendieck []
Sent: 25 August 2009 17:53
To: Lindsay Banin
Subject: Re: [R] Covariates in NLS (Multiple nonlinear regression)
Try this:
RSiteSearch("Weibull regression&q
Hi there,
I have been trying to fit an NLME to my data. My dataset has two category
levels - one is a fixed effect (level1) and one is a random effect (level2),
though so far I have only experimented with the highest level grouping (fixed,
level1), with the following code:
mod1 <- nlme(H ~ a*(
Hi there,
I am trying to compare nonlinear least squares regression with AIC and anova.
The simplest model is one nonlinear curve, and in the more complex model I have
a categorical variable (producing parameter estimates for four curves).
Both models run fine, but when I try to produce an AIC v
Dear R users,
Does anybody have a function to calculate logLik or AIC for nlsList objects?
After receiving error messages, another user helped me ascertain that this
function is not currently written into R.
Many thanks
Hi there,
I am looking to compare nonlinear mixed effects models that have different
nonlinear functions (different types of growth curve)embedded. Most of the
literature I can find focuses on comparing nested models with likelihood ratios
and AIC. Is there a way to compare model fits when mode
Hi all,
Many thanks for your advice.
-Original Message-
From: Peter Flom []
Sent: 12 June 2009 11:18
To: Lindsay Banin; ''
Subject: Re: [R] Comparing model fits for NLME when models are not nested
000488281 reduced
below 'minFactor' of 0.000976563".
Any ideas?
Many thanks in anticipation,
Lindsay Banin
School of Geography
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
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